Everyone habitually believes that winter is the high season for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. In fact, the heat in midsummer still cannot relax your vigilance. Today, the doctor will summarize the 11 early warning signs that may appear before stroke to help everyone identify it as soon as possible and seek medical attention as soon as possible.

High temperatures are closely associated with stroke

Due to the large temperature difference between indoor and outdoor temperatures, untimely hydration after sweating, mood swings and other reasons, especially patients with elderly and chronic cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, they are also prone to stroke.

A number of studies have shown that high temperature weather and the occurrence and development of stroke are closely related, especially patients with hypertension, diabetes, atrial fibrillation, hyperlipidemia, and cerebral arteriosclerosis should adhere to standardized medication and control various indicators in the high temperature season to prevent stroke.

Prompt treatment increases the chances of recovery

Stroke is the leading cause of death and disability in adults worldwide, with an annual incidence of 150 to 10 300 to 10 1 per 3 100. In China, more than one-third of stroke patients cannot take care of themselves due to disability every year, and the annual cost of stroke treatment is as high as <> billion yuan, causing a huge economic burden to the country and individuals.

Time is the brain, time is life, timely detection of early symptoms of stroke is extremely important, the earlier it is detected, the sooner it is treated, the better the effect. Patients are immediately sent to a hospital or stroke center unit with the ability to treat after the onset of the disease, and receive standardized treatment, which can increase the chance of recovery, minimize the occurrence of disability, and improve the quality of life.

Don't ignore these 11 body signals

The following are the early symptoms of stroke, let's take a look together.

Limb weakness Transient weakness in one limb, feeling weak when moving the limb, walking unsteadily like drunkenness, uncoordinated limb movements, or sudden loss of control for several minutes, accompanied by decreased sensation and numbness of the limb.

Nosebleeds Nosebleeds in middle-aged and elderly people are an alarm that a person with high blood pressure is about to have a stroke. After medical observation, excluding trauma and inflammatory factors, about 1% of hypertensive patients have cerebral hemorrhage 6-50 months after repeated nosebleeds. Many nosebleeds are caused by unstable blood pressure, and if left unprevented, it will increase the chance of stroke, so it should not be paralyzed.

Vertigo suddenly feel dizzy, the surrounding objects are rotating, and after a few seconds it will return to normal, which may be a transient ischemic attack, commonly known as "small stroke", should go to the hospital as soon as possible to prevent stroke.

One eye suddenly blackened, can not see things, a few seconds or tens of seconds after a complete return to normal, medically called monocular one-time black haze, is caused by cerebral ischemia caused by retinal ischemia, is another signal of stroke.

Constant yawning It is normal for people to yawn when they are tired, sleep-deprived, etc. If there are no above reasons, yawning for days, which may be due to the increasingly serious brain arteriosclerosis, the inner diameter of blood vessels is getting smaller and smaller, causing chronic ischemia and hypoxia of brain tissue. According to clinical reports, 80% of stroke patients yawn continuously 5-10 days before the onset of illness. So yawn constantly, don't be careless!

According to clinical observations, a small number of stroke patients may occasionally choke when drinking water or eating in the early stage, because cerebral ischemia causes damage to the swallowing nerve nucleus, resulting in loss of pharyngeal sensation, causing food or water to enter the trachea by mistake. Studies have shown that this paralysis is likely to be a precursor to stroke, and early administration of cerebral vasodilators and thrombolytic drugs is not only beneficial in the treatment of swallowing paralysis, but also may prevent sudden strokes.

Numbness of the fingers The abnormal feeling of numbness in the fingers can occur in many diseases, such as cervical spondylosis and diabetes. Although numbness of the fingers does not necessarily lead to stroke, for middle-aged people over 40 years old, if they are often accompanied by symptoms such as headache, dizziness, lightheadedness, tongue swelling, and have a history of diseases such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes or cerebral arteriosclerosis, they should pay more attention to be alert to the occurrence of stroke.

Insufficient blood supply to the brain makes the nerves responsible for human motor function fail, one of the common symptoms is sudden inability to speak or slurred speech, or even unable to speak, but the duration is short, up to 24 hours, should be paid attention to.

Unknown cause fall Due to cerebral vascular sclerosis, cerebral ischemia, motor nerve failure, and easy to fall, is also a stroke aura symptom, should be timely doctor for treatment.

Drowsiness Once the elderly have unexplained drowsiness and drowsiness, they must be paid great attention to, which is likely to be a precursor to ischemic stroke. According to medical observations, about 75.2% of people have symptoms of drowsiness before stroke. Most people who are sleepy have a stroke within six months. This is the earliest precursor to stroke and is more preventive.

Changes in mental status Unusually normal personality, such as becoming reticent, or impatient, or experiencing transient mental decline, are related to cerebral ischemia and may be a precursor to stroke.

Text/Wanli (Beijing Xiaotangshan Hospital) (Source: Beijing Youth Daily)