According to the "Report on Nutrition and Chronic Diseases of Chinese Residents (2020)", more than 50% of adult residents in China are overweight and obese, nearly 6% of children and adolescents aged 17-20, and 6% of children under 10 years old. The rapid rise in the rate of overweight and obesity has also given rise to the rapid development of the weight loss industry. Among them, weight loss training camps have quietly become popular in recent years, and when brushing social media such as Douyin and Xiaohongshu, you can see advertisements for weight loss training camps from time to time, and these training camps often focus on "closed training", "eating and wrapping", "signing for weight loss", "no secondary consumption, no invisible consumption", "professional science", "nutritious meals" and so on. Some consumers who have experienced the weight loss training camp are satisfied with the results, some have been there and want to go again, and some want to give up after a few days of entering the camp.

Some are satisfied with the results, others regret signing up

"The effect is quite good", "I rebounded after returning home", "Don't go to the small base", "It's very bitter and tired", "Suitable for people with poor self-control"... The reporter posted on a social platform to ask how the experience of going to a weight loss training camp was, which is the experience left by some consumers. From the experience of these consumers who have participated in weight loss training camps, it can be seen that most of the participants who have participated in weight loss training camps have significant effects, but some people feel that they can bear it, and even enjoy the atmosphere of the training camp, and some people will feel depressed, and some weight loss training camps will ensure the weight loss effect by increasing the amount of exercise.

Ah Ye and his mother saw the training camp video on Douyin and were attracted to participate. "I felt pretty good watching the video, and I said how many pounds I could lose in a month, and I signed up without much thought at that time." Ah Ye said, "I lost about 17 pounds in 15 days here, but I really have a bad mentality and am very depressed here. ”

According to Ah Ye, the weight loss training camp she participated in was 3000,8 yuan a month, training for almost four and a half hours a day, unlimited diet, and a weight loss goal every day, and she had to train more if she couldn't reach it. "The training camp I reported for is the type that only looks at the data, the daily training volume is very large and very hard, practice until you don't want to eat, the next day the flat scale or scale will be punished and practiced, many people here come for a few days can not stand it and leave, the cost is not refunded." If you are lazy, you will practice at night, and it is stipulated that you should lose 6 or <> taels every day, and if you can't reach it, you will practice more. ”

Because he was worried about training, Ah Ye didn't even dare to drink too much water after medium-intensity training. "The amount of water you drink every day should also be controlled, especially after the evening cycling class, if you drink a little too much, the scale may rise the next day, and you will be fined (practice). After coming to the training camp, I was full every day just by training, and after training, I just wanted to lie in bed and rest. If you want to go (weight loss training camp), you must not blindly sign a contract, and ask in advance whether the coach is professional, how is the dormitory environment, food, training intensity and these questions. ”

The problem of practicing without dropping the scale was not only encountered by Ah Ye alone, and another girl who signed up for a weight loss training camp "escaped" home in half a month. She told reporters, "Every day in addition to eating and resting is exercise, at the beginning (weight) drop quickly, at night basically do not need to exercise, the back is more and more difficult, if the day does not lose (weight), the coach will stare at the training at night, after going home, three meals are normal, not much exercise, rebound, fatter than before, I recommend losing weight at home." Another netizen also recommended herself to lose weight at home after experiencing the weight loss training camp, she said, "I came to (weight loss training camp) to lose 18 pounds in 8 days, anyway, I regret it, if I have another opportunity I will definitely choose to lose weight at home." ”

Others are very satisfied with the bootcamp experience. Lulu was about 250 pounds when she entered the camp, and she lost 170 pounds in four months. She told reporters, "The effect is quite good, three and a half hours of training every day, the food is also very good, and every meal can be full." The camp is near my house and I can go home once a week. I signed up for 5 months of classes at once, and I renewed it for 3 months a few days ago. I have been married for 10 years without children, and I plan to lose 130 pounds and go home to get pregnant. ”

Not all people who participate in weight loss training camps are overweight and obese people, and some people come to weight loss camps for a very clear purpose, that is, to be thinner, and even reduce the amount of meals independently. A girl named Tingting (pseudonym) said that those with small bases should not go (weight loss training camp). Tingting is 1.56 meters tall and weighed only 92 pounds before going to the weight loss camp, and her goal is to lose 10 pounds in the weight loss training camp. She told reporters that she is a small base, and she can't lose weight by eating the meals and training of the training camp. "The training camp is rolled, some people don't eat, and some people only eat a few bites. I don't eat the meals here now, and I can gnaw cucumbers to lose weight. Judging from Tingting's social account, she still insists on losing weight in the training camp and records her weight changes every day, and in the 14 days of the weight loss training camp, she has lost 84.7 pounds.

