Hangzhou, July 7 (Wang Yifei) The reporter learned on the 17th that the General Office of the People's Government of Zhejiang Province recently issued the "Zhejiang Province Implementation Plan for Promoting the Implementation of the System of Providing Basic Public Services in Permanent Residences and Orderly Promoting the Urbanization of Agricultural Transfer Population" (hereinafter referred to as the plan). The plan, which will be implemented from July 17, 2023 and valid for 7 years, proposes to relax the conditions for the settlement of agricultural transfer population, and completely cancel the settlement restriction policy in the whole province (except Hangzhou urban area).

Focusing on further unblocking the channels for the integration of agricultural migrants into cities, Zhejiang has clarified the above content. The province will ensure that the standards for settling in urban areas between non-local and local agricultural migrants are uniform, pilot the household registration system based on the place of habitual residence, and implement the policy of settling in legal and stable residences (including leasing) and the relocation of immediate family members such as spouses. Hangzhou Municipality will further improve the policy of points settlement, ensure that the number of years of social security payment and the number of years of continuous residence account for the main proportion, and gradually abolish the annual settlement quota limit. Implement the cumulative mutual recognition of household registration access years such as social security payment and residence time throughout the province, and gradually expand to the cumulative mutual recognition in the Yangtze River Delta region. The right to contract rural land, the right to use homesteads, and the right to distribute collective income shall be guaranteed in accordance with the law, and the withdrawal of the above-mentioned rights and interests shall not be used as a condition for peasants to settle in urban areas.

Focusing on improving the new residence permit system, the plan is clear: vigorously promote electronic residence permits, fully implement the online application, issuance, endorsement, and use of electronic residence permits, and strive to realize that all willing and eligible agricultural transfer population holds residence permits. Explore the development of a system for cross-regional mutual recognition and conversion of residence permits. Improve mechanisms for providing basic urban public services with residence permits as the carrier, gradually promote the connection between the functions of residence permits and identity cards, gradually expand the scope of basic public services available to residence permit holders, and improve service standards. Explore the gradient supply system of high-quality public services in short supply.

In addition, the plan also makes arrangements to further strengthen the public service guarantee of the rural migrant population and further enhance the ability of the rural migrant population to fully integrate into the city.

For example, in terms of guaranteeing the right of migrant children to receive education, Zhejiang proposed to include the children of migrant children from agricultural migrants in the scope of compulsory education in the areas of migration, and establish a mechanism for allocating educational resources according to the size of the permanent population. Increase the supply of places in public schools, enhance the ability of residence permit holders to ensure that their children enter public schools, and continue to increase the proportion of migrant children enrolled in public schools. In areas where there are not enough places in public schools, it is encouraged to arrange for migrant children to study in lawfully established private compulsory education schools through government procurement of services.

For example, in terms of improving the labor skills and quality of agricultural migrant populations, the province will promote flexible and diverse training methods such as "night school for new residents" and "Internet + vocational training", provide cultural learning and skills training services that are suitable for the work characteristics of agricultural migrant populations, and further expand the scope of GSP and universal training services. Accelerate the creation of a unified online skills training platform for the province, and innovate the combination of online and offline training forms.

The plan shows that Zhejiang aims to increase the urbanization rate of the province's permanent population from 2027.73% last year to 4% by 76, the growth rate of the per capita income of the agricultural transfer population is basically synchronized with the growth of the per capita disposable income of residents, and the cumulative number of vocational skills training for rural migrant labor will reach 100 million in five years. (End)