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Programs such as 'The Island of Temptations' and 'Too hot to handle' have made it clear that beaches are the best terrain to flirt, although we must recognize that taking into account their chiseled silhouettes, we assume that the 'flirting soldiers' with saltpeter flavor feel comfortable and sure of themselves despite carrying less centimeters of fabric than mojitos.

The dating website Victoria Milan published a survey carried out among more than 1,500 women to reveal what are the things they least appreciate in the 'beach flirts'. The results indicate that men with excessively tight slip swimsuits are the least desirable. Apparently, not only the biceps matter, but also the wardrobe...

Flirting in summer: the national sport

High temperatures increase the desire to flirt, as Andrés Suro, sexologist at MYHIXEL, says. "In general, heat can have some physiological effects on the body that could contribute to sexual arousal. When we are exposed to heat, our blood vessels can dilate, which increases blood circulation. This can lead to increased sensitivity and an increased response to sexual stimuli. In addition, heat can increase perspiration and generate 'heat effect' and increased sensitivity in the skin, which could intensify the sexual experience, "he explains.

A Bumble study shows that one in three people seem to be open to the trend of flirting outside their city. In fact, 55% of the Spanish people consulted are looking for a summer romance while traveling abroad. The dating application has pointed out which are the five best Spanish destinations to enjoy a summer romance. Barcelona, the Balearic Islands, Tenerife, San Sebastian and Santander top the list, while abroad, there is no shortage of Greek islands or the Amalfi Coast. The bottom line? Where there is beach, there is romance.

By the way, good news for Italians and Canarians: Meetic has carried out a study to find out the role that voice is playing in dating and has determined that the most popular accent abroad is Italian (42%), while in our country the Canary attracts 38% of those interviewed. Not everything is going to be physical, right?

Eight tips for flirting on the beach

  • Make water your libidinous thermometer. When your love interest comes out of the sea, ask him if the water was cold. This is a relaxed formula to break the ice and in case the thing does not go further, at least you will have taken some useful information. Besides, don't they say that "there are many fish in the sea"? Well, we'll have to check it out...
  • First and foremost, security. We are not talking about what you are thinking, but about taking advantage of the moment when you are going to take a dip to ask him to take care of things. It is the perfect excuse to start a conversation and by the way, your phone will be safe while you mark your moment 'The Little Mermaid'.
  • Take care of your beach wardrobe. Take advantage of the fact that swimwear that also works outside the beach is becoming more and more fashionable and get a sensual swimsuit with which to feel sexy and comfortable.
  • Choose the right towel. As you read it: there is a type of towel ideal for flirting on the beach, and it may not be the one you have. The round towels are perfect to be able to move not only to sign possible suitors without having to move everything you carry with you and your towel, but also to be able to talk to who you like without having to turn your field of operations. Oh, and if the person you are interested in decides to join to continue the conversation, nothing better than that extra space offered by rounded towels. Would the one who invented them in round beds be thinking, or is the heat affecting our heads?
  • Reading is sexy. This is assured by Tinder, which reveals that books become the perfect excuse to break the ice with our 'matches', as the interest in reading when meeting new people increases up to 88% in the last year. By the way, in the application, the use of emojis from books in bios increased last year by more than 60% over the previous year, so do not hesitate to take a reading ally to the beach. If you want the title of the book to play in your favor, bet on 'People we know on vacation', by Emily Henry. What if commenting on the name of the book was the perfect excuse to write your next love episode?
  • Beware of physical contact. Those who do not go to televised dating programs on paradisiacal islands are usually not so sure of themselves when they wear swimwear, so it is important to take this into account when establishing physical contact. Of course, if the conversation gets interesting, it never hurts to ask for help to put protective cream on your back ... Even if it's to protect you from the sun, for the record!
  • Wow! It is not that we have been excited, but that dogs are a perfect magnet for flirting. If they are man's best friends, how can they not also help us to engage in conversation with those who interest us? If you do not have a pet, do not panic: if your romantic interest has it, you have the perfect excuse to bend down to pet the puppy and incidentally, to be able to talk face to face with who you like, something essential when flirting and that on the beach, it is somewhat more complicated ... Unless there is a nice furry in the formula, of course.
  • Caution with the 'Bond Girl' moments. We know, Halle Berry and Ursula Andress have made the moment when you leave the sea a catwalk, but real life is much crueler than Auric Goldfinger. We simply tell you to avoid disappointment.
  • Make the beach bar your ally. Even if it is for the mere fact that bars are more common places to meet people than the beach, do not hesitate to have a drink there to start a conversation with who interests you. If you are traveling and he proposes a plan, do not hesitate: it is time to do it. "When you travel to another city or country you may not have the time you would like. If you are planning to have an appointment during your vacation, include a visit to a place of cultural interest or an activity that you want to know. Not only will it serve to break the ice, but it will also allow you to cross a visit off your list," says Bumble's sex and relationship expert, Dr. Caroline West. "The best way to experience a new country is to live it and have an open mind," he adds.
  • After beach. Always carry with you a set with which to continue the day when you leave the beach without having to go through the hotel. So, if your interest suggests you do something, you can continue the day (or night!) without interruptions.
  • Sex

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