Summer camps are mostly booked in advance

Under the post with the label of "weight loss training camp" released by the reporter, in addition to the replies of some consumers, there are also some training camp messages soliciting students, and some training camp direct private messages hoping to obtain contact information to detail the basic situation of the training camp. The cost of these training camps, a cycle (usually 28 days) is only more than <>,<> cheap, tens of thousands, and even more than <>,<>. In the advertisements of these training camps, the words "contracted weight loss", "scientific and healthy weight loss", "tailor-made" and so on are usually mentioned. Many training camps have also opened self-media accounts, and in the videos released by these accounts, there are often the environment of the base, the process of trainee training, the "metamorphosis" process of trainees, especially the before and after comparison of heavy-weight students.

The reporter consulted three weight loss training camps in and around Beijing on the grounds that their families needed to lose weight, they first asked about height, weight and other information, some training camps eagerly urged to pay a deposit after a brief introduction, and some training camps hoped that consumers would visit the base before making a decision. The height and weight submitted by the reporter are 178 cm and 85 kg, respectively, the three training camps give similar responses, a cycle (28 days) can lose 15-24 pounds, two training camps said that the summer quota is very tight, need to book in advance, "Peak Weight Loss Training Camp" said that you can now come to visit, but there are no beds. Some trainees even came to Beijing from Urumqi to lose weight, and the staff introduced that he resigned from a state-owned enterprise, signed up for 224 days of classes, came 309 pounds, and lost 89 pounds after 92 days of training.

"Signing a contract to lose weight" is the publicity stunt of most training camps, and what is the standard for this signed weight loss, and the reporter consulted with the three training camps.

The staff of the organization called "Magic Thin Weight Loss" clearly told reporters that the weight lost when leaving the camp must be more than agreed in the contract. After adding the reporter's contact information, the staff member asked about height and weight, as well as work and rest, diet, etc., and sent two before and after pictures of the trainees who successfully lost weight, one of which was marked "Lost 25 pounds in 42 days!" The staff member introduced that the training camp is to sign a contract to lose weight, and after entering the camp, a full range of physical tests will be done and the weight loss will be contracted according to the physical condition, and the full refund will be made if the signing goal is not reached.

"Every morning and evening it is weighed, and the coach adjusts the training in time according to the physical condition. According to the information you provided, the BMI index is 26.8, and the contract can be signed (weight) 8%. The staff member added that the signing is the minimum base, because this is the national BMI signing standard, and the weight of our trainees out of the camp is more than 50% of the contracted weight, which is completely assured. For whether there will be a rebound after leaving the camp, the staff said that only hungry and thin will rebound, the training camp is through scientific exercise with nutritious fat loss meals, adjust work and rest habits, improve metabolism, achieve the effect of scientific weight loss, the course is aerobic exercise with anaerobic exercise, drop the scale while shaping, so that the skin will not loosen down and will not rebound in the later camp. Subsequently, the staff member repeatedly urged the reporter to place a deposit reservation and promised that if he could not enter the camp on time, he would be refunded.

The reporter communicated with the two staff members of the "Peak Weight Loss Training Camp" successively, online and offline, and the two staff members had slightly different responses to the "signed weight loss" question. Online staff said that signing a contract to reduce weight, invalid full refund, the signing value of each cycle is about 8% of their own weight, according to the height and weight, a cycle (28 days) can lose about 15 pounds, 2 months of guarantee value is 20 pounds. The staff during the offline visit said that for the height and weight value provided by the reporter, it is currently impossible to sign a contract, that is, when signing the contract, the position of the minimum signing guarantee of how many pounds cannot be filled. "Because this BMI is too low, the BMI is greater than 28 before the contracted weight loss will be contracted." In addition, the staff also reminded that because the weight base is small, there will be a certain degree of control in the diet, hoping to have a certain psychological preparation, about 7 points full.

