The 2023 "Beijing Story" Excellent Small Theater Repertoire Exhibition recently kicked off, and in more than two months, a number of small theater drama works with a wide range of themes and forms will take turns on the stage in Beijing, presenting a summer cultural feast for the audience in Beijing, and the performance of the play "New West Wing" will be unveiled in the Star Theater Village as the opening performance.

In order to better guide the creation of small theater repertoire and build a small theater performance platform, in 2012, Beijing created the "Beijing Story" excellent small theater repertoire exhibition brand, which has been held for 9 sessions so far, with a total of 182 plays and nearly 400 performances. This year's exhibition and performance activities collected and selected 22 outstanding small theater plays nationwide, covering drama, opera, musical, children's drama, immersive drama and other categories, divided into three units: "excellent inheritance", "classic reconstruction" and "exploration and innovation".

In the "Excellent Inheritance" section, "Flowing Light Song" by the Northern Kunqu Opera Theater and "Dye" by the China Critic Theater show the charm of traditional Chinese opera with contemporary aesthetics; The seven-hour marathon drama "Kong Qiu" uses modern drama methods to explore the cultural foundation of the Chinese nation with the philosophers across time and space; "Gone Away", one of the trilogy of the Republic of China series, brings the audience to think about evil and good, ignorance and wisdom; The children's drama "The Lion King" tells a fantasy story based on the growth experience of the inheritors of the Taishi in Beijing's White Paper Factory, a national intangible cultural heritage...

In the "Classic Reconstruction" section, there are the Beijing opera "My Life" adapted from Mr. Lao She's novel of the same name, the one-man play "A Report of an Ape" adapted from Kafka's short story, the children's drama "The Big Monster in the Forbidden City" adapted from the children's book series of the same name, and the new program drama "New West Box" that puts the classic plot in the current context of thinking and interpreting. There are localized adaptations of foreign classics, such as the drama "Good Night, Mother" and "Almond Tofu Heart", which are masterpieces of American playwright Martha Norman and Japanese playwright Zheng Yixin, respectively, as well as bold Chinese creations of Western classics, such as Beijing Peking Opera's "The Miser" adapted from the comedy of the famous French playwright Molière.

The repertoire of the "Exploration and Innovation" section is a good interpretation of the innovative power of small theater drama. The immersive drama "The Great True Detective Zhao Chasing the Goose" integrates the audience and the performance area, truly restoring the same scene of Beijing in the 3s; The multimedia creative drama "That Child" brings the audience into a naked-eye <>D world through a combination of front and rear double projections; The immersive interactive drama "Happy Chat" fully collides with elements such as singing and fighting, Sichuan opera changing faces, rap rap rap and modern dance; The two-part drama "GOODBYE" leads the audience to experience two kinds of farewells through two independent stories in the first and second halves; The expression of "Samadhi" is simple but very dramatic.

In addition, the exhibition will be arranged in the summer, and in addition to organizing the performance, art popularization activities such as script readings, post-performance talks, reading sharing sessions, and drama experience weeks will be held, so that the audience can get a richer experience while watching the performance. Text/Reporter Guo Jia (Source: Beijing Youth Daily)