On October 29, 2023, Turkey commemorates the 100th anniversary of the proclamation of the republic proclaimed by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk on October 29, 1923, following Turkey's war of independence, to save the country from a multi-front colonial war fought to seize the legacy of the Ottoman Empire.

Turkey is launching the bicentenary of the republic, in contexts that closely resemble the historical contexts of the proclamation of the republic 100 years ago. The proclamation of the republic was the culmination of an international conflict in which Ottoman Turkey was one of the parties and themes.

Through its complex and multi-track stance, Turkey succeeded in absorbing the harsh lesson of the experience of Enver Pasha about a century ago, when Germany dragged him to its axis in a devastating war, which Enver Pasha deepened by losing 80,<> soldiers in the battle of the incursion into Tsarist Russia.

Turkey was involved in 1914 in the First World War, because of the weakness of its leadership at the time, and one of its officers from the Union and Progress, Enver Pasha, blew it up to engage improvisationally in the First World War, at the behest of the Germans, to participate in the confrontation of Britain and France.

Turkey today finds itself in similar contexts, in addition to the clear targeting of its advancement process, expressed by Western interference in the past Turkish elections and the attempt to influence their results, as well as the systematic targeting of the Turkish rise and the constant attempt to confuse it, the Russian-Ukrainian war broke out, to represent a clear test for Ankara's policies, by virtue of its geopolitical position in this war.

Events revealed that Turkey was facing a more complex scene than just a Russian-Ukrainian conflict, but a Russian-Western conflict, in which all weapons were sharpened, and all military, political, media, diplomatic and economic fronts were mobilized, until some experts described this war as World War III. Turkey found itself between two axes, between Russia, a friendly enemy, and the West, a traditional "arch-ally."

Erdogan understood the complexities of the scene and the trap into which he could fall into, by getting involved, taking sides at the expense of the other. Turkey has adopted a complex approach that is biased towards international legitimacy in general, and does not get involved in its Western interpretations in detail, maintaining the lines of communication with Russia, aware of the need of the parties to the war for a line of return. Erdogan has already succeeded in placing Turkey at the heart of international diplomacy.

The West needs Turkey as an ally and mediator, Russia needs it, and the international community, represented by the United Nations, needs it. Through its complex and multi-track stance, Turkey has learned the harsh lesson of Enverpasha's experience nearly a century ago, when Germany dragged him into its axis in a devastating war. Enver Pasha deepened it with the loss of 80,<> soldiers in the battle of the incursion into Tsarist Russia.

Even Turkey's membership in NATO did not impose on it the alignment with the Western powers fighting Russia, and instead chose an independent approach in its foreign choices, based on a balance responsive to national interests.

The Ukrainian-Russian war appears to be part of a tumultuous international landscape, in which conflict intensifies and competition for international balances that are freed from Western American hegemony. Russia is pushing in this direction on the side of China, major international powers such as India, Brazil and Pakistan, and even some regional countries such as Saudi Arabia and Iran.

In this noisy scene, many winds blow in favor of Turkey, and it seems to have seized this historic opportunity to strengthen its strategic position, and imposed itself as a significant regional and international player, a historical moment that intersects with Turkey's desire to cross the era of the bicentenary of the republic, on the ground of the vision of the "century of Turkey".

A new century builds on the gains of a century that has passed, and transcends foundational obstacles and breaches, as long as the young republic has been constrained to launch, and disrupted efforts to rise and take.

During his speech on October 28, 2022, Erdogan presented the features and goals that summarize the vision of the "Century of Turkey", which is approximately 17 principles, in which he explained, in addition to constitutional and legal reform, that the century of Turkey is the century of values, science and technology, sustainability, peace, security, strength and stability, and building a future horizon based on entrepreneurship and proactivity, taking into account national and global transformations.

Explaining his party's vision, Erdogan said that at a time when the world is facing fateful challenges, the party aspires to Turkey to be one of the top ten in the world in all political, economic, military, technological and diplomatic fields.

First: Constitutional Reform

It is a vital necessity for the new Turkey. A new constitution that keeps pace with the transformations that have taken place in the country, and represents a lever and a supreme legal reference for the new system of government, which is based on civil and republican system. This constitutional reform is considered the final salvation of the country from the remnants of military coups, especially since the current constitution came after the military coup that took place in 1980, and its draft was proposed by the military institution, to be adopted in 1982.

The Justice and Development Party (AKP) and its partners are looking forward to establishing a new era in Turkey's history, which needs a new legal system, based on a new constitution that represents a national contract and a social contract, expressing the will of the Turks, and representing a lever for their aspirations and goals in a new century with a new arsenal of laws that keep pace with these aspirations and raise them.

Second: Political Reform

Despite the significant and gradual gains achieved by the 100-year march in the history of the Republic, especially since the historical context from which it emerged was very complex, the Republic, with its Kamalist character, lived through many difficulties, which made its course during 100 years oscillate between successes sometimes and setbacks sometimes.

