This year marks the 70th anniversary of the victory in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. In the second half of the year, there will be a number of large-scale film and television works with this theme to meet the audience. In terms of movies, there is "Volunteer Army: Heroic Attack" directed by Chen Kaige. In terms of TV series, there is "Shangganling" directed by Liu Weiqiang and starring Huang Xuan and Wang Lei; "Winter and the Lion" directed by Gao Xixi and adapted from Lan Xiaolong's novel of the same name, and "Scouting Heroes" directed by Zheng Xiaolong and An Zhanjun, starring Luo Jin and Ma Sichun.


"Volunteers: Heroic Attack": Set for National Day

"Volunteers: Heroic Attack" is directed by Chen Kaige, starring Xin Baiqing, Zhu Yilong, Zhang Zifeng and Chen Feiyu, starring Zhang Youhao, Ou Hao, Wei Chen, Yin Fang, Wei Daxun and so on. The film presents a panoramic presentation of the magnificent epic of the heroic sons and daughters who defended the motherland on all fronts on the first anniversary of the founding of New China and entered the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. It is reported that the film has been scheduled for National Day.

Chen Kaige said that the biggest feature of the film is a war epic film shot on a panoramic scale, including the game between major powers, the decision-making of the leadership, the heroic struggle of the volunteers and the support of the domestic people, etc., "The most important thing is that there are 'people' in this movie!" Battles are fought by people, and only with people can there be a guarantee of victory, which we particularly want to express. ”

The film will start shooting in the summer of 2022, and from the previously exposed trailer, you can see ice marches, wild forest ambushes, snow bombings... Diverse war scenes. Chen Kaige demanded that the soil quality and topography of the filming site should conform to historical facts and the logic of war. To this end, the crew competed with the "ground", built roads and