Free food, accommodation and training to the agreed weight

The reporter visited two weight loss training camps respectively, one called "Donut Weight Loss", and the price for 28 days between the two was 4380 yuan; The other is called "Summit Weight Loss Training Camp", and the price for 28 days for two people is 13800,<> yuan. The price difference between the two training camps is several times, and there is also a certain gap in environment, professionalism, scale, equipment and equipment.

The Donut Weight Loss Camp has only one training venue, which includes the equipment area, the cycling area, and the aerobic area, and the training area is not air-conditioned, and the fan is turned on, so you can feel that the venue is very hot. During the reporter's visit, the trainees were taking equipment classes, some people were using equipment to exercise, and some people were resting and chatting on the equipment, there was no unified coach and command, and the management felt relatively relaxed.

In this regard, the staff introduced that what equipment everyone practices every day is formulated in advance, and the coach will also teach how to use these equipment. "Before entering the camp, the trainees will be physically tested, and the coach will conduct targeted training based on the physical test results. If the effect guaranteed by the contract is not achieved, you can continue to eat, live and train for free until the weight agreed in the contract. At this time, a girl entered the training ground from the outside and walked to the treadmill, the staff said that this girl came to the training camp last year, when she entered the camp, it was about 160 pounds, and it was reduced to more than 130 pounds in two months, about a year, and it rose a few pounds, and recently came again.

The slightly higher price of the peak weight loss training camp, the venue is more large-scale, different training items, equipment have different training areas, the staff explained clearly and clearly, the physical test of entering the camp is relatively perfect, in addition to the body composition test included in the regular training camp, but also includes sports electrocardiogram, target heart rate and other detection, will specify a safe training program according to the range of target heart rate, and blood routine testing to understand some physical indicators, such as high uric acid students will reduce the diet with high purine content.

In addition, the training camp is also equipped with doctors to ensure the safety of students, and will also provide sports accident insurance to students. The training venue has water dispensers, air conditioners, and salt replenishment solution next to the water dispensers for students to recover their physical fitness, and each training venue has trainees training under the guidance of instructors. In the aerobic exercise area, the staff told reporters that although everyone is in the same classroom, the versions of large cardinality and small cardinality are different, and the teacher will conduct demonstration teaching in front.

"Teaching is gradual, don't worry about not being able to keep up, such as spinning, sitting riding intensity is low, standing riding is relatively high, in the case of students' physical fitness is not fully recovered, the teacher will not arrange high-intensity training, and the atmosphere of everyone practicing together is easier to persist." The staff also showed the reporter the APP system, and the daily course, diet, weight changes, etc. are recorded in detail. As for whether there will be a rebound problem after leaving the camp, the staff member also frankly said that the training camp will give a camp plan, including how many times a week to train, how long to practice each time, in what way to train, what can and not eat, if the trainees follow the plan to achieve 80%, basically will not rebound.

"The speed of weight loss, it is generally recommended to 1-2 pounds a week, and it can also be adjusted according to the individual's tolerance, muscle mass, etc." Xu Meiyan, director of the nutrition department of the Aerospace Center Hospital, reminded that if the speed of weight loss is too fast, the effect may be very good at first, but once the body reacts, it will quickly reduce the body's basal metabolic rate to allow the energy intake and outlet to reach a balance, so that it will enter the bottleneck period of weight loss, the bottleneck period is actually not serious, at most the weight does not decrease, but with the decline in the basal metabolic rate, the body's circulation, metabolism, including the heart will slow down, which is similar to the body entering the old age state in advance. It's not good for health.

Xu Meiyan said that if you participate in a weight loss training camp, you should understand whether the training method, step rhythm, and expected effect are scientific and reasonable, and some promised weight loss numbers sound very good, but also consider and evaluate whether your body can withstand it.

Health reminders

Long-term high-intensity exercise is not recommended

What should the scientific weight loss process look like?