The founding of the nascent republic forced it to adopt a cautious and relenting policy, often settling for a position on the regional and international margins. Military coups complicated and confused the march of the republic, until coups almost became a feature of the republic in its first century, had it not been for the efforts that accumulated and culminated in the comprehensive national reform project brought by the Justice and Development Party.

Today, the new Turkey seems more confident in its political system, with political reforms accumulated by the Justice and Development Party (AKP), under which the state has become the embodiment of the will of the Turks to a large extent. The failure of the military coup in July 2016 marked the last page in the culture of military coups, and the directions brought by the PJD reinforced civilian rule in a political culture and governing institutions.

What is certain is that Turkey today has transformed, qualitatively and quantitatively, and has become the subject of attention and follow-up from the whole world, and has moved ably from the margins to the center. Today, Al-Turki feels proud to belong to a country that carved its experience of transformation with confidence and wisdom, which was lacking in many countries of the world, including neighboring countries.

Turkey is moving forward in touching and consolidating the basic features and general features of a new political system that enhances political stability and consolidates democratic state institutions.

Third: Economic Ability

Turkey has for years grabbed a prominent position in the Group of Twenty and has taken a leading position as a rising economic power, and some emergency difficulties do not seem to disrupt its course and renaissance. This major economic transformation was not just a populist clamor or unproductive demonstration projects, but a solid economic empowerment process, which bet on vital sectors, with a strategic perspective, that strengthened Turkey's strength and consolidated its strategic position and leadership merit.

Today, Turkey is the most prominent country in the field of military industrialization, tourism, medical, cultural, technical and even humanitarian relief sectors. Turkey's Century of Renaissance Vision for the New Centenary aspires to take Turkey as one of the 10 strongest and largest economies in the world.

An independent strategy that establishes a balanced foreign policy seems to be a paved path for this economic ambition. Today, in addition to its membership in NATO and its strategic relationship with the West, Turkey has a strategic economic partnership with China, joined the New Silk Road in 2015, and has vital economic cooperation relations with Russia in important areas including energy and tourism.

It was not surprising in the context of the policy of openness that Turkey returned to revive the path of membership in the European Union, and even if it seems complicated and does not achieve all its goals, it will end up achieving most of its goals, and Turkey will be the most important distinguished partner of the European Union. Turkey is strengthening distinguished economic partnerships with the Asian and African space, and is moving at a clear pace to zero relations with its regional surroundings, reviving distinguished relations with the Arab space in general and the Gulf in particular.

Fourth: Military Ability

In recent years, Turkey has witnessed a remarkable renaissance in military industrialization, which has strengthened its defense capabilities and given a strong boost to the country's economy, especially with the significant international reputation gained by some military industries, such as drones. The Bayraktar Akinci aircraft has brought about a qualitative shift in Turkey's prestige and strategic weight. The Turkish marches played a role in resolving battles or carrying out deterrence operations in many countries that bought these marches, especially Libya and Ukraine.

In addition to their military role, these aircraft have contributed to Turkey's foreign diplomacy. Today, domestic military industries cover more than 70 percent of the country's military needs. According to the current track, Turkey is moving to strengthen the military industrialization sector, which as it progresses and develops, enhances the country's strength and power, and allows it to establish balanced independence policies, which are not subject to blackmail or subordination.

Fifth: Active Diplomacy and Strategy Independence

Turkish diplomacy is the most dynamic diplomacy. This impetus gives this impetus to its inclusion in a comprehensive vision of advancement, as it is a diplomacy that discovers all opportunities and possibilities all the time, breaks into new horizons, and proposes undiscovered paths.

This diplomatic vitality gives Turkey opportunities to discover, review, modify and break in. Many experts in international relations agree that Turkey is today planning for itself a diplomatic strategy in its foreign policy, unconventional and very specific, based on balanced strategic independence.

As much as Turkey seems loyal to the alliances of its traditional partners, especially the United States and the West, its diplomacy knows momentum in breaking into new paths, by opening up to China by joining the New Silk Road initiative since 1915, which opens the doors for Turkey to trade with dozens of countries, especially since the countries that have joined it exceed more than 123 countries. The initiative also boosted Turkey's chances of activating the Middle Corridor, the international trade corridor linking East and West.

It is noteworthy that transport and trade from Asia to Europe take place through 3 main corridors, the "northern" that passes through Russia, the "southern" that passes through Iran, and the "middle" that passes through Turkish territory.

Turkey is preparing for a century whose beginning was very noisy, in which the republic was established as a harsh conclusion, for a harsh end, from the womb of the remnants of a glorious history full of greatness, majesty and strength, and receives a new century, looking forward to the basic principles of the vision of the "Century of Turkey" to be its most prominent features, values, sustainability, peace, production and science, success, efficiency, development, future, stability, prosperity, compassion, communication, and strength.