Jean-Luc Boujon, edited by Alexandre Dalifard / Photo credit: PHILIPPE HUGUEN / AFP 10:36 am, July 25, 2023

For several years now, some trades, mainly in sectors in tension, have suffered from a significant shortage of manpower. Faced with this, in order to show the attractiveness of the building trades, a television series will soon offer an immersion in the daily life of young apprentice plumbers.

Electricians, plumbers, masons... These are all jobs that recruit but suffer from an image deficit. Faced with this, a television series intends to remedy this. The project was born in Lyon and filming should start in September. The series offers an immersion in the daily life of young apprentice plumbers. They discover their future profession and its nobility. On the program, seven episodes with all the codes specific to the series.

Making jobs attractive

"The Art of (re)learning" is the title of the series. The heroes are interpreted by reoriented young people who have chosen plumbing with the usual codes of television series as explained by director William Faivre. "We were inspired by a series that exists in the United States. There will be the voice-over, it will be the voice-over of the main character and especially he, in the image, will be able to address the spectators directly. Then a lot of music, a little rap. We simply want to stick to the codes of our young people," he told Europe 1.

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In total, there will be seven 26-minute episodes. One of the heroes, 17-year-old Eden, had to tame the camera. "At first, when I start, it's a bit embarrassing. But after that, I completely forgot about the camera. Imagine, we do a weld or we have to change a faucet, they film us, "says the young actor. The original idea came from the Kohen brothers. Not the Hollywood directors, but Benjamin and Samuel, bosses of the plumbing company Sabeko. The objective is to raise awareness that manual and construction trades are attractive, where there is no problem of unemployment. The series will be ready in a year. Two national TV channels are already lining up to broadcast it.