Healthy posture is comprehensively interpreted through four dimensions

BMI (body mass index), waist circumference, waist-hip ratio, body composition analysis results, etc. are reference standards for measuring weight and health

Whether it's for health reasons or the pursuit of a perfect body, many people are sensitive to their weight numbers. A healthy body is not as light as possible. Clinically, doctors generally use four dimensions of subjective symptoms, objective test results, dietary structure assessment, and body composition analysis to comprehensively interpret and measure weight and health status by BMI (body mass index, body mass index), waist circumference, waist-hip ratio, visceral fat content and other indicators. However, children are different from adults because of their growth and development characteristics, and the evaluation criteria are also different from adults, and children's height and weight levels can refer to children's BMI growth charts.

BMI is not a comprehensive measure of weight and health

Calculation formula: BMI = weight (kg) / height (m) square (kg/m2)

Judgment: Under normal circumstances, the BMI of adults in China is between 18.5-24.0 is in the normal range, less than 18.5 indicates low weight, between 24.0-28.0 means overweight, higher than 28.0 means obesity.

Suggestion: Liu Peng, director and chief dietitian of the Department of Clinical Nutrition at Peking University People's Hospital, said: "We will evaluate people's weight and health through four dimensions, including subjective symptoms (whether patients feel uncomfortable), objective test reports (whether there are abnormal results), dietary structure (whether the dietary intake is reasonable) and body composition analysis (including muscle, fat, etc.). The relationship between weight and health status is not comprehensive enough to judge by BMI index alone, because the BMI index is normal, which can only indicate that the weight is relatively reasonable, can not explain the distribution of fat and muscle in the body, and cannot reflect the content of visceral fat, the most critical factor affecting health. For example, people who are overweight and have not reached obesity may not have various symptoms or abnormal test indicators, which does not mean that weight management is not necessary.

Waist circumference, waist-hip ratio are more risky to abnormal health

Calculation formula: waist-hip ratio = waist circumference / hip circumference

Judgment: Chinese men with waist circumference of more than 85 cm, women with waist circumference of more than 80 cm, is overweight/obese; In terms of waist-hip ratio, no more than 0.85 for women and 0.9 for men belong to the health category.

Recommendations: Studies have shown that for every 10 cm increase in waist circumference, the risk of all-cause death increases by 11%; For every 0.1 unit increase in the waist-hip ratio, the risk of death increases by 20%. Clinically, waist circumference (waist-hip ratio) or visceral fat content analyzed by body composition are used to judge a person's body shape. "If this indicator is high, it is usually called central obesity, abdominal obesity, apple obesity or visceral obesity in clinical practice." Liu Peng introduced.

BMI is an indicator to judge whether the weight is in the normal range, waist circumference, waist-hip ratio and visceral fat content are used to judge fat distribution, if it exceeds the standard, it means that visceral fat is high, and the body's obesity is largely "contributed" by visceral fat. This type of obesity belongs to the central type of obesity, and vice versa is called peripheral obesity. The health risks of central obesity are greater because fat is distributed around internal organs and is more likely to cause changes in internal organ function.

Basic examinations help to understand body composition

If both indicators are high, it is typical of central obesity.

Normal BMI and excessive waist-hip ratio: This is a common invisible obesity in clinical practice, that is, the weight is within the normal range, the visceral fat is high, and the body muscle content may also be low.

BMI exceeds the standard, waist-hip ratio is normal: such people should look at the specific situation of excessive weight through body composition analysis, if it is caused by excessive water, this is edema, and the fitness crowd may be caused by excessive muscle content. There is also a group of people who do have excessive fat, but the fat is mainly distributed in the buttocks and thighs, which we call peripheral obesity.

BMI and waist-hip ratio are low: there is a high probability of malnutrition or wasting, of course, there is relatively healthy leanness, depending on fat and muscle content.

Liu Peng suggested that before clinicians intervene, some basic examinations can help understand the patient's physical health, "In addition to subjective symptoms and objective laboratory tests, it also includes body composition analysis results to facilitate the evaluation of the effect of intervention programs." It can be difficult to understand how visceral fat and muscle change without knowing body composition. ”

Children can refer to the children's BMI growth chart

Yan Jie, director of the Department of Clinical Nutrition of the National Children's Medical Center and Beijing Children's Hospital, pointed out that children are different from adults because of their growth and development characteristics, and the evaluation standards are different from adults, and children's height, weight and BMI level can refer to the corresponding curves.

Weight management is also required for children who are somewhere between overweight and obesity. "Don't wait until your child has already developed obesity to intervene." Yan Jie introduced that parents can analyze their children's diet, family genetic factors, family lifestyle, etc., to see whether their children have high-risk factors for developing obesity. If there is a high-risk condition, weight management should be started when you are overweight.

Yan Jie introduced that the children's hospital will open a summer camp for weight loss every summer. At the camp, children learn about nutrition and health. After leaving the camp, the doctor will also have three months of online follow-up to help the children develop healthy living habits and also help the children form muscle memory for healthy living habits. "Before and after the summer camp, the changes in the children are quite obvious, some children lose more than 2 kilograms of fat and gain more than 1 kilogram of muscle in two weeks, which is not easy."


That's how weight loss is lost in the hospital

Weight loss, can be carried out with the help of doctors, Liu Peng summarized the hospital's fat loss method with a smooth mouth: "Nutrition (diet) is the foundation, exercise to assist, psychology is very important, drug surgery is not advisable." ”

Nutrition (diet) is the foundation: that is, adjustment through dietary means is the foundation;

Exercise to assist: weight loss in hospitals, exercise is not the preferred program, there are some people with joint damage, and it is not suitable for excessive exercise;

Psychology is important: the patient's psychological state is also important, because anxiety, tension and other emotions will affect the body's hormone levels, which in turn affects the accumulation of fat. In clinical practice, the patient's psychological state is first assessed before weight loss;

Drug surgery is not advisable: This undesirability does not mean that drugs and surgery are completely impossible. Instead, nutritionists recommend that lifestyle changes are preferred to deal with weight loss and fat loss, and medications or surgery can be considered when lifestyle conditioning is ineffective, or other special circumstances.

As far as dietary adjustments are concerned, there are three models to refer to:

Limit energy-balanced meals

Many people equate this model with dieting to lose weight, which is a misunderstanding. Diet alone to lose weight, hair loss, anemia, menstrual disorders, insomnia and other side effects may occur. Many people only do half of it, that is, limit energy, and do not achieve balance. The correct approach is to limit the limit, supplement the supplement, the body needs the nutrients, to be fully supplemented.

High-protein, high-fiber diet

The purpose of weight loss is to lose fat, not muscle. The most important nutrient component of muscle is protein, and adequate protein intake can help maintain muscle content, enhance human immunity, and also help improve the body's basal metabolic level. A high-fiber diet can increase satiety, help regulate the intestinal microecology, improve the body's metabolic level, and delay the absorption of blood sugar, blood lipids and cholesterol.

Intermittent fasting

The two most commonly used fasting modes are "5+2" and "16+8". "We prefer to use the '5+2' model, that is, 7 days a week, 5 days to maintain a relatively normal diet, and the other 2 days to eat, about a quarter of the normal level. The 2 days of fasting should be intermittent as much as possible, not continuously. Liu Peng pointed out that when using intermittent fasting, we should also pay attention to the break, such as excessive saturated fat, trans fat, refined sugar, etc.

Beijing News reporter Zhang Xiulan