Guangzhou, July 7 (Reporter Wang Jian) Affected by the thunderstorm group surrounding Typhoon No. 17 "Taili" this year, from 4 o'clock on the 16th to 9 o'clock on the 17th, many places in Guangdong suffered heavy rainfall and windy weather, the average rainfall in the province was 9.18 mm, 6 towns and streets recorded heavy rain of more than 2 mm, and 100 town streets recorded heavy rain of 115 mm to 50 mm.

Since the 16th, Guangzhou has also been affected by the thunderstorm group outside the "Teli", and there was a general strong thunderstorm and short-term winds of 16 to 6 in the afternoon of the 10th, of which Zhengguo Town, Zengcheng District, recorded the city's maximum cumulative rainfall of 41.7 mm. It is predicted that there will still be moderate thunderstorms and locally heavy rain in Guangzhou on the night of the 17th.

According to the Guangzhou Emergency Management Bureau, it is expected that "Taili" is more likely to land on the eastern coast of western Guangdong to Hainan from the night of the 17th to the morning of the 18th. At that time, affected by it, there will be heavy rain and local heavy rain in Guangzhou City from the 17th to the 18th.

In order to do a good job in the typhoon defense work, the Guangzhou Three Defense General Association and relevant departments mainly took a number of measures to defend against "Taili".

Guangzhou Three Defense General said that at present, the city has strengthened monitoring, forecasting and early warning, closely monitored the development and changes of typhoon, timely adjusted defense deployment, encrypted consultation and judgment, and timely released typhoon warning information and defense guidelines to the public. At present, Guangzhou's four-level emergency response against typhoons is still being maintained.

Guangzhou Sanfang General Department introduced that the city is currently in the fishing ban period, a total of 20 fishing boats in the city, have returned to port at 16 o'clock on the 7th and do a good job of defense work, carry out maritime patrols to control fishing boats are not allowed to risk sailing. A total of 151 key ships were inspected, including 41 non-powered ships and 1 wind power construction platform, and 100% of the personnel have been evacuated.

At the same time, 137 port enterprises were urged to implement windproof reinforcement work such as large machinery; The "One Ship, One Case" clarified the passenger routes of 156 water transport enterprises and the typhoon prevention of operating ships; Seven water transport projects under construction and six dangerous goods container yards are ready for windproof and waterproof immersion. The four coastal tourist attractions in Nansha District have also been temporarily closed at 7 o'clock on the 6th.

In addition, the Guangzhou Three Defense General also requires strengthening the investigation of hidden dangers of wind and waterlogging on land, and making preparations for emergency rescue. At present, a total of 3519,832 people and 2000 emergency vehicles and equipment are pre-installed to cope with the possible risk of waterlogging and waterlogging; In response to the possible increase in storm surge water in the central urban section of the Pearl River, 67,5 sandbags were pre-installed on Yanjiang Road and Binjiang Road; <> emergency tugboats and <> professional rescue vessels were pre-installed in Guishan, Shajiao, Nansha, Xinsha, Huangpu and other places to prepare for emergency rescue at sea. (End)