Beijing, July 7 (Reporter Gao Kai) From July 25 to 7, the Bolshoi Ballet will re-stage the National Centre for the Performing Arts for the first time in five years, with an all-star lineup of two wonderful performances, "Ballet Gathering, The Best of the Bolshoi Ballet" and "Don Quixote", presenting a ballet feast for the audience in Beijing. Artistic Director of the Bolshoi Ballet Mahal Vaziev, together with the company's principal stars Igor Tsverko, Denis Rodkin, Elisaveta Kokoreva and Eleonora Sefnad recently attended a press conference on the relevant performances at the National Centre for the Performing Arts.

The Bolshoi Ballet all-star cast attends a glorious ballet night. Photo by Wang Xiaojing

As the golden signature of Russian ballet art, the Bolshoi Ballet is famous for its exquisite ballet skills, rigorous creative style and graceful and luxurious dance design. Over the course of its long development, the Bolshoi Ballet has gone from obscurity to worldwide fame, rehearsing classic ballets such as Swan Lake, Sleeping Beauty, Giselle, Romeo and Juliet, The Nutcracker and many others.

The Bolshoi Ballet visited the NCPA twice in 2010 and 2018, marking the first time in five years, adding to the deep friendship between the two aircraft carrier-level art institutions. Mahal Vaziev, Artistic Director of Bolshoi Ballet, said: "I am very happy to share ballet with Chinese ballet fans during this visit to China, each visit and performance has its own uniqueness, and the development of Chinese ballet and the development of Russian ballet are linked by blood. We came to the NCPA tour 5 years ago and for 5 years our new generation of actors is thriving. This time we will bring "Ballet Collection: The Best of Ballet at the Bolshoi Theatre" and "Don Quixote". "Don Quixote", a ballet that is very emotional and bright, is the business card of the Bolshoi Theater, and I believe it will definitely resonate with young audiences. ”

From July 7th to 25th, the Bolshoi Theatre "Ballet Collection: The Best of Ballet at the Bolshoi Theatre" will be the first to meet the audience. The show will feature the company's most outstanding repertoire over the centuries, featuring 26 internationally acclaimed ballet classics, including the pas de deux of the classical ballet "The Magic Rune", the adagio fragment of Romeo and Juliet, the pas de deux fragment of "Sleeping Beauty", the pas de deux fragment of Spartacus, the pas de deux fragment of Act III of "The Flames of Paris", the pas de deux fragment of Act II of Swan Lake, the pas de deux fragment of Esmirada, the grand dance segment of Don Quixote, and the Spring Tide, the classical pas de deux, Death of the Swan" and other enduring ballet masterpieces. With superb dance skills, dazzling spinning jumps and impactful body expressions, dance fans and audiences will feast their eyes at Ballet at Ballet Collection: The Best of Bolshoi Ballet, which will see the timeless classics of ballet history and the extraordinary strength of the Ballet Company.

From July 7 to 28, the Bolshoi Ballet Don Quixote will perform four consecutive performances. This ballet adapted from Cervantes' novel of the same name is another ballet masterpiece by ballet master Marius Petipa, and is known as a classic representative of the nineteenth-century ballet scene along with his famous plays such as "Swan Lake", "The Nutcracker" and "Sleeping Beauty". Although the play is named after "Don Quixote", it is more based on his bizarre adventure, telling the tortuous love story of a young man and woman. The dance drama is loved by the audience with its dazzling and difficult dance segments, absurd and joyful comedy colors, and lively Spanish style, and the highlight of the whole drama, "Wedding Pas de Deux", is an indispensable wonderful excerpt in many ballet competitions and Gala.

During this visit to China, the Bolshoi Ballet brought a super lineup of 15 principal stars, almost including the backbone of the principal stars of the Bolshoi Theatre, which can be described as "full of devotion" and full of sincerity. Elisaveta Kokoreva, Ekaterina Kressanova, Anna Nikulina, Eleonora Sefnad, Vladislav Landratov, Denis Rodkin, Igor Tsverko and other top dancers who are waiting for the audience will appear together with the entire troupe of 15 chief actors. It is worth mentioning that Pavel Krynichev, the "best ballet conductor" of the Bolshoi Theater, will also come to China with the troupe to direct the Central Ballet Symphony Orchestra.

Principal dancer Igor Zverko said on the same day, "Five years ago, I performed "Pirates" and "Flames of Paris" at the National Centre for the Performing Arts, and I was very impressed by the enthusiasm of the Chinese audience. During the performance of "Pirates", although the show lasted more than three hours, not a single audience member left the stage, and I also felt unprecedented cheers and enthusiasm during the performance of "Flames of Paris". I believe that the two upcoming works will also bring visual enjoyment to the Chinese audience, and ignite the enthusiasm of every audience with our interpretation. (End)