Recently, CCTV's "News Network" headline reported "New Ideas Lead a New Journey, Explore the Footprint of Civilization, Strengthen Cultural Self-confidence", focusing on the No. 3 skull of "Yunxian People" in Shiyan.

The program reported that since the 2022th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China's civilization exploration and archaeological work have advanced in depth and made historic breakthroughs. In 3, the skull of "Yunxian Man" No. 100 found at the Liangzi site of Shiyan Xuetang, Hubei Province, is the most complete fossil skull of Homo erectus of the same era found in inland Eurasia, about <> million years ago.

On December 2022, 12, Xuetang Liangzi Archaeological Site Park was approved by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, and the site park will be built near the site of Xuetang Liangzi (from Yun County) in Mituosi Village, Qingqu Town, Yunyang District. According to the Master Plan of Xuetang Liangzi Archaeological Site Park, it will be promoted in three phases:

In 2023, strive to create a provincial-level cultural heritage park, complete construction projects such as the exhibition room of the Liangzi (Yunxian people) site of the school, visitor center, parking lot, trail, road upgrade, etc., and strive to award the license of the "Hubei Provincial Cultural Heritage Park" and open it to the public as soon as possible.

By 2025, strive to create a national archaeological site park, further improve and upgrade, and strive to build the Xuetang Liangzi (Yunxian people) site into a national archaeological site park integrating site protection, root-tracing and pastoral leisure as one of the research on the survival and evolution of ancient humans.

By 2030, the overall planning, systematic archaeology and tandem construction of "Meipu Ape Man", "Yellow Dragon Cave Man" and "White Dragon Cave Man" with "Yunxian people" as the core and radiating within less than 50 kilometers will be actively declared as a world cultural heritage.

Extended coverage

The fossil skull of "Yunxian Man" No. 3 was extracted and unearthed to empirically prove the million-year human history of China

On December 2022, 12, at the Liangzi site of Xuetang in Qingqu Town, Yunyang District, Shiyan City, the fossil skull of "Yunxian Man" No. 3, which is about 100 million years old, was successfully extracted and unearthed.

The precious hominin fossil will be transported to the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, where researchers use high-precision CT technology to carry out tomography, data extraction, morphological reconstruction and other follow-up work.

The Yunxian Ren No. 3 skull fossil is the most complete Homo erectus skull fossil found in inland Eurasia so far, which provides detailed and key fossil and cultural evidence for the study of major topics such as the development of ancient humans in East Asia and the evolutionary relationship between Homo erectus and Homo sapiens, and also empirically verifies the million-year human history of China.

Gao Xing, leader of the expert working group of the archaeology of the Liangzi site of Xuetang and researcher of the Institute of Paleovertebrae of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, talked about the great significance of discovering the No. 3 skull of "Yunxian Man".

On December 12, "Yunxian Human Skull Fossil" was selected as one of the top ten international archaeological news in 24.

The Xuetang Liangzi site where the skull fossil of Yunxian Ren No. 3 was found, located in Qingqu Town, Yunyang District, Shiyan City, Hubei Province, is a large Paleolithic site, a new round of archaeological excavations at the site revealed a total of 4 natural layers, unearthed more than 3 ancient human fossils, stone products, ancient animal fossils and other various items including the "Yunxian Man" No. 200 skull.

In fact, since 1989, 7 archaeological excavations have been carried out at the Xuetang Liangzi site, and the first 5 excavations have found 2 fossilized skulls of ancient humans about 100 million years ago in the core area.

In 1989, the fossil skull of Yunxian Ren No. 1 was found at the Liangzi site of Xuetang. This is the most complete fossil skull of an ancient human found for the first time in Hubei Province, and the morphological characteristics belong to late Homo erectus, with a brain capacity of more than 1000 ml, and thick molars, similar to the teeth of Australopithecus. Paleomagnetic dating indicates that the geological age of the stratigraphic profile of the site is 170.70 million to 1,1990 years. In <>, the No. <> skull fossil was selected by China Cultural Heritage News as one of the top ten archaeological discoveries during the "Seventh Five-Year Plan" period and in the country.

In 1990, the Yunxian Ren No. 2 skull fossil was excavated in a gravel layer 1.3 meters away from the No. 3 ancient human skull fossil site. Compared to the No. 1 skull, the second is more complete. The fossil skull of No. 2 has a slight collapse in the apical part, the lateral wall of the skull is slightly deflected to the right, the nasal bone part is slightly misaligned, the zygomatic arches on both sides are broken, the lateral segment of the brow ridge is slightly damaged, the outer edge of the left orbit is broken, and the dental arch remains intact and parabolic. Scientific research has found that the facial features of the "Yunxian Man" skull fossils are consistent with ancient human fossils that have been found in China and Asia. It proves that in the late Early Pleistocene, that is, 2 million years ago, there were already Homo erectus in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River.

Uncover dusty remains

Demystifying the origins of humanity

Just let us see

Life thousands of years ago shone under the thick soil

The dotted ruins showcase the splendor of civilization

Cultural relics bear witness to history, and sites record civilization. The fossil skull of Yunxian is only a concrete embodiment of the continuous life line, culture and history of Shiyan. Shiyan, with a long history and rich historical and cultural resources, in addition to the "skull of Yunxian people", there are many ruins that are amazing.

