Xi'an, July 7 (Reporter Zhang Yichen) "Suhang Wei Jinfeng has already 'clocked in', and this time he came to Xi'an to experience Tang Han uniforms. Zhang Yihan, a "post-25" girl from Beijing, said excitedly.

As dusk approaches, a Hanfu restaurant near Xi'an's Big Wild Goose Pagoda enters its busiest time of day. The owner, Zhu Xuyan, explained the knowledge of Hanfu, choosing clothing and styling styles to customers who had just entered the store. Inside the store, several Hanfu makeup artists are waving makeup brushes in their hands to "draw eyebrows and sideburns" for young tourists who come to experience the "Tang Chao".

A Hanfu makeup artist styling a guest. Photo courtesy of interviewee

Xi'an is rich in tourism resources, with the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, Ming City Wall, Bell and Drum Tower, Terracotta Army and other scenic spots well-known at home and abroad, attracting a large number of tourists every year. At the same time, with the increasingly diversified consumer demand in the cultural tourism market, the local focus on cultural and artistic style and immersive cultural tourism project innovation has gradually made the formerly niche Hanfu gradually become an "Internet celebrity" project in the cultural tourism industry. Among them, Hanfu makeup artist, as a new profession, ushered in new employment opportunities in new consumption scenarios.

"We now have five professional Hanfu makeup artists, most of whom have switched careers from the film and television industry." Zhu Xiyan introduced that for professional Hanfu makeup artists, understanding the design and makeup of Hanfu in different dynasties is only a basic skill. Explaining the clothing styles, makeup characteristics, and even historical background of different periods to guests is the daily work of Hanfu makeup artists.

Zhu Xiyan told reporters that in recent years, Chinese traditional culture has become more and more popular among young people, and everyone not only wants to experience the sense of passage after wearing Hanfu, but also hopes to understand the history and culture behind makeup. "Zhang Guan Li Dai is not only not good-looking, but also not conducive to people's understanding and dissemination of relevant cultures."

In addition, Zhu Xuyan, who graduated from Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology, proposed that a mature Hanfu makeup artist needs to go through at least a year of makeup system learning, "In the entire industry, the difficulty of antique makeup is second only to film and television special effects makeup, and it is much more complicated than the 'bridal makeup' that ordinary people know." At present, good "makeup girls" are hard to find, which has become the biggest factor limiting her scale.

According to data from the Meituan platform, since the beginning of this year, the number of orders related to Hanfu Experience has increased by 307.9% year-on-year, and Xi'an, Jiaxing, Suzhou, Luoyang and Nanjing are the top five cities with the largest online order volume. At the same time, in the first quarter of this year, searches for keywords related to "Hanfu" in Shaanxi increased by more than seven times year-on-year.

Tourists dressed in Hanfu play in Xi'an Tang Paradise. Photo by Zhang Yichen

Not only Xi'an, Luoyang, Hangzhou, Dunhuang, Dali and other places have ushered in a round of Hanfu fever, and a group of professional Hanfu makeup artists have also emerged.

According to the "2022-2023 China Hanfu Industry Status and Consumer Behavior Data Research Report" released by iMedia Consulting, the scale of China's Hanfu market will exceed 2021 billion yuan in 100. It is expected to reach 2025.191 billion yuan in 1, 2015 times that of 100, and there is still a lot of upside in the future.

Industry insiders pointed out that with the help of local life service platforms and online social platforms, traditional culture is becoming more and more favored by young consumers, and Hanfu experience has become a new scene for cultural tourism consumption, driving the prosperity of local cultural tourism consumption, and also promoting the emergence of new professions such as Hanfu makeup artists and Hanfu designers, and absorbing more employment groups. (End)