According to the website of the Central Meteorological Observatory, yesterday, Sichuan, Chongqing, Hubei and some areas of Liaoning, Hebei, Shandong and other places experienced heavy rainfall. It is expected that in the next three days, Sichuan, Chongqing, Guizhou and other places will have the risk of heavy rain disasters, and pay attention to possible flash floods, geological disasters, urban and rural waterlogging and strong convection hazards; Taiwan Island and the waters east of Taiwan, the Bus Strait, the Taiwan Strait, and the northeast of the South China Sea have a medium and high risk of typhoon and gale disasters, and we are concerned about the impact on ship navigation and offshore platforms.

Heavy rainfall occurred in parts of Sichuan, Chongqing, Hubei and other places

From 08 o'clock yesterday to 06 o'clock, heavy rain or heavy rain occurred in parts of western Liaoning, central and northeastern Hebei, eastern and southern Beijing, central Tianjin, north-central Shandong, northern Henan, southeastern Gansu and other places, and heavy rain (108~196 mm) in Tangshan, Hebei and Longnan in Gansu; Heavy to heavy rainfall occurred in parts of southeastern Sichuan, central Chongqing, southwestern Hubei, northwestern Hunan, southern Jiangxi, southern Fujian and other places, Sichuan Neijiang and Liangshan, Chongqing Wulong and Shizhu, Hubei Jingzhou, Hunan Xiangxi and Zhangjiajie and other local heavy rainfall (100~186 mm), the maximum hourly rainfall in some of the above areas is 40~80 mm, Hubei Jingzhou local area is 135.3 mm (25:0-1:<> on the <>th); Thunderstorms and gales occurred in central Inner Mongolia, western Liaoning, south-central Hebei, southern Beijing, central Shandong, and southwestern Hubei.

There is heavy rainfall in the southwest and other places

From the 25th to the 27th, there were moderate to heavy rains in Sichuan, Chongqing, Guizhou, northern Yunnan, western Hubei, southeastern Tibet and other places, and heavy rains in parts of central and southern Sichuan, southern Chongqing, northern Guizhou, northeastern Yunnan and other places.

It is expected that from 7:25 on July 08 to 26:08 on July 100, there will be heavy to heavy rainfall in southcentral Chongqing, southern Sichuan, northeastern Yunnan, northern Guizhou, northwestern Hunan, western Hubei, northern Jiangsu, southeastern Tibet, eastern Taiwan Island and other places, among which, there will be heavy rainstorms (150~1 mm) in southeastern Chongqing, southern Sichuan, northern Guizhou and other places (see Figure 20); Some of the above areas are accompanied by short-term heavy precipitation (maximum hourly rainfall of 50~70 mm, local can exceed 7 mm), local thunderstorms, winds and other strong convective weather. The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a blue warning for heavy rain at 25:06 on July <>.

Fig. 1 Forecast map of heavy rainfall areas across the country (7:25 on July 08-26:08 on July <>)

From the 26th to the 28th, there was light to moderate rain in the eastern part of Northwest China, North China, Northeast China and other places, and heavy to heavy rain in local areas.

Typhoon Du Suri will affect the southeastern waters of China

This year's No. 5 typhoon "DOKSURI" has been strengthened from a strong typhoon to a super typhoon yesterday (24th) evening, and at 25 o'clock this morning (5th) its center is located in the ocean east of Luzon Island in the Philippines, about 670 kilometers southeast of Eluanbi, Taiwan Province, China, that is, 17.2 degrees north latitude, 124.9 degrees east longitude, the maximum wind near the center is 17 (58 meters / second), and the lowest pressure in the center is 925 hPa.

