Recently, after the Palace Museum, Beijing Working People's Cultural Palace and many other places suspended commercial shooting, some photographers with commercial photography and video equipment such as slide rails, rocker arms, reflectors and other commercial photography and video equipment took customers to the Summer Palace again. In this regard, the staff of the Summer Palace said that commercial filming is prohibited in the park.

In front of the Summer Palace Yinhuicheng Pass, several people dressed in ancient costumes stood by the railing and posed in the aisle, a photographer squatted in a doorway a few meters away to adjust the angle of the shot, and next to him stood an assistant carrying a bag.

"The handsome guy's head is a little to the side, and the beauty leans on this side... Ay! Yes, yes, yes..." shouted the photographer. Behind them, three or four tourists had to wait for them to finish filming, "We don't dare to pass through the middle, what if entering the camera interferes with people's filming?" After waiting for about a few minutes, the photographer stood up, waved his hand in satisfaction, and signaled that the waiting tourists behind him could pass.

At present, "taking costume photos in Beijing" has become a trend, and commercial travel photography is emerging one after another. During the visit to various attractions in the park, five of the nine people who took pictures with DSLR cameras were commercial photographers.

"Like the middle of the painting, the road is originally narrow, these people occupy the road of the scenic spot, one shot is ten minutes, and the tourists who come behind can't get around if they want to. It often creates congestion and really affects the experience. A tourist dressed in Hanfu said that when she used to dress up for fun, photographers would often come over to talk to her and ask if she wanted to pay for shooting.

"Universal Studios, Taimiao and Forbidden City have regulations, and commercial filming is not allowed, so everyone has to choose the Summer Palace." One photographer said that it is generally up to the client to choose the shooting location, but the client chooses a scenic spot where commercial photography is explicitly prohibited, and they will recommend places such as the Summer Palace for choice.

"Isn't the Summer Palace still not in place?" Photographers said that the current prohibition of commercial photography in scenic spots mainly restricts equipment such as tripods, reflectors and follow-up photography.

"For insurance, now let the tourists put on makeup, change clothes and go to the attractions, we will directly carry a DSLR, put other equipment in the bag, let the assistant take it out as much as possible, the staff in the park cannot see it, generally will not obstruct." A photographer said.

The reporter learned that the instructions for entering the Summer Palace stipulate that all kinds of unapproved business activities are prohibited in the park, and professional camera equipment that has not been approved by the management department is prohibited from filming in the park.

"We prohibit commercial filming." The staff of the Summer Palace said that the current shooting activities in the scenic area will be judged by the on-site staff according to the situation, and only non-commercial shooting is allowed.

"Commercial shooting is very good identification, such as with a reflector or follow-up shooting, it will be recognized as commercial shooting." The staff said.

Source: Beijing Daily client reporter Huang Pinchao