Less than a week before the elections, the candidates continue to make their particular tour of the media. this Sunday was Pedro Sánchez with La Pija and El Quinqui, and today it was the turn of the PP candidate, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, in La hora de La 1, where he has met a Silvia Intxaurrondo who has not hesitated to dismantle some of the answers of the popular leader engaging on more than one occasion in tense rifirrafes, who have become the real protagonists of the interview.

Feijóo sat on the set of La hora de La 1 to be interviewed by Silvia Intxaurrondo and Marc Sala. Both journalists asked him about various current issues such as his statements about postal voting, the Vox pact in Extremadura, national security or the revaluation of pensions. And it has been with this last issue that the moment of greatest tension of the interview has been unleashed.

However, Intxaurrondo has put the PP leader on the ropes since almost the beginning of the interview on account of the pacts of the Popular Party with Vox after the municipal and regional elections of the past 28-M. The journalist, above all, wanted to focus on the pact reached by PP and Vox, despite the commitment of its leader María Guardiola not to agree with the formation of Santiago Abascal even before the elections.

The presenter has asked Feijóo how "a man of his word" like him has "forced" Guardiola, "a woman of his word" too, to "break his commitment" not to reach an agreement with Vox after the May elections.

"I'm surprised that you know that I forced Guardiola into something I didn't force her," Feijoo replied tensely. "Between obliging and obliging with approval there is a difference," said the 'popular' candidate at the insistence of Intxaurrondo on whether then from the dome he was not forced, but he was urged to agree.

"The party leadership always agreed with the idea that the most voted list should govern. The PSOE refused. We raised it before the municipal and regional elections. He refused in Valencia, Cantabria, the Balearic Islands, Murcia... voted with Vox. PSOE and Vox voted against the PP governing, which won the elections," Feijóo said before pointing out that in Extremadura "the PP lost in votes not in seats."

According to Feijóo, the pact in Extremadura is "a government that has stability", insisting that Vox only has one council while Guardiola will govern with "stability in the community". "We'll see if it goes right or wrong. There may be a government of trouble as in Spain, or a sensible and approved one, "said Feijóo. However, Intxaurrondo was not going to settle for this response, bringing out the popular leader's own words about the extremes that Feijóo launched in the face to face last Monday on Antena 3 with Pedro Sánchez.

"He said in the debate that the extremes know how to block but not govern or manage. So, why have they been put in governments to manage public money?", asked the presenter to the surprise of Feijóo, who responded by stating that "we have proposed governments without extremes and the PSOE has refused".

After the first round between Intxaurrondo and Feijóo, it was Marc Sala who changed the third asking him about the proposal included in the electoral program of the PP to revalue pensions according to the CPI and if he will maintain this initiative. Feijóo has responded forcefully that the PP "always" has done it and that "the only one that froze pensions was the PSOE when Sánchez was a deputy". An answer that Intxaurrondo was not going to allow.

The journalist, bluntly, but with respect, has snapped at Feijóo that this "is not true": "They did not do it in 2012, 2013 or 2016." "I don't know where he gets that," Feijóo questioned. At the insistence of the journalist, Feijóo has been entrenched in affirming that the PP has always revalued pensions, a statement that he has repeated again and again during the tense moment.


We have always revalued pensions with the CPI, and even when it was negative or 0 we raised it half a point, "Feijóo insisted, while Intxaurrondo denied his claims, insisting on several occasions that Feijóo's words were not true.

Thus, Feijóo, visibly upset and uncomfortable, has summoned Intxaurrondo to "rectify" because she was "wrong": "If she is wrong I hope she rectifies and does it in this program. In the Senate I myself in a motion voted in favor of the revaluation of pensions with the CPI." But, Intxaurrondo, before the request for rectification requested by Feijóo has been even more blunt: "No. My data are correct, Mr. Feijóo. Not in 2012, 2013, not 2017."

"Well, as there is a newspaper library, you are going to check what I tell you and I tell you ... If I am wrong I apologize and if you are I hope you say it in this program because I reiterate that the Popular Party has revalued pensions according to the CPI ... I reiterate it again, therefore, I ask you to rectify in the event that you are in error, "the leader summoned him 'popular' before the angry face of the journalist who has preferred not to follow the interview anchored in the rifirrafe and continue.

A few hours after the clash with Intxaurrondo, Alberto Núñez Feijóo published a tweet in which without apologizing, as he assured he was going to do if he was wrong, he did clarify the statement made during La Hora de La 1 that the PP has always revalued pensions according to the CPI: "I reiterate that the PP never froze pensions and the PSOE did, with Sanchez's vote. The PP raised pensions every year and the PSOE did not. Even when the easy thing was to freeze them as the PSOE did, we also raised them. I do not mind clarifying any statement if it has been inaccurate, unlike Sanchez, whose arrogance would never allow it. We are still waiting for him to deny all his lies in the debate, such as that the PSOE did not freeze pensions "

After dealing with the electoral promise to lower taxes, Intxaurrondo has continued for another of the statements that Feijóo made during the face to face with Sánchez: the accusation of the 'popular' against the President of the Government that he had interfered in the investigation of the Pegasus case not collaborating with justice. A statement that Feijóo himself acknowledged last week could be "wrong".

With this, Intxaurrondo has been more than direct: "How can a man of his training and his level disseminate without contrasting information that affects the security of the State?" Again, surprised and angry, Feijóo has loaded the blame against the communication agency from which he says he got this information: "It is a teletype issued by an agency. I have 11 pages of lies of the president of the Government, of false data and one looks at what he says ...".

Intxaurrondo insisted and Feijóo then pointed to the alleged agreements reached by the Government with Moroccoafter the theft of data by them through the president's mobile. "We do not know what our country has agreed with Morocco. Nor do we know who extracted from the memory of the president's mobile phone what contents or what it affects. That the Moroccan Prime Minister asks me if I am going to maintain the agreements, and I have to tell him that I would like to know the agreements he has with my country... Does TVE know? No one knows. It is more serious than saying if you have not collaborated... I would collaborate with justice," concluded the PP leader.

  • Alberto Núñez Feijóo

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