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Public bus in Schleswig-Holstein (symbolic image)

Photo: Joerg Boethling / IMAGO

A 19-year-old stole a bus in Schleswig-Holstein and went on a cross-country tour. According to the police, emergency services stopped the man allegedly under the influence of drugs on Sunday on a federal highway near Ratzeburg. Witnesses had previously alerted the police because the bus drove serpentine lines.

The 19-year-old was not in possession of a valid driver's license, police said. In addition, there were indications of drug use. The young man testified to the officials that he had discovered the bus the evening before in Bargteheide, more than 30 kilometers away, with an open door and found the ignition key inside. Accordingly, he first drove in the direction of Hamburg and parked the bus in the night to Sunday in the neighboring town of Ammersbek at a sports field.

On Sunday morning, according to his own statements, he drove the stolen vehicle in the opposite direction almost to Ratzeburg, where the police stopped him. According to officials, there were "significant traces of the accident" on the bus. The 19-year-old has to answer for theft, unauthorized use of a vehicle and driving under the influence of narcotics, among other things.
