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Beach in Graal-Müritz (Archive)

Photo: Bernd Wüstneck/ dpa

Lifeguards have rescued four children and three adults from the Baltic Sea off Graal-Müritz (Rostock district). The cause was dangerous currents that formed on Sunday at wind speeds around level five, especially on the Baltic Sea groynes, as Andre Rieckhoff, head of the German Lifesaving Society (DLRG) Graal-Müritz, said on Monday. A ten-year-old non-swimmer had swallowed so much water that she had to be taken to a clinic by ambulance.

The problem is that children and adults can still stand in the bathing area at a certain distance from the beach, but the ground on the groynes is washed out heavily, so that the water there is suddenly three meters deep.

Helpers have to be rescued themselves

Two women had tried to pull the ten-year-old away from the stages. In the end, all three had to be saved. Shortly thereafter, first a mother with another child and then two girls got into such dangerous current situations. However, the rescuers noticed this in time.

The DLRG had hoisted yellow flags. Then non-swimmers and insecure swimmers should not go into the water and no bathing aids should be used.
