Yanbian, July 7 -- Jilin Yanbian Intangible Cultural Heritage Songs and Dances have endured for a long time: "Generation Z" has taken over the flame of inheritance

China News Network reporter Shi Hongyu

When the prelude to the classic song "Red Sun Shines on the Frontier" sounded, the 27-year-old Yoon Young-hoon faced the audience with a bright smile, and then flicked the elephant hat on his head - the several meters long streamer on the hat rotated like the wind, like a dancing "rainbow". Yoon Young-hoon controls his limbs to the beat, creating a cheerful stage atmosphere with the other actors.

In Wangqing County, Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture, Jilin Province, Yin Rongxun is one of the many "Generation Z" who has inherited the flame of Chinese Korean agricultural music and dance. In 2009, Korean agricultural music and dance was inscribed on UNESCO's Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, becoming the only dance program selected in China.

Young actors perform the Chinese Korean agricultural dance – the Elephant Hat Dance. Photo by Jin Yan

Yoon Young-hoon's favorite elephant hat dance is a representative dance form of Korean agricultural dance. "This is an art that can represent our frontier region, showing the beautiful qualities of our people who can sing and dance well, and are industrious and hospitable." Yin Rongxun believes that the agricultural music dance has strong vitality, appeal and cohesion, "it is a blooming Jindalai." ”

In the Yanbian area of Jilin, Chinese Korean agricultural music and dance have a wide audience. Children as young as three or four years old and elderly people over the age of antiquity will spontaneously jump up during traditional festivals, festivals and family reunions. Although young, Yoon Young-hoon has been systematically exposed to Korean agricultural music dance (elephant hat dance) for more than 10 years, and now he is also a county-level non-genetic inheritor.

In his studio, many young people come to study together. "Young people's hobbies are more diverse, Chinese style, rap, street dance, we adapt these elements into this traditional art." Yoon Young-hoon said that inheriting through innovation has given the Korean agricultural music dance (elephant hat dance) a strong appeal.

Yanbian Prefecture holds hundreds of various cultural performances every year, where young people either "implant" elephant hat elements in popular culture, or integrate popular culture into traditional programs to "compete" on stage.

Chinese Korean agricultural music and dance performance. Photo by Jin Yan

Yoon Young-hoon's inheritance of the "fire" comes from the old Kim Mingchun, a representative inheritor of the national intangible cultural heritage of Chinese Korean agricultural music dance (elephant hat dance), although he is 64 years old, he is still active on the stage. Kim Myung-chun set a Guinness World Record by throwing a 30-meter double ribbon in 32 seconds and jumping 44 times.

"My mission is to put this art in the hands of young people." When Kim Myung-chun is interested, he will run to the stage to participate in the performances of young people. He introduced that Chinese Korean agricultural music dance is a combination of performance, singing and dancing, and the dance is accompanied by the beat of Suona, dongxiao, gong and drum, "It is a big category." ”

Some young people are very attached to this skill. Tae Yongchun is a "post-90s" inheritor, and his classes teach not only Korean agricultural music dance (elephant hat dance), but also "Generation Z" long drums, masks, zheng and so on. "Behind these elements is the history of Korean farming and is part of Chinese civilization."

The young people who have recently come to the studio to study are "preparing for" Yanbian for the August and October cultural performances. During local interviews, the reporter learned that the official protection and promotion role is crucial.

In Wangqing County, the Chinese Korean Agricultural Music and Dance Exhibition Hall is an institution that inherits and protects the "Chinese Korean Agricultural Music Dance (Elephant Hat Dance)", and it is also the only exhibition hall in China with the theme of Korean agricultural music and dance so far. It was built with the goal of "strengthening the protection of cultural relics and cultural heritage".

The theater set up in this exhibition hall is often rehearsed with cheerful musical instruments and singing. The elderly group formed by 60-year-olds, the young and middle-aged group composed of members aged 30 to 50, and the children's group often meet here.

"The Korean Agricultural Music Dance in China lives on and on, passing it on from generation to generation." Kim Myung-chun said. (End)