Beijing, July 7 (Reporter Shangguanyun) Since its release, with the display of Tang poems and the content of the story, the animated film "Chang'an 24,<> Li" has not only continued to rise at the box office, but also received many praises.

In the story of "Chang'an 30,000 Li", Gao Shi and Li Bai are two important characters. Are they good friends? Which poet of the Tang Dynasty achieved more poetry? Zhou Xinglu, a professor of Chinese at Peking University and author of "The General Knowledge of 300 Tang Poems," said that Li Bai, Gao Shi, and Du Fu once roamed the Liang and Song dynasties together, and later established a deep friendship. And Du Fu is much younger than Li Bai, and he is still Li Bai's "iron fan".

Gao Shi's friendship with Li Bai

In "Chang'an 30,000 Li", Gao Shi and Li Bai knew each other very early and had a good friendship with each other.

"Chang'an 30,000 Li". Photo courtesy of the film

Zhou Xinglu said that in history, Li Bai and Gao Shi were about the same age, and the Tang Dynasty had a roaming style, plus Du Fu, the three roamed the Liang and Song dynasties together, that is, today's Kaifeng, Henan, and Shangqiu. There are different theories about the time, the Qing people say that Tianbao is three years, and the Song people say that it is the twenty-fifth year of the new century.

Du Fu was much younger than Gao Shi and Li Bai, and this roaming left a deep impression on him, so much so that he was later repeatedly mentioned in poems, such as "Journey to the Past" Yun: "The former Gao and Li ascended to the stage of their father in the evening." "Gao Shi has a song "Song Zhong Bie Zhou, Liang, Li Sanzi", in which he praised Li Bai for being highly senior and free of distractions, and would soon have an official position.

Li Bai is a wild man, and this wandering does not seem to leave much memory in his poems. Soon, the three were invited by Beihai Taishou Li Yong to meet again and established a deep friendship. The three poets traveled together, leaving behind a story through the ages.

However, this friendship changed after the outbreak of the "Anshi Rebellion".

In the twelve years of Tianbao, Gao Shi saw that Geshuhan, the envoy of Hexi Jiedu, was appointed secretary and was very trusted. The "Anshi Rebellion" broke out, and he assisted Geshuhan in defending Tongguan. After the fall of Tongguan, Gao Shi followed Emperor Xuanzong to the west and was awarded the posts of Imperial Attendant and Counsellor.

After that, Li Xuan, the king of Yong, rebelled in Jiangnan, and Emperor Suzong of Tang appointed Gao Shi as the envoy of Huainan Jiedu to fight against King Yong. At this time, Li Bai had been wandering around the Jiangnan area, and was conquered by Li Xuan, the king of Yong. In this way, Gao Shi and Li Bai were each the masters and were in different camps.

After Li Xuan's rebellion was put down, Li Baidong went into hiding, but was finally arrested and imprisoned in Xunyang Prison. He asked Gao Shi for help, and he was very pitiful.

But Gao Adaptive did not come forward to save Li Bai. Zhou Xunchu's "Gao Shi Nian" said: "Gao Shi seems to have no help to Li Bai's doom. Later, Li Bai was exiled to Yelang, traveled to the White Emperor City, was pardoned and released, and wrote the ancient masterpiece "Early White Emperor City".

Is Du Fu a "fan" of Li Bai?

In addition, some people say that Du Fu is a "fan" of Li Bai. Although this is an online vocabulary, it is generally true.

Since the fourth year of Tianbao, the two have not seen each other since they separated in Yanzhou, so Du Fu wrote in "Meng Li Bai Qiji" that "the wanderer has not arrived for a long time". He frequently dreamed of Li Bai for three consecutive nights, but said that Li Bai came to the dream on purpose, and he saw that he was even more friendly.