Ruins of the Five Dragon Palace

On November 2022, 11, the latest archaeological results were announced at the Shiyan Wulong Palace Site Archaeological Excavation Report.

More than 1000,<> cultural relics have been unearthed in the site, and the earliest unearthed relics are Han, occasionally Song (Jin), mostly Ming and Qing dynasties, and continued to the Republic of China. Some porcelain and coins can be used as standard objects to form a reliable chronological sequence, and this archaeological excavation is also a major discovery in the national religious archaeology and architectural archaeology.

Dinosaur egg fossil group in Qinglongshan, Yunyang District

Qinglongshan Dragon Egg Fossil Group National Geopark is mainly composed of dinosaur lake, Qinglongshan dinosaur and other fossil groups, is the world's largest variety of dinosaur eggs, the most concentrated distribution, the largest number of geoparks, of which the most found nest of dinosaur egg fossils as many as 61, rare in the world, 7 evolution areas covering 1 million to 35 million years ago, its coverage area of 6700.4 square kilometers.

Qinglongshan Dinosaur Egg Fossils Nature Reserve is the only nature reserve named after paleontological fossils in the China National Geological Heritage Park, with 2000,<> dinosaur egg fossils or egg pits visible on the surface, and more dinosaur egg fossils stored underground. The dinosaur egg fossil group in Qinglongshan in Yunxian County provides valuable physical evidence for the study of dinosaur living habits, breeding methods and the ecological environment at that time.

Ruins of the Yellow Dragon Cave

The Yellow Dragon Cave site unearthed the human fossil "Yunxi Man", which is 10,<> years old.

This is the first time that human fossils dating back 5,10 to <>,<> years have been found in China with anatomical structures with modern human characteristics.

Ruins of Qilihe in Fang County

A total of 19 ancient house remains, 26 tombs, and a large number of pottery, stone tools and bone tools were found at the Qilihe site in Fangxian County. Archaeological identification of this site is Neolithic, 4200-4600 years ago.

Ruins of Liaowa Dianzi

The Liaowa Dian Zi site dates back 3600 years and contains the accumulation of various eras from the Neolithic period to the Ming and Qing dynasties, especially the Neolithic, Xia, Shang and Zhou periods, and many relic phenomena and artifacts were discovered for the first time, filling the gap in the development of northwestern Hubei culture.

Wudang Mountain ancient buildings

The ancient buildings of Wudang Mountain were built during the Tang Zhenguan period and reached their peak in the Ming Dynasty, with 53 ancient buildings, 9 architectural sites, and 5035,1982 cultural relics of various kinds. In 1994, the ancient buildings of Wudang Mountain were listed by the State Council as the first batch of national key scenic spots. In <>, the ancient buildings of Wudang Mountain were inscribed on the World Cultural Heritage List and were known as "the museum of ancient Chinese architectural achievements" and the "Forbidden City hanging on the cliff face".

In the long river of history

A national treasure left behind by Shiyan

Pieces are beautiful and shining in the world

Those ingenious artifacts

It carries the rich history and culture of Shiyan

Let's be more culturally confident

Shiyan is rich in cultural relics, with more than 5,5 cultural relics in its collection, and 958 national first-class cultural relics, ranking first in Hubei Province. Many cultural relics are enough to prove the important position of Shiyan in the history of human civilization.

The stone carving of "Huangmu" in Zhuxi County, dating back more than 400 years, was discovered in Cixiaogou in Zhuxi County in 1983.

Bronze statue of Ming Zhenwu, more than 600 years ago, returned to his hometown in 2007.

Zhang Sanfeng bronze gilt statue, more than 600 years ago, the Yongle Emperor ordered to be cast in Beijing and transported to Wudang.

Ming Jinlong, a simple magic weapon, more than 600 years ago, was unearthed in 1981 by the Zixiao Palace of Wudang Mountain.

The first cup of Tang Sancailong, about 1370 years ago, was unearthed in the tomb of the Li Tai family.

Eastern Zhou copper plate and copper qi, more than 2000,2001 years ago, were unearthed in <> in Xiaojiahe, Wufeng Township, Yunyang District.

The Eastern Zhou jade-handled iron sword, a product of the middle and late Spring and Autumn era, about 2500 years ago, was unearthed in 2006 in the Qiaojia Courtyard cemetery in Wufeng Township, Yun County.

Shang Daibu bones, about 3600 years ago, were unearthed at the site of Liaowa Dian Zi in Yunyang District.

Neolithic faience bowl, unearthed at the site of the Great Temple in Yunyang District.

Dinosaur egg fossils, belonging to the Mesozoic Cretaceous, were discovered in 1995 in the area of Qinglong Mountain, Liupi Town, Yunyang District.

Hundreds of millions of years of vicissitudes

The sun and the moon turn and the stars shift

Today's Shiyan is working together

Adhering to the rich historical and cultural heritage

Take the steps of youthful vitality

Work hard to build

"One main, four excellent and many support" industrial development pattern

Accelerating the construction of green and low-carbon development demonstration zones

on the runway

Vigorously and courageously forge ahead

Shiyan, a livable city with beautiful mountains and rivers.

Shiyan, a colorful ecological city.

Shiyan, a city of vibrant hope.

Shiyan, a happy city of warm civilization.

(Shiyan Radio and Television Comprehensive Editors: Du Shuren, Sun Yifan, Li Xiaojing, Jiang Peng)