• Television The emotional goodbye of Ana Rosa Quintana

"Today is Tuesday, July 25. I will not forget this date. Begins... and almost finished The Ana Rosa Program." The good, if brief, twice as good, says the Spanish proverb. And so Ana Rosa Quintana wanted to start her latest Ana Rosa Program.

Ana Rosa's program came of age the same year she was to die. It has not been a painful or traumatic death, as it has been that of Save Me. The end of El Programa deAna Rosa responded to a greater commitment to her mother, to Ana Rosa Quintana. Mediaset is looking for a new direction and they want Ana Rosa Quintana as captain of the ship. Not only do they give him the afternoons to go back at a time when they are completely sunk, but his producer, Unicorn Content, will continue to generate the content of the mornings on Telecinco and Cuatro and, from the end of September, also the afternoons until 19:00 p.m.

That is why when Alessandro Salem arrived at Mediaset as its new CEO replacing Paolo Vasile in his head, among many other things, there was a run run that he communicated to the queen of the mornings from the beginning: he wanted her in the afternoons. In that month of November, Ana Rosa Quintana did not pay much attention to him and gave him long. The presenter was very comfortable in her mornings, she had just returned after overcoming breast cancer and did not give it much importance. But the new year came and Salem's run run was beginning to become tangible. I wanted to put an end to Sálvame and that Ana Rosa Quintana take the reins not only of the afternoons but of the new editorial line and the new Mediaset. And Salem asked again.

This time Ana Rosa Quintana had no escape, she could not say no and turn a deaf ear. She has repeated it many times, the chain needs her in the evenings and she could not turn her back on him. He accepted knowing that his passage to the afternoons meant that the son who had just reached the age of majority, was going to die months after blowing 18.

Today Ana Rosa Quintana did not want to cry, she almost begged her teammates when Joaquín Prat appeared with a bouquet of flowers: "I have never seen you lose your papers, I have never seen you lose your nerve, or say a word louder than another to any member of the team. You've always said that if those around you shine, a ray of light always touches you." Ana Rosa endured the pull and almost succeeded.

"Don't make me cry. I don't want to leave crying," he pleaded with his entire team, the one in front of the cameras and the one behind. It was impossible. Holding back tears, the presenter recalled "the first times" of El Programa de Ana Rosa. He recalled the interview with Ramona Maneiro, the woman who helped Ramón Sampedro die with dignity. He recalled "the first exciting times", such as "the first time that ETA assumed its defeat, the first coronation of kings in Spain or the first coronation of a British king in the XXI century". Also the most convulsive. And he kept holding on.

"Today ends a stage. Today this person closes it with pride. I'll stop saying good morning, but I'll start saying good afternoon." Applause rang out from his entire team and asked them to cut. I didn't want a dramatic or tragic farewell, but it was too complicated no matter how much I know he's going to the set next door.

The Ana Rosa Program was born on January 10, 2005, two days before the birthday of Ana Rosa Quintana and with an Ana Rosa who two months before had just given birth. Today, July 25, 2023, Ana Rosa Quintana has dismissed the program with which she returned to Telecinco, the program that made her shorten her maternity leave, the program that so many successes, but also, as she herself recognizes, has made her go through "very hard" moments.

The data of El Programa de Ana Rosa are the envy of many. No wonder. 19 seasons of consecutive and uninterrupted leadership, with an average audience of 19.8% of the share and 655,000 viewers. That is, during these 18 years the average number of viewers who tuned in to The AR Program every morning has been almost 20 people out of every 100. It is said soon. It is the longest-running program in our country, with 4,654 broadcasts, counting today's. 16,289 hours of live broadcast, 88 politicians, including three presidents of the Government have attended the program. An Ondas Award for best presenter, six Gold TP, the Eisenhower Award, and two Silver Antennas to Joaquín Prat and Patricia Pardo. And, yes, also many, many controversies, many criticisms, many headlines, many blows that Ana Rosa Quintana has been dodging and that she has also given.

That this Monday, the day after elections, the editorial of Ana Rosa Quintana generated so much expectation, for better and for worse, that the results of the elections, is the sample of what for 18 years has generated, sown and collected The Program of Ana Rosa Quintana. Today, on the last day, when it would be expected that Ana Rosa Quintana had started with a farewell editorial, the presenter has preferred to return to what focuses the news, the governance of Spain. In his own way, in his opinion, in his opinion... As usual.

"The leaders are so baffledwith the election result that they do not know how to solve this situation that could be called The WhatsApp dilemma: they do not know whether to congratulate Feijóo or Sánchez. Ortuzar has called Feijóo to ask him to subtract the PNV from his equation, even before starting the talks (...) For his part, Sánchez will not agree with someone as right-wing as Feijóo, but he will try with someone as progressive as Puigdemont. It will never agree with the national right but with the nationalist. In Spain, we have gone from bipartisanship to tribloquism. There are not two blocs, in fact, there are three: the left, the right and the independentists of the left and right." And, another day, the last of El Programa de Ana Rosa, Trending Topic. Even if you go in the afternoon, to entertainment, the presenter is warning, there will be politics if politics is current.

"In September at this time Ana Terradillos will be there and from this time Joaquín Prat will start. Let's not dramatize that I'm going to the end of the hall, that I'm not moving. And I'm afraid that as things are getting we are going to see a lot in the afternoons, "he said when saying goodbye to the collaborators of the political table. The one who warns...

"If there is a teamwork it is that of the TV", started Ana Rosa Quintana, now yes, her last goodbye. "For the programs to work, we have to love each other. There is always a first time in life and there is a last time for everything because they say that human beings need to tell stories to survive. We can talk about 19 years of storytelling." Now he will count them in the afternoon.

  • Ana Rosa Quintana Hortal
  • Ana Rosa's program
  • Telecinco

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