"Chang'an 30,000 Li". Photo courtesy of the film

In addition, Du Fu's five-word rhythm poem "The End of Heaven Huai Li Bai" begins with the words: "When the cool breeze rises at the end of the sky, what does a gentleman mean?" This expresses a deep concern for Li Bai. The third sentence, "When will the wild geese arrive?" has long waited for the letter but has not arrived. The fourth sentence, "There are many rivers and lakes and autumn waters", implies that the world is dangerous. The neck link "The article hates life, and the charm is gratifying", which is a famous sentence for thousands of years.

Finally, the two sentences "should share the words of the wronged soul and submit poems to Miluo", saying that Li Bai went to Yelang to pass through Miluo, and should give Qu Yuan a poem to confide in him, which means that Li Bai suffered huge life grievances like Qu Yuan.

Li Bai's unruly behavior is unacceptable to the world. Du Fu, however, was Li Bai's "iron fan", writing in "Not Seen", "Everyone in the world wants to kill, and I have only mercy." However, Li Bai did not write many poems to Du Fu, and they were basically written when he traveled to Qilu together in his early years.

Who achieves more in poetry?

In terms of literary achievements, Li Bai and Gao Shi are both representatives of the poets of the Sheng Tang Dynasty, but not a heavyweight.

Gao Shi wrote more than 200 poems in his lifetime, and Li Bai had more than <>,<>, a large difference in number. To borrow the words of Gao Yi's "Tang Poetry Collection" in the early Ming Dynasty, Gao Shi is a famous master, Li Bai is authentic, and Du Fu is everyone.

To write poetry, Li Bai has no body, and all of them are very good, but the seven laws write less. Gao Shi mainly wrote Bian Sai poems, which came from the life of the army, and Gao Shi's poetry was very famous at that time. In "Don't Dong Da", "Don't worry about the road ahead without knowing yourself, who in the world does not know the king", has become a daily idiom today.

Gao Shi was outspoken and daring, and often advised the imperial court during the "Anshi Rebellion", which can be described as capable of writing and martial arts, and his insight and merit are above ordinary poets such as Li Bai. The Old Book of Tang says: Since the Tang Dynasty, the only poet who has attained (high) is suitable. It's just that Gao Shi belongs to the "late arrival", went to Chang'an exam around the age of 35 and failed, and was still poor until the age of 49. At the age of 50, he was recommended by someone to get the official post of a county lieutenant, and he was in charge of public security in Fengqiu County, and he was very unwilling.

In his early years, he had set an ambition to relieve the suffering of the people. However, it was not until he entered Geshuhanmu at the age of 53 that his life began to turn around, and he made important contributions to the Jingbian Anbang of the Tang Dynasty.

"Three Hundred Tang Poems" General Knowledge. Published by Chung Hwa Book Company

Zhou Xinglu believes that the ancients said: "Tai Shang Li Virtue, followed by meritorious service, followed by speech." "In comparison, Li Bai is only standing for words, and Gao Shi is both for his words and meritorious service, and both of them are immortal.

An aesthetic journey of Tang poetry

Tang poetry, Song poetry, Yuan songs, and Ming and Qing dynasty novels are all literature of one generation.

By the Tang Dynasty, all bodies had matured and reached their peak of creation. Especially in the heyday of the Tang Dynasty, there were many talents, backbone, and vocal rhythm. Tang poetry has always been an important material for Tongmeng education, and the "Three Hundred Tang Poems" compiled by Sun Su in the Qing Dynasty was widely circulated.

However, not every Tang poem has the meaning of children's education. Some poems are not suitable for teenagers and beginners, so reading Tang poetry requires discernment.

In "Three Hundred Tang Poems", Zhou Xinglu proposed that the spiritual outlook of Tang poetry can be summarized as the spirit of the ranger Shangwu, the confident and flamboyant personality, the broad and benevolent feelings, and the natural interest of the landscape.

In his view, in-depth reading of Tang poetry is an aesthetic journey of wandering and flying, "As the essence of Chinese culture, Tang poetry has irreplaceable value in cultivating common knowledge, consensus and empathy among young people." (End)