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Passport control at Munich Airport

Photo: Marc Müller / picture alliance / dpa

A bribe attempt with 100 dollars has given a 70-year-old American woman a 1000-euro fine. According to the Federal Police, the woman wanted to travel to Washington on Saturday, but could not present an ID at Munich Airport. She then tried to circumvent the control before her flight to Washington with a payment of 100 dollars.

The 70-year-old stated that she had forgotten her passport on the feeder flight from Athens on the plane. While the officers inquired about the document with the airline, the woman offered the bribe to a federal police officer. She was also not impressed by the officer's refusal and still put a $100 bill on the counter.

Forced stop in Munich

This did not go down well with the federal police. The traveler had to deposit 1000 euros as security for a criminal complaint for bribery. Since her allegedly lost passport no longer appeared, the woman could not leave the country. She must now first apply for a new passport at the U.S. consulate.
