In a first of its kind, a Jordanian restaurant announced the provision of a unique service to its customers, which is to allocate a place to sleep after eating "Mansaf" (a popular Jordanian dish), as eating it may cause lethargy and laziness.

The restaurant "Manasif Moab", which announced the service, is located in one of the neighborhoods of the Jordanian capital, Amman, and it specializes in providing the popular Mansaf meal, and announced the new service through its pages on social networking sites.

The restaurant wrote on social media, "Due to the suffering of customers from drowsiness after eating the Mansaf meal, a new service was provided in the restaurant under the name of Eat and Stretch," and allocated rooms with sleeping beds, allowing the customer to take a nap that can extend for two hours.

Mansaf is lamb with frozen milk, wheat bread or rice, and is one of the meals known to the residents of the Badia al-Sham region, and is the most prominent popular meal in Jordan, as it is attended in all rituals and social events in the country.

The "Shabakat" program (2023/7/17) monitored part of the interaction of Jordanians and others with this service, including what Hussam Al-Zeer tweeted, "We must think about it as Syrians. We are about the kibbeh, God willing, after you eat it with a service of three stages (Tafrfed - nourished - and extended)."

Ali Farouk wrote, "They have the right to sleep. Mansaf is very heavy lamb meat with Rayeb milk sauce and Basmati rice and Saj bread sprinkled fat and Bamajooh in a tray," while Taqa tweeted "creative, by God, means a strange and new idea, and eating them originally Zaki and deserves."

As for "Ashraf", he criticized the idea and wrote, "A dangerous indicator and its negative transmission, indicating the lack of strength of the individual in the face of changes and the palatability of experimenting with unnecessary practices, instead of its great role in influencing many concepts of the social system and the individual's link to the wheel of production."

As for Nidaa, she tweeted sarcastically, "This is not a restaurant, this is a five-star hotel, pay for a meal and enjoy a hotel stay."

When asked by Shabakat program, restaurant manager Thamer al-Majali, who is the owner of the idea, said that it was initially motivated by humor, against the background of customers talking about feeling tired and sleepy after eating the meal, but it received an excellent turnout, so we called it "feed and stretch."