Beijing, July 7 (Zhongxin Net) -- Singer Dao Lang is on fire again.

Maybe some young people will be blindfolded: Who is Dao Lang?

You may not know him, but you've definitely heard his songs: "The first snow of 2002, came a little later than ever", "You are my lover, a woman like a rose"... With popular songs such as "The First Snow in 2002", "Lover" and "West Sea Love Song", singer Dao Lang has been popular all over the country.

Since retiring in 2013, the musical talent has become more and more low-key. This time with the new album "Mountain Song Few" returned, he did not hype. However, the new song "Rakshasa Sea Market" attracted attention as soon as it was released, and frequently rushed to the hot search.

However, this time the popularity is a little different from the past.

Screenshot of the cover of Dao Lang's new album "Mountain Song Few"

The new song "Rakshasa Sea Market" has changed its style?

The heroic and rough style, the hot and straightforward lyrics, and the vicissitudes of singing... Once upon a time listening to Dao Lang's songs, you could hear the desolate wind in the northwest, and love and hate went straight to each other.

In contrast, "Rakshasa Sea City" is very different. The tune of this song contains folk songs, minor keys, rock and other styles, and has been evaluated by many old fans as "a big change in style". Lu Yu, a hardcore fan who liked Dao Lang for 20 years and was born in the 70s, told reporters: ""Rakshasa Sea City" is too different from his previous music style. When I first listened, I wondered if he wrote it, how did Dao Lang's style become like this? ”

"He used to cover some Northwest folk songs, red songs, or songs about love that he made. The style of "Rakshasa Sea City" is integrated with local drama, with a critical and ironic theme, and the production level is different from before. Lu Yu said bluntly: "Dao Lang's composition and singing skills are first-class, but the lyrics are too civilian, more rustic and earthy, less exquisite and elegant." Now it turns out that his last shortcoming has also been filled. ”

Screenshot of the lyrics of "Rakshasa Sea City"

Admittedly, the lyrics of "Rakshasa Sea Market" impressed the audience: a young man came to the west, his name is Ma Ji, beautiful and fengzi, young and gentle, the son of Huaxia, only for others to sail in the sea and fight the wind and waves, and the dragon swims in the dangerous beach and wanders into the bad land... Compared with the previous lyrics such as "Lips of Fire" and "Endless Soul Extinction", "Rakshasa Sea City" undoubtedly has much richer meaning in terms of words and sentences.

Although the style of music has changed greatly, there are still many listeners who buy it. As of press time, the song has reached the top of the hot search of many music playback software, and related topics have flooded major social platforms, and the number of Douyin views of the term "Rakshasa Hai Market" has exceeded 3 million.

The number of views of the "Rakshasa Sea Market" entry on Douyin exceeded 3 million. TikTok screenshot

As netizens commented: I thought Dao Lang sealed the knife, it turned out that he was sharpening the knife.

Newly returned, Dao Lang wrote down every word he had sharpened for ten years with musical notes.

The lyrics are taken from "Liaozhai Zhi Wei" accused of "shelling" others?

"The Rakshasa kingdom is twenty-six thousand miles to the east, crossing the yellow mud land three inches of the scorched sea; Just because there is a hill river, the water flows through Gou Gouying..." It is not difficult to find that the lyrics of "Rakshasa Sea City" are taken from a story of the same name "Rakshasa Sea City" in Pu Songling's novel "Liaozhai Zhi Yi".

The plot of this story is simple:

It is said that there is a Rakshasa country 26,000 miles away in China. One day, a Central Plains man named Ma Ji went to the Rakshasa Kingdom to do business. He found that the people of the Rakshasa kingdom were all strange-looking, and they regarded ugliness as beauty, and chose officials with ugliness. In this place where beauty and ugliness are reversed, everyone avoids handsome-looking horses. Later, Ma Ji painted his face black, and everyone praised him, and the king of the country made him an official because of his "beauty"...

"Flowers meet the welcome, the world is like a ghost", literati throughout the ages basically believe that "Liaozhai Zhi Wei" is Pu Songling's lonely and angry work of writing "a block in the chest" under the guise of "grotesque history", which is a typical satirical literature. And the song "Rakshasa Sea Market" is based on Liaozhai, plus some paragraphs are spicy in words, such as "Hook has always been elegant, since ancient times the father-in-law is so prestigious" and "How can there be a painting hall to climb pigs and dogs, where to get the shoehorn as wishes", etc., so many viewers believe that "Rakshasa Sea Market" must also be a satirical song with meaning.

Some people interpret Dao Lang as attacking the "false prosperity" of today's Chinese music scene, some people think that he satirizes the "ugliness for beauty" under the traffic culture, and some people have begun to take their seats, thinking that the lyrics are directed at some peers in the music industry.

In 2004, Dao Lang released his debut album "The First Snow of 2002", which spread the streets with 270.15 million genuine copies and higher pirated sales than the original. But there are many popular people, "Dao Lang's songs set Chinese pop music back <> years" and "Dao Lang is not worthy of being a musician" are very loud, and some singers have directly expressed their incomprehension about Dao Lang's popularity.

Screenshot of the MV of "The First Snow of 2002"

Because of the above, there are not a few netizens who hold the view that "Dao Lang's new song is a satirical part of some peers in the music industry". But many fans believe that his lyrics are interpreted in this way too narrowly.

An industry insider who has been in contact with Dao Lang told reporters, "With my understanding of him, this is not the case." I don't think he's that petty. ”

The industry insider revealed that since 2013, Dao Lang has hardly made public appearances, and he has not been very involved in program recording and interview activities: he himself does not leave any contact information, in fact, it is useless to have contact with him, and he has been working hard for ten years to create mountains. Some celebrities come out when they negotiate the price, he doesn't talk to you about money, he doesn't talk to you about fame.

When there were many opinions, the reporter tried to contact the Dao Lang team about this, but as of press time, there was no result. Therefore, what Dao Lang's original intention is, we do not know for the time being; We will not judge whether the work that Dao Lang has been creating for many years as "it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years", whether it has a spiritual rhino with the author, or whether it lowers the author's pattern and deviates from the right track of literary criticism.

Once, the famous sketch "Not Bad Money" spoofed Dao Lang's stage name with a dialogue: "I'll sing a Dao Lang" and "You sing a shell lang". In a 2012 show, the host asked Dao Lang if he would be unhappy to be joked like this. At that time, Dao Lang suddenly smiled and responded with five words: "It's okay to do this." (End)