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The Regional Court in Stuttgart


Tobias Steinmaurer / photosteinmaurer.com / IMAGO

Because she diverted millions of dollars in cash, a former employee of a cash-in-transit company has been sentenced to three years in prison for theft. The 42-year-old had confessed to the crime in front of the Stuttgart district court, said a spokesman for the public prosecutor's office. The three years would correspond to the demand of the prosecution. The verdict was final, both sides waived their right to appeal. Previously, »Bild« had reported.

The woman had been accused of stealing 1.25 million euros. According to the public prosecutor's office, it is still unclear where the loot went even after the trial. At the beginning of September, a suspected accomplice, who was initially charged together with the 42-year-old, is to be heard. However, his proceedings were separated. A third suspect is still on the run.

The woman was arrested in January at Stuttgart airport after arriving from Montenegro. She had previously contacted the investigators through her lawyer and announced that she wanted to turn herself in. She had been sought by public manhunt and international arrest warrant.