Xu Meiyan introduced that first of all, we must rule out whether we have organic or pathological diseases, which cannot be solved by lifestyle interventions, and may require the help of drugs to maintain hormone metabolism levels, or surgical removal of lesions, in which case it cannot be solved by exercise and diet alone.

After eliminating the disease, most people's obesity is basically related to lifestyle, eating habits, exercise habits, etc., find influencing factors and make corresponding improvements, such as the speed of eating, sleep time, smoking and drinking, which are actually related to obesity. But no matter which way to lose weight, including surgery or taking medicine, if you want to maintain your weight, you can't do without diet and exercise, and diet and exercise are the foundation.

"It is also not recommended to exercise three or four hours a day, excessive exercise intensity on the body damage is also synchronized, some studies have found that the cumulative exercise time of no more than 2 hours a day is better, if more than two hours, in fact, the benefits outweigh the disadvantages." In Xu Meiyan's view, weight loss is usually through resistance exercise plus aerobic exercise, in fact, there is no need to spend a lot of time every day to exercise, you can put these exercises into daily life. In addition, a physical assessment before exercise is also important.

Starving is not a reasonable way

Xu Meiyan pointed out that the body's absorption rate of food is normally between 30% and 50%, if you are hungry for a long time, the body will automatically increase the absorption rate, at this time, despite enduring hunger, the body absorbs no less energy. And the body is in a state of crisis, reduce energy expenditure, increase energy storage, which will also affect the effect of weight loss. Moderate hunger is recommended during weight loss, i.e. not feeling uncomfortable. "In the process of weight loss, diet also needs to be constantly adjusted, and in the outpatient clinic of the hospital, it is often recommended that patients focus on exercise and lifestyle in the first month, and then add dietary adjustment after adaptation. The most important thing about the weight loss program is to land, that is, the patient can cooperate. ”

Rebound is also a problem encountered by many people who lose weight. Xu Meiyan pointed out that to prevent weight loss from rebounding, the consolidation period is very important. That is, after reaching the goal of weight loss, it is best to maintain your current lifestyle for a period of time, including diet and exercise habits.

Xu Meiyan introduced that before weight loss, the outpatient clinic usually conducts a questionnaire survey on the patient's lifestyle, past weight loss, psychological factors, and eating habits; Biochemical index examination, including liver and kidney function, uric acid, etc.; Blood sugar, blood lipids, blood pressure, thyroid function and other indicators determine whether there is a problem with metabolism. In addition, body fat percentage, waist-hip ratio, body composition, etc. are also indicators of great concern. In the process of weight loss, a follow-up visit is carried out once a month and a half to two months, and some indicators will be reviewed.

Weight loss can start with walking and slow walking

For ordinary patients, when formulating an exercise program, the first thing to look at is the muscle, and it is not recommended to exercise for a long time with high intensity for patients with insufficient muscle mass. On the one hand, because muscle mass and basal metabolic rate are related, if muscle mass is not enough, rashly increasing the basal metabolic rate, it is similar to the difficulty of a woman to cook without rice, there are no hardware conditions; On the other hand, muscles play a role in stretching protection during exercise, if the muscle mass is not enough, hastily increase the length and intensity of exercise, joints are more likely to wear out, inflammation, soreness and other discomfort.

Patients with insufficient muscle mass are generally recommended to gain muscle first: arm muscle gain, lift up, 5-10 minutes each time, 2-3 times a day; Lower limb muscle, sit and raise the leg forward and straighten for 10-15 seconds, then lower, repeat for 5-10 minutes; Muscle building in the waist, you can do the action of turning the hula hoop, these can be done with the fragmented time in life.

Weight loss people who do not have exercise habits can choose to walk at the beginning, slowly change to brisk walking, and then increase the intensity after adaptation, such as brisk walking and raising legs. This way of losing weight may be slow, but it is relatively safe, not easy to rebound, and will not cause damage to the body. "Some patients with cardiopulmonary diseases, or patients with a large base, may have joint limitations, and in the hospital's weight loss clinic, specialists in the rehabilitation medicine department will develop exercise plans and give exercise guidance." Xu Meiyan said.

Beijing News reporter Liu Xu