• Meteorology Strong heat waves around the world: close the Acropolis in Greece, more than 40 degrees in Italy and up to 54 in the United States
  • The Weather The heat wave activates warnings in half of Spain with Córdoba and Jaén in red for maximums of 44 degrees

Spain is experiencing a new heat wave and it will not be the last this summer. In addition, they will become more common due to climate change, which makes summers more torrid.

It is therefore very important that we know what we should do and what we should not do in the face of extreme heat and how we can beat the most suffocating days of summer.

Why is extreme heat a health risk factor?

Heat has a vasodilator effect on the arteries and reduces blood pressure. This mechanism can lead to fainting and loss of consciousness, especially in the elderly and cardiac patients.

It also raises the temperature of the body, which adds to the action of the sun's rays. The risk of dehydration is also higher as fluids are eliminated through sweat, even when standing. Not drinking enough water means it can cause health problems.

What should we and should not do?

The most common mistake when it's hot is to take off as many clothes as possible. However, in case of high temperatures, it should be covered to limit the percentage of areas of the body exposed to the sun. The radiation acts directly on the body and overheats it if it does not encounter barriers.

Light clothing is recommended, made of natural fabrics such as cotton and linen, preferably loose and comfortable so that air circulates. No skinny pants and tight shirts. In addition, light colors are preferable because they do not attract rays.

What about food?

Skipping meals can cause problems. It is necessary to respect the schedules in which we eat even if we do not feel hungry. Better to focus on light meals, without many sauces, with fruits and vegetables.

Find out more

Bless you.

These are illnesses that get worse with heat and medicines that can have side effects


These are illnesses that get worse with heat and medicines that can have side effects

Bless you.

What to do about heat stroke in children

  • Writing: M. SÁNCHEZ

What to do about heat stroke in children

With heat, calories are more easily lost along with mineral salts. Therefore, the organism must be properly refreshed so as not to deprive it of energy. You have to moderate the amounts, a liter and a half or two per person, but keep in mind that each individual has a different fluid requirement according to age and movement.

How to prevent dehydration?

Hot flashes, a feeling of severe weakness, headaches or chapped lips and skin are some of the warnings of dehydration.

We must be attentive and if we notice any, we have to drink water and try to descnasar in a shady place, not under the flow of air conditioning that, if used incorrectly, can pose a risk.

And at night?

Resting well means being prepared to endure efforts throughout the day, and more when there is a heat wave. In the bedroom, the air conditioner should be kept at 25-27 degrees, being careful not to receive the flow directly.

It is better not to eat heavy food before going to sleep, and it is also good to plan dinner two hours before bedtime. The lack of sleep weakens and while we are awake we continue to consume energy, which we need to face the hours of the day.

Is the mountain a safer environment?

Not at all, you have to take the same precautions. Remember that at high altitude we are much more exposed to the sun's rays.

No long walks in case of high temperature, high humidity or lack of ventilation. Drink regularly every 30, 60 minutes, and if you go hiking, better very early or in the morning.

  • Heat wave
  • Summer
  • HBPR

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