• Tamara Falcó's wedding dress, the most regal among Spanish royals and aristocrats?
  • How to turn your family's silver cutlery into a source of income. Blanca Alcañiz, jewelry artisan: "I have a sentimental bond with cutlery"

What garment will we never see in one of your collections? A tracksuit. And what garment would you have loved to have designed? The cowboy. It is the most versatile to dress from casual to elegant. There are a thousand forms and formulas. It has even reached the red carpets. And I would have lined myself (laughs).What great designer would you have liked to be a disciple of? From Yves Saint Laurent, Tom Ford or Ralph Lauren.A film that has marked you?' The painted veil'. It seems to me aesthetically of an incredible delicacy. For my designs I am very inspired by Asian culture and this film has many winks.A must-have book in your library? I became obsessed as a child with Shakespeare's 'Macbeth'. The salseo of history fascinated me. Any of Pablo Coelho and 'Memoirs of a Geisha' are also among my favorites.A phrase that you repeat every morning in front of the mirror? Anything is possible. I wasn't meant to go into fashion until I finally jumped in, because I always think everything will work out. When everything sucks or goes wrong is a mantra that I repeat to myself: you have to think positive. If not, the negative brings you darkness. We'll see how but things will turn out well. Designer, stylist, presenter, writer, chef... Is there any other profession with which you would like to surprise us? Interior decorator. I already have a collection of fabrics with Güell La Madrid and there I have made my first steps. They even gave us an award in Paris for the best print of the year. It's something I've always had a thorn in my side with and I think I would love someone to trust me to design a space, whether it's a hotel, or even a house. I dream of being invited to Casa Decor (laughs). After getting behind the stove on MasterChef, what recipe has become your signature dish? Any dessert. I had never cooked before joining MasterChef, but that experience made me discover baking and fall in love with it, maybe because it is also something very aesthetic. This season you repeat with Mó to sign a new collection of glasses. What is the biggest challenge when designing a pair of glasses? Surprise and at the same time propose something that is wearable. Doing something really crazy is easy, but my obsession with everything I design is that people wear it. The biggest compliment for a designer is that people wear their clothes on the street, not that those around you tell you how cool, how wonderful. However, feeling that with all the options that are right now in the market choose your brand, that is the bomb. Are you one of those who think that everything depends on the color of the glass with which you look? Always. In fact there are colors of glasses crystal that I never use. They are always warm, alive, degraded... And I like that people can see your eye, it's our greatest form of expression, plus I find it very sexy.

The creator at a party of Mó Multiópticas.GTRES

Your firm began focused on masculine designs that in the end also attracted the attention of women. You bet on gender fluidity from the beginning, something that today the industry has joined as a block. Do you think that these types of movements, such as diversity and sustainability, have more to do with market interests than with real involvement in defending important causes? Sometimes it surprises me to see how many years ago we were so modern without knowing it. I think that on the one hand the firms are focusing more and more on the inclusion of bodies because it is something real, however I think that around sustainability there are some clear cases of greenwashing. Fashion needs to place more emphasis on those social concerns and needs. Your profile on social networks has positioned you as a category influencer. In that sense, has Instagram become a better platform than any other gateway for you? No, TikTok works better. The thing about a catwalk, which I love, is that it's unidirectional. But a social network allows you to interact and maintain a dialogue with users. For me it is a very sincere platform in which you show yourself as you are. In addition, we are in a moment in which you have to dialogue with your audience. The seventies moment of rockstar designer is no longer useful, you have to be with your followers. Running out of battery on your mobile: nightmare or dream? Nightmare. Absolute. Think that my office is mobile. I am often in front of the computer or designing and I am with the phone in the other hand, or with my pattern maker in FaceTime. I would have to take a Lexatin if I ran out of battery. In my bag I always carry two chargers, an extra battery... You have recognized that traveling is the greatest pleasure of your life, to which destination would you escape right now? I'm obsessed with South Korea and Singapore. I find them much more modern right now than Japan was a few years ago. Education and elegance are your hallmark, but have you ever lost your ways? Yes, of course. I always try to be polite, but there comes a time when you can't let yourself step on. Although it happens very rarely, I am quite peaceful, because I believe that conflict never gets you anywhere and blocks people. It is better to dialogue. You can say absolutely everything in a very polite way. And the message is much more powerful if you say it politely and calmly than if you start screaming like crazy. In general, are we losing manners? In day-to-day personal relationships I think so. And on social platforms of course. From Twitter, for example, people insult gratuitously, because they do not show their face or say their name. Before we were more prudent, but these networks provide freedoms that encourage the loss of forms. Nor can we romanticize the past as if everything were good then. But there are some minimums that should be maintained and there are very rude people. How would you say you saw Spain in the era of 'anything goes'? It's super eclectic. People wear whatever they want. I see how trends are coming in and how little they last and I think that in the end what matters now is that everyone wears what they like and maintains their personal style. That's better than trying to simulate things that aren't. In the media universe in which you move, is it really easy to make real friends? It's very complicated. You never know where the shots are going. And we are all a little more reticent. What is true is that when you have friends they are 200%. But there is a lot of posturing.

Juan Avellaneda and Tamara Falcó, two great friends. GTRES

Do you still rub shoulders with people who are not from high society? Of course. I have friends of all kinds. I even have a friend who is a superchoni and I always mess with her with laughter. Because in the end you have to value people above their look. If she's good at heart, I don't care what she's wearing. Although we can not fool ourselves, when you go on TV they choose some characters over others. Of course, you learn a lot and in any of them you always find inspiration. One of the most talked about topics these weeks is the wedding dress of your friend Tamara Falcó, which at first there was talk that you were going to design, but you already confirmed that you would only advise her. In these matters I have always been very clear that I am like a surgeon: I will never make a wedding dress for a family member or a friend. It's very complicated. I prefer to be a consultant, but not the designer. For a more relaxed time like a party or a red carpet, yes. But for such a special event I prefer to stay on the sidelines and enjoy it with her.Are brides the most difficult clients? No, not at all. It's funny and, although everyone asks me, I always say that boyfriends are worse. It is not for them, but for all the people around giving their opinions. The fewer people you let have their say, the better. You have to go with your idea and trust one or two people at most, not 15. It happens to the bride and groom that they are pressured very easily. In general, it is easier to dress a woman than a man. Have you ever felt that your friendship with Tamara eclipses you? We are two very different profiles. Nor do I consider it, because she is from a very important family and I am a designer and I want my work at the head of my firm to be recognized, nothing more, not because I am a friend of or boyfriend of. We each know perfectly well where we are, especially in the media. Little is known about my life, although if you Google it you find it I do not talk about it, ever.

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