According to the website of the Central Meteorological Observatory, yesterday, affected by Typhoon "Teli" and peripheral circulation, heavy to heavy rain occurred in parts of Hainan, Guangdong and Jiangnan, and heavy rain or exceptionally heavy rain in Hainan, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and other places. It is expected that in the next three days, there will be a medium and high risk of typhoon disasters in the waters of southern Guangdong, Hainan Island, southern Guangxi and the northern part of the South China Sea, and concern for possible wind disasters and secondary disasters caused by rainfall; Xinjiang continues to experience widespread high temperature weather, paying attention to the impact on human health, energy supply, agricultural production, etc., and preventing snowmelt-type floods in mountainous areas.

Typhoon Teli affected southern China

The center of this year's No. 4 typhoon "Teli" (severe tropical storm) was located at 5 o'clock this morning (Beijing time, the same below) on the sea surface of the northwest of the South China Sea, about 375 kilometers south-east of Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province, China, that is, 20.0 degrees north latitude and 113.7 degrees east longitude, the maximum wind near the center was 11 (30 m/s), and the lowest pressure in the center was 980 hPa. It is expected that the typhoon center will move north-west at a speed of about 20 kilometers per hour, gradually increasing in intensity, and make landfall along the coast from Yangjiang, Guangdong to Wenchang, Hainan on the night of the 17th (typhoon or strong typhoon, 35-42 m/s, 12-14), enter the Gulf of Tonkin on the 18th, and then tend to the northern coast of Vietnam and the coast of Guangxi (see Figure 1).

Fig. 1 Probability forecast of Typhoon Terly's path in the next 48 hours (7:17 on July 05 to 19:05 on July <>)

From 7:17 on July 08 to 18:08 on July 6, there will be 8-9 winds in the sea near most of the South China Sea, Beibu Gulf, Qiongzhou Strait, Guangdong coast, Guangxi coast, Hainan Island coast, Xisha Island, Zhongsha, Nansha and Huangyan Dao, of which the wind in the northern waters of the South China Sea, Qiongzhou Strait, the northern waters of Beibu Gulf, the central and western coast of Guangdong, the coast of Guangxi and the northern part of Hainan Island will have 11-12, and the wind in the nearby seas and islands where the typhoon center passes will have 14-15, and gusts of 16-250; There are heavy to heavy rains in parts of western and southern Guangdong, south-central Guangxi, Hainan Island, southern Fujian and northern Suwan, among which, there are heavy rainstorms in parts of southern Guangxi, southwestern Guangxi, north-central Hainan Island, and exceptionally heavy rainfall (280~2 mm) in the coastal areas of southwestern Guangxi and northern Hainan Island (see Figure 30), accompanied by short-term heavy precipitation (maximum hourly rainfall of 60~80 mm, local can exceed 7 mm), local thunderstorms and strong convective weather. The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue an orange typhoon warning at 17:06 on July <>, and issued a yellow warning for heavy rain.

Fig. 2 Forecast map of heavy rainfall areas nationwide (7:17 on July 08-18:08 on July <>)

In addition, in the next 10 days, there will be 1~2 typhoons in the western Pacific, one of which will affect the northern waters of the South China Sea and South China around the 23rd.

Xinjiang has persistent hot weather

In the next 10 days, there will be many high temperature weather in the Xinjiang Basin, Gansu Hexi and western Inner Mongolia, and the maximum daily temperature in some areas will be 38~40 °C, and the local temperature will reach 43~45 °C.

In addition, from the 17th to the 20th, there will be high temperature weather of 35~37°C in the east and south of North China; From the 20th to the 23rd, there will be a wide range of high temperature weather in the Sichuan Basin, southern Shaanxi, Huanghuai and most of the south of it.

Specific forecasts for the next three days

From 7 o'clock on July 17 to 08 o'clock on the 18th, there were heavy to heavy rains in parts of western and southern Guangdong, central and southern Guangxi, Hainan Island, southern Fujian and northern Suwan, among which, there were heavy rainstorms in parts of southern Guangxi, southwestern Guangxi, north-central Hainan Island and other places, and exceptionally heavy rain (08~250 mm) in the southwestern coast of Guangxi and northern Hainan Island. There are 280~4 level winds in parts of central Inner Mongolia, southern Xinjiang basin, central Jiangsu, northern Zhejiang, and southern China, among which there are 6~8 level winds in parts of the southeast coast of Guangxi and the southwest coast of Guangxi (see Figure 9).

Fig. 3 National precipitation forecast map (7:17 on July 08-18:08 on July <>)

From 7 o'clock on July 18 to 08 o'clock on July 19, there were moderate to heavy rains in parts of central and western Tibet, northern Suwan, most of Hunan, most of Jiangxi, central and southern Guizhou, southeastern Yunnan, southern China, Taiwan Island and other places, among which, there were heavy rains or heavy rains (08~100 mm) in parts of southeastern Yunnan, western Guangxi, southeastern Guangdong and other coastal areas. There are 200~4 grade winds in parts of central and western Inner Mongolia, Liaodong Peninsula, southern China and other places, among which, there are 6~7 level winds in parts of the southern coast of Guangxi and the southern coast of Guangxi (see Figure 8).

From 7:19 on July 08 to 20:08 on July 50, there were moderate to heavy rains in parts of northeastern Inner Mongolia, northwestern Heilongjiang, central and western Jianghuai, eastern Jianghan, northern Jiangnan, southern southwest China, eastern and southern South China, among which, there were heavy rains (70~4 mm) in southeastern Yunnan and other places. There are 5~5 level winds in parts of Inner Mongolia, southern Xinjiang basin and other places (see Figure <>).

Fig. 5 National precipitation forecast map (7:19 on July 08-20:08 on July <>)