Nanning, July 7 (Tang Weiqing) Recently, some claims that "three-volt stickers" can lose weight have appeared on the Internet, and this series of articles has attracted the attention of netizens and even triggered imitation. Nong Zening, director of the Hongzhong Health Center of Ruikang Hospital affiliated to Guangxi University of Chinese Medicine and a famous traditional Chinese medicine practitioner in Guangxi, said in a recent interview with a reporter from that it is not enough to rely on "three-volt stickers" to lose weight, and it is necessary to combine a reasonable diet and appropriate exercise to achieve the effect of weight loss.

The "three-volt day" is divided into the first volt, the middle volt and the last volt, which occurs between the light summer and the summer heat of the 7 solar terms, and is the hottest time of the year, humid and stuffy. In mid-July, the official ambush begins, according to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine "winter disease summer treatment", many people will choose to paste "three-volt sticker" at this time to enhance resistance and prevent diseases that are prone to occur in winter.

Nong Zening said that during the three-volt day, Guangxi has high temperatures and heavy precipitation, resulting in heavy "moisture" in the human body. At this time, the reasonable use of "three-volt patch", while paying attention to dietary therapy, through "external treatment" and "internal regulation", can achieve the effect of invigorating yang qi and dispelling "dampness".

The picture shows doctors putting up "three-volt stickers" for the public. Photo by Tang Weiqing

Nong Zening introduced that using the "three-volt day" period to apply acupuncture points to lose weight is theoretically feasible. Through conditioning, it can indirectly achieve a role of strengthening the spleen and stomach, removing humidification and phlegm, and has a certain effect of weight reduction. However, it is not enough to rely on sticking, but also through reasonable diet, strengthen exercise and other aspects of comprehensive conditioning, in order to achieve a more ideal weight loss effect.

In the above series of articles, there is a saying that "three volts stick off the scale", how did this phenomenon occur, and is there a scientific basis?

Nong Zening believes that due to the hot weather, strong metabolism, coupled with the poor appetite of the people due to the heat, this will naturally have the effect of weight loss. If you do "three-volt sticker" conditioning, it will inevitably play an overlapping role. "So people mistakenly think that you can lose weight by sticking this sticker, and this idea is incorrect." (End)