Solène Delinger 11:01 am, July 17, 2023

Despite his illness, Florent Pagny is finally back on stage. The singer, who suffers from lung cancer, is touring festivals this summer. A challenge he set himself after obtaining the authorization of his doctors who imposed a very strict rule, as explained by a member of his team in the columns of the "Parisian" Sunday, July 16, 2023.

Florent Pagny is finally back! 18 months after announcing that he was suffering from lung cancer, the interpreter of Savoir aimer, who claims to feel much better, has found his way back to the stage. A musical comeback that could be realized under several conditions, as explained by a member of his team to Le Parisien Sunday, July 16, 2023. "His doctors had clear instructions: OK for the stage, but no scales, no meetings either backstage or with the fans. Festivals are warned," explained this close to Florent Pagny.

Florent Pagny must preserve himself

The former coach of The Voice must indeed preserve himself to be able to hold all summer. And, he himself had warned his public at the Arena of Nîmes last June. "On the last tour, I had a third half. But the doctors told me I could sing, but not overdo it. So please, don't wait for me after the concert." Florent Pagny is aware of this: he must not pull too much on the rope to last until the end of the summer. If he is much fitter than a few months ago, the singer still follows an extremely tiring treatment. "The tour is long — seventeen dates until September — the treatment continues, and he must preserve himself," said the member of his team.

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The interpreter of Chanter, who is about to release a brand new album of duets next September, relishes his return to an almost normal life as an artist. And, Florent Pagny has even rediscovered sensations of young first ... "I had never seen him so stressed," his friend told Le Parisien before adding: "But the first date reassured him about his state of form and his voice. He even found lows that he didn't have before." The public always responds to the call to encourage Florent Pagny, who received several standing ovations.