• TV The "madness and improvisation" of the new show by José Mota and Patricia Conde

RTVE wants to win Thursday nights based on humor and the weakness of its rivals, especially the summer reality of Telecinco, ¡Vaya vacaciones!, and ACI, the Antena 3 series released last week. Therefore, from Thursdays the nights of La 1 will be dominated by the humor of José Mota and then by Lorena Castell, at the head of the reinvented Let's get along after the catastrophic result of his first premiere with Ana Morgade.

José Mota Live Show, which premieres this Thursday at 22.35 hours on La 1, is the new program of the comedian where viewers can see, for the first time, his comedy live on a set.

A weekly space produced by RTVE in collaboration with Nueva Línea in which he will review the news of the summer accompanied by Patricia Conde and the collaborators of his famous sketches, among them, Susi Caramelo, Paco Collado, Jorge Luengo or the Magician More. A show with which RTVE wants to mark the good audience ratings that Mota usually gets on public television and, above all, with few options on the grid.

Last week, although it was a special night due to the broadcast of El Debate a 7 in La 1, which led the prime time with an 18.6% share of screen,the rating of Telecinco fell from 11.7% of its premiere to 10.5% share last Thursday, while the premiere of the series ACI on Antena 3 remained at 9.5%. La 1 seeks to lead Thursday nights with one of its biggest audience generators, José Mota.

The show, recorded in false live, will have an audience, which will have a prominent role, since it will participate and will be the protagonist of games and live improvisation sketches, in which anything can happen.

José Mota will also receive guests and celebrities who come to have fun and discover little-known facets of him through fun games. Among the guests of the first program, Santiago Segura and Enrique Cerezo.

In addition, José Mota will do for the first time something that he is very good at and passionate about: singing live.

Then, in the late night, Lorena Castell arrives. The artist is in charge of Vamos a llevarnos bien, the program that RTVE canceled last February by making "less audience than Teletexto", a 4.6% share, when presented by Ana Morgade.

Lorena Castell will put "all her energy and good humor at the service of this format full of music, show and a lot of comedy" in which many celebrities will face different tests to decide who are the funniest and who know the most about summer.

Produced by RTVE in collaboration with The Pool, Vamos a llevarnos bien will have as collaborators Ares Teixidó, at the head of a sex section; Aníbal Gómez will bring nostalgia, and Alex O'Dogherty will put the musical touch with La Bizarrería and every night they will cover a song of the summer. The influencer Marina Rivers will be another of the collaborators.

The key to the format is the confrontation between two celebrity couples, who will climb into a ring to face each other in a competition divided into fun assaults: musical tests, games of skill, anecdotes, viral challenges, nostalgia, sex, etc. At the end of the match, and after the four guests have answered a "very personal" questionnaire, the audience attending the program will decide which couple should be the winner.

Yolanda Ramos and Carolina Iglesias, and Palomo Spain with Edu Soto will be the first couples, as fun and disparate as those of the coming weeks, formed by celebrities such as Omar Montes, María Gómez, Jessica Goicoechea, Jedet, María Peláe, Kiko Rivera, Adriana Torrebejano, Andy and Lucas, Rossy de Palma, Manuel Díaz "El Cordobés", Laura Sánchez, Leo Harlem, Carlos Baute, Manu Baqueiro, Norma Duval, Goyo Jiménez or Camela, among others.

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