Chengdu, July 7 (Zhongxin Net) -- The Chengdu Universiade Museum, the first sports museum in western China, opened on the 24th. Renault Eide, Acting President of the FISU, serves as the honorary director of the Chengdu Universiade Museum.

The opening ceremony. (Photo by Yang Yuyi)

The Chengdu Universiade Museum is arranged according to the three chapters of "Mission of the Times", "Responsibility" and "Global Event", with an exhibition area of 3300,1000 square meters, and has collected more than 8,31 pieces of various physical collections, nearly <>,<> pieces of images and electronic documents. In addition to the precious objects related to the <>st Summer Universiade in Chengdu (referred to as the Chengdu Universiade), the museum also collected medals, torches, emblems, mascots and other important collections of great value in the history of the Universiade, including the head sculpture of Joan Bodiqiong, the founder of the Universiade, and the "Joan Bodiqiong Medal".

A corner of the exhibition hall of the Chengdu Universiade Museum. (Photo by Yang Yuyi)

"The Chengdu Universiade Museum is an important event legacy of the Chengdu Universiade. The museum displays the priceless treasures left by generations of Universiade people, where the history of the Universiade is condensed, the Universiade culture is embodied here, and the sportsmanship of the Universiade shines here. Renault Eide said that he hopes that university students from various countries and regions can visit the museum to learn more about the Universiade and about Chengdu.

A corner of the exhibition hall of the Chengdu Universiade. (Photo by Yang Yuyi)

Mao Zhixiong, vice chairman of the Executive Committee of the Chengdu Universiade, said in an interview that the Chengdu Universiade Museum can preserve the beautiful memory of the Universiade, is a cultural temple for the general public to understand the history of the Universiade, inherit the spirit of the Universiade, and is also an important international platform for Chengdu to open up to the outside world.

Chen Yanfu, Deputy Secretary of the Chengdu Municipal Party Committee, said that through the construction of the Chengdu Universiade Museum, Chengdu has continuously deepened the exchange of experience in the protection of the Universiade heritage, created a characteristic point for international cultural exchanges during the event, and built an important bridge to enhance mutual understanding among the world's youth. (End)