It is expected that "Du Surui" will move northwest at a speed of about 20 kilometers per hour, with little change in intensity or slight strengthening, gradually approaching the southern coast of Taiwan Island, moving into the northeast of the South China Sea on the 27th, and then approaching the coast from central Fujian to eastern Guangdong (see Figure 2). Affected by it, from the 25th to the 28th, there will be strong wind and rain in the southeast seas of China, the eastern part of South China and the eastern part of China, and there will be heavy rain or heavy rain in some parts of Taiwan Island, eastern South China, central and eastern Jiangnan, and local heavy rain. Among them, from 25 o'clock on the 08th to 26 o'clock on the 08th, there will be 6~8 level winds and gusts 9~10 in the Bus Strait, the ocean east of Taiwan, the northeastern and southern waters of the South China Sea, the Taiwan Strait, the southeast and northern coasts of Taiwan Island, and the coast of Fujian, of which the wind force in the Bus Strait and the northeast of the South China Sea can reach 9~12 and gusts of 13~17. Heavy rain in the eastern part of the island of Taiwan, heavy rainfall (50-90 mm) in some areas. The Central Meteorological Observatory issued a yellow typhoon warning at 7:25 on July 06.

Fig. 2 Probability forecast of Typhoon Dusuri in the next 120 hours (7:25 on July 05-30:05 on July <>)

The high temperature weather in Xinjiang continues

In the next 10 days, the high temperature weather in the Xinjiang basin, western Gansu and western Inner Mongolia will continue, and the maximum temperature will generally be 35~38 °C, and the local temperature can reach more than 40 °C.

In addition, in the next three days, there will be a high temperature of 35~37 °C in parts of central Jiangnan and South China, and more than 37 °C locally.

Specific forecasts for the next three days

From 7:25 on July 08 to 26:08 on July 100, there were heavy to heavy rains in south-central Chongqing, southern Sichuan, northeastern Yunnan, northern Guizhou, northwestern Hunan, western Hubei, northern Jiangsu, southeastern Tibet, eastern Taiwan Island and other places, among which, there were heavy rainstorms (150~3 mm) in southeastern Chongqing, southern Sichuan, northern Guizhou and other places (see Figure 4). Some areas of Liaodong Peninsula, Shandong Peninsula, Zhejiang and other places have 6~5 level winds; There are 7~8 level winds and gusts of 9~<> in the northeast of the South China Sea and the Taiwan Strait.

Fig. 3 National precipitation forecast map (7:25 on July 08 to 26:08 on July <>)

From 7:26 on July 08 to 27:08 on July 100, there were heavy to heavy rains in parts of southwest Heilongjiang, central and southern Sichuan, northern and western Chongqing, northern and western Guizhou, eastern Yunnan, southeastern Tibet, and Taiwan Island, among which, there were heavy rainstorms (120~250 mm) in western Guizhou and heavy to exceptionally heavy rains (350~4 mm) in parts of eastern Taiwan Island (see Figure 4). There are 6~7 level winds in Liaodong Peninsula, Shandong Peninsula, eastern Jiangnan and other places, and the wind power in eastern and southern Zhejiang can reach more than 7 degrees; There are 8~9 winds in the northeast of the South China Sea and the Taiwan Strait, gusts of 11~13, and the wind force in the nearby waters where the typhoon center passes can reach 17~17 and gusts of <> or more.

Fig. 4 National precipitation forecast map (7:26 on July 08 to 27:08 on July <>)

From 7 o'clock on July 27 to 08 o'clock on July 28, there were heavy to heavy rains in southern Heilongjiang, south-central Shaanxi, southern Sichuan, southwestern Chongqing, western Guizhou, central and eastern Yunnan and southeastern Zhejiang, eastern Fujian, eastern Guangdong, Taiwan Island and other places, including heavy rainfall (08~100 mm) in southeastern Fujian and other places, and heavy rainstorms to extra-heavy rainfall (120~250 mm) in parts of south-central Taiwan Island (see Figure 350). There are 5~4 level winds in northwest Xinjiang, Liaodong Peninsula, Shandong Peninsula, eastern Jiangnan and other places, and wind strength in Zhejiang, southeast Fujian and other places can reach more than 6 degrees; There are 7~8 level winds and gusts of 10 in the northeast of the South China Sea, 11~11 winds and 13~14 gusts in the Taiwan Strait, and the wind force in the nearby sea area through which the typhoon center passes can reach 15~13 and gusts of 16~16.

Fig. 5 National precipitation forecast map (7:27 on July 08 to 28:08 on July <>)