With the help and coordination of the police, the man paid 6,<> yuan to the electric fraud park and successfully returned to China

July 2023, 7 Chengdu Business Daily electronic edition

"The salary at the end of each month is 3,7 yuan, plus the commission can almost get about 17,6 yuan..." In the face of the promise of his former colleague and fellow countryman, Song Mou, a young man from Emeishan in Sichuan, was moved, and he originally said that he would go to Chiang Rai, Thailand to be a chef, but he did not expect to be taken to the Golden Triangle area to engage in wire fraud. On July <>, the reporter learned from the Emeishan police in Leshan City that with the help and coordination of the Emeishan police, Song finally paid <>,<> yuan to the electric fraud park and returned to China smoothly. After returning to China, Song sighed with emotion, "Those days were simply a nightmare!" ”

Monthly income of 30,000 yuan?

Said to go to Thailand, but was tricked to go to the Golden Triangle

Song, 36 years old this year, is a native of Emeishan and has been working as a cook for 20 years. At the end of April, Song, who was working at a hotel in Shanghai, received a call from a former colleague, "He said that his boss is a Chinese, he has opened a Chinese restaurant in Chiang Rai, Thailand, there are many Chinese tour groups, and the business is good, and asked me if I was interested in going over?" ”

Speaking of treatment, the other party told Song that his salary at the end of each month was 3,8000 yuan, plus the commission could almost get about <>,<> yuan, and the past travel expenses were fully reimbursed. "I'm interested!" Song's salary in Shanghai is only more than <>,<> yuan, and he was immediately moved. Although there were some rumors on the Internet at that time, Song felt that the other party was still Emei and should not lie to himself.

A week later, Song flew to Bangkok, Thailand, and then transferred to Chiang Rai. Song told reporters that the other party sent a car to pick him up, and there were three people in the car, "I thought I would pick me up to the restaurant, but the car drove for hours, and when I saw the words 'Golden Triangle Special Economic Zone', I thought about it, but I couldn't run away." ”

Forced to engage in telecommunications fraud

Failure to perform is subject to corporal punishment

According to Song, he was taken into a park with a security guard with a gun and an electric baton at the door, and his mobile phone and passport were collected, and he knew that he wanted to do telecommunications fraud in the park. A room lives 6 to 8 people, and the meal is a large canteen, which can be filled, but there is basically no taste at all.

Just a week after entering, Song saw a person being beaten badly in the office. "Shout you scams every day, $10,<> a month." Song told reporters that he was assigned the task of going to various chats and making friends through translation software and dating apps, and when the time was ripe, he would trick the other party into investing in virtual cross-border e-commerce.

Song said that at that time, they mainly deceived people in the Middle East and Southeast Asia, because China's anti-fraud propaganda and crackdown was strong, there was a special anti-fraud APP, and it did not support virtual currency transactions.

"We work 12 hours a day, not only without wages, but also pay 1,<> yuan a month for food and lodging for the park." Song said that the supervisor threatened to be punished if there was no performance for three months, and if there was no performance for half a year, he would be sold to other parks, and during this period, if there was no performance or the performance did not meet the standard, he would be physically punished every day.

With the assistance of the police, he successfully returned to China

Caution against trusting high-paying jobs

Song said that at that time, he tried in every possible way to contact his family. "I have to hand over my mobile phone to check at work, and if I don't check after work, I download WeChat at night, get in touch with my family, and uninstall WeChat before going to work." Song said that in the end, with the help and coordination of the Emeishan police, he paid 6,6 yuan to the park and successfully returned to China on June 2.

"It was a nightmare for that month!" Song told reporters that fortunately, he has not been beaten inside, if it is a person who bought the past, and he can't defraud money, he will definitely be beaten, and basically the people inside are bought, and they will not be easily let go.

After returning to China, Song went to Yunnan to work part-time and continued to work as a cook. He reminded everyone, "Don't easily believe in the so-called high-paying work, don't easily believe that there is gold everywhere abroad, the moment you step out of the country means the beginning of a nightmare, what awaits you is not a high-paying job, but a restricted personal freedom, at will!" (Source: Chengdu Business Daily)