Yongzhou, 7 Jul (Zhongxin Net) -- At present, Qiyang City, Hunan Province has entered a crucial period of "double robbery" of rice, and peasants braved the scorching heat to rush to harvest early rice and plant late rice, laying a solid foundation for a bumper grain yield throughout the year.

In Simutang Village, Babao Town, as soon as one harvester finished harvesting a hill of fields, another rotary cultivator followed the field and began to plow, while the transplanter quickly planted tender green seedlings in the already leveled paddy fields, and flocks of egrets and sparrows followed the agricultural machinery to circle and dance over the farmland, sketching a splendid picture of harmonious coexistence between man and nature.

"Now that everything has been mechanized from planting to harvesting, the efficiency is very high, and there is no need to worry about the 'double grab' being busy and missing the farming time." A major grain grower in Simutang Village, Babao Town, said.

Agricultural machinery is harvesting in rice paddies. Photo courtesy of the Propaganda Department of the Qiyang Municipal Party Committee

Wen Jianquan planted a total of more than 300 mu of early rice this year, all of which were "rice oil rotations," and the mu yield reached more than 600 kg, an increase of more than 50 kg over last year's mu yield. In order to catch up with the schedule, he made an appointment with the village agricultural machinery cooperative in advance, requesting one-stop services of harvesting, field drilling, and machine insertion, and has completed more than 270 mu of early rice harvesting and more than 220 mu of late rice planting, and it is expected that the "double grab" operation can be completed in two or three days.

"Now is the double rush season, our village uses the existing three harvesters and three rotary cultivators to organize agricultural mechanics to provide rush harvest and plug services for the people and large grain farmers, and more than 3,3 mu have been rushed to harvest and plug so far, effectively solving the urgent and difficult expectations of grain farmers." Deng Xianyong, secretary of the party branch of Simutang Village, said that now with the help of agricultural machinery, villagers no longer have to worry about the abandonment of farmland in the village.

At present, scenes like Simutang Village that organize agricultural mechanics to rush to harvest early rice and plant late rice for grain farmers are being staged all over Qiyang.

In Fulian Village, Maozhu Town, agricultural mechanics from Qiyang Tongchuang Agricultural Machinery Cooperative are driving harvesters through golden rice waves...

"I planted more than 200 mu of early rice this year, and entrusted all of them to Tongchuang Agricultural Machinery to collect and bake on behalf of me, which not only saves time and worry, but also saves expenditure and increases efficiency." Jiang Shuanghua, a major grain farmer, said that "double robbery" is now much easier than ever.

Bai Xin, head of Tongchuang Agricultural Machinery Cooperative, said that after the "double robbery" mode was opened, they organized a total of 15 agricultural machinery operators to work in the field, and have provided more than 1000,6000 mu of machine harvesting services and more than <>,<> mu of machine insertion for surrounding farmers.

At the Yijia Agricultural Rice Drying Center in Guanyintan Town, Qiyang, 9 groups of batch circulating grain dryers are running at full capacity, and a large truck full of rice is unloading at the input port of the dryer. "Now with the machine drying service, it is good, and the grain is put into the warehouse before it lands, which not only reduces the loss but also improves the quality and efficiency, so that our grain farmers can completely get rid of the worries brought by the drying of grain." Mo student, a major local grain farmer, said.

"In order to speed up the harvesting progress, we not only organized agricultural machinery to go out of villages and cross-town operations in the city, but also introduced more than 290 harvesters from Henan and Jiangsu to help farmers harvest, helping to accelerate the 'double grab' and ensure a bumper yield of late rice planting." Gui Wenming, director of Qiyang Agricultural Machinery Affairs Center, introduced.

In order to ensure the safe and efficient production of agricultural machinery during the "double grab" period, the agricultural and rural departments of Qiyang City planned and deployed early, actively organized agricultural machinery operators to carry out agricultural machinery operation training for more than 650 people, and set up 22 agricultural machinery volunteer service teams to go deep into the fields to follow up and guide agricultural machinery operations.

Summer harvest and summer planting are busy, and the pellets are returned to the warehouse steadily. In accordance with the principle of "ripening one, grabbing one piece, ploughing one piece, and rushing to insert one piece", Qiyang City has organized more than 660 harvesters, more than 2100,520 sets of cultivation machinery, more than 220 rice transplanters, and 39 dryers into the tense battle of "double grab", ensuring that 41,2 mu of early rice grains in the city are returned to the warehouse and <>,<> mu of late rice are planted in time. (End)