Kyiv is ready to intensify strikes on Ukraine, although it seems that the objects of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are already being hit hard - both they find and hit.

As for retaliation for the attack on the bridge, the military leadership of Russia does not demonstrate a penchant for one-time actions, no, in response we significantly raise the level of impact on the rear of Ukraine and do not reduce it in the future.

The strike on the bridge, as usual, is used by Kyiv as an information battering ram for Russia. For the first time - yes, it was cool, now it's just one of the military messages. Another thing is that there is a personal attitude of our president to the topic of bridge attacks - this, in my opinion, will affect the response, and the speed of recovery, and the strengthening of the level of security of the bridge in the future.

About security. There is the topic of the proximity of the territories occupied by the enemy. We are talking about a "sanitary zone" along our borders (Belgorod, Kursk, Bryansk) to stop shelling Russia.

So it is here: the desire for security makes you think about the need to cut off Ukraine from the Black Sea. That's at least.

And this means that Kherson, Mykolaiv and Odessa should enter this "sanitary zone". How could it be otherwise?

And globally, the attack on the bridge is my personal premonition of a serious intensification of our actions in the NWO. A premonition, but not a reason. There are already enough reasons.

The author's point of view may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.