Heze, July 7 (Sha Jianlong, Su Jingxin) Hook lines, separate dyeing, cover dyeing, dotting flower stamens... At the Hongmiao Farmers' Painting Professional Cooperative in Juye County, Heze City, Shandong Province, Shi Qiyu, a 25-year-old villager in Hongmiao Village, is completing a painting with his wife. In the past 50 years in this business, he has witnessed the gradual prosperity of local peony painting.

On the 24th, the reporter followed the "High-quality Development Research Tour" theme interview group into Shandong Province, and visited the Hongmiao Painting Professional Village of Juye County in Heze City and the Calligraphy and Painting Institute of the county on the first day of the trip, exploring the "new code" for peasant painters to increase income and become rich.

The picture shows the artist's drawing. Photo by China News Agency reporter Sha Jianlong

Shi Qiyu told reporters that in the early years, there were few people engaged in peony painting, the scale and output of paintings were relatively small, there was no market, and the benefits were relatively low. In 2009, the local farmers' painting professional cooperative was established, and the couple went to the cooperative to paint in their spare time, "there is no need to worry about sales, and they can often receive guidance and training from professional teachers, and the quality of painting technology and works has also improved."

Over the past year, Shi Qiyu and his wife have been able to increase their income by more than 10,400 yuan (RMB, the same below) just by drawing peony strokes. At present, Hongmiao Village has a total population of more than 50 people, more than 2 people are professionally engaged in painting creation, driving nearly 800 surrounding villagers to engage in painting creation, creating nearly <>,<> painting works every year, with an annual output value of <> million yuan.

Yao Guiyuan, a villager from Hongmiao Village in Juye County, is the initiator of the above-mentioned peasant painting professional cooperative. In 2009, six farmers relied on the painting village to establish the Hongmiao Farmers' Painting Professional Cooperative, which is the first farmers' cooperative in China to form a painting project, with 6 members, of which nearly 514 have a high level of artistic creation.

At the Hongmiao Calligraphy and Painting Institute in Juye County, Heze, Shandong, a painter dressed in Hanfu is painting. Photo by China News Agency reporter Sha Jianlong

Yao Shuzhao, chairman of the Hongmiao Farmers' Painting Professional Cooperative, said in an interview with reporters that the cooperative adopts the model of "distribution + cooperative (painting academy) + peasant painter". Paintings are generally collected by cooperatives at a fixed price and sold uniformly, with prices ranging from a few hundred yuan to thousands of yuan. The average painter earns 3,5 to 10,<> yuan a year, and excellent painters earn nearly <>,<> yuan a year.

Under the wave of rural revitalization, the Hongmiao Farmers' Painting Professional Cooperative has vigorously carried out public welfare training for basic painters, including more than 200 left-behind women, disabled painters and poor painters; A total of more than 100 outstanding painters have been recommended and guided to go out for further study, and 30 people have successfully joined the Shandong Provincial Art Association, the Provincial Gongbi Painting Society, the Provincial Farmers' Calligraphy and Painting Research Association, the China Fine Arts Association, and the China Farmers Calligraphy and Painting Research Association; He creates more than 200 excellent works every year. In 2019, Yao Shuzhao's "Shengshi Collection" was selected for the <>th National Art Exhibition.

Juye County in Heze City is known as the "hometown of Chinese peasant painting", and there are many villages like the aforementioned Hongmiao Village that rely on peony brush strokes to increase their income. Juye County Calligraphy and Painting Institute, a comprehensive calligraphy and painting art public welfare unit integrating creation, training, exhibition and exchange, not far from the village, is responsible for the operation and management, publicity and promotion of the county's calligraphy and painting industry.

In 2012, the new venue of Juye County Calligraphy and Painting Institute was put into use, providing a spacious painting venue and a comfortable painting environment for peasant painters, with heating in winter and air conditioning in summer. In addition, there is a children's activity area in the corner of the studio, making it possible for peasant painters to "work with children".

Since 2018, Juye County Calligraphy and Painting Institute has organized and created works such as "Flowers Blossom and Prosperous World", "Splendid Spring Light", "National Treasure Xianrui" and "Prosperous China", which have successively appeared in major national events such as the Shanghai Qingdao Summit and the China International Import Expo, as well as important venues such as the Great Hall of the People and the National Gift Exhibition Hall of the National Convention Center (Shanghai).

Tourists admire the huge Gongbi peony painting "Prosperous China" at Heze Juye County Calligraphy and Painting Institute. Photo by China News Agency reporter Sha Jianlong

According to statistics, at present, Juye County has 1 county calligraphy and painting training base (county calligraphy and painting institute), 8 painting professional towns, 49 grassroots painting academies, 50 professional villages, more than 20000,600 people engaged in creation, sales, framing and other calligraphy and painting industry personnel, more than 120 sales outlets have been established across the country, more than 40.<> million paintings were created last year, and the works were exported to <> countries and regions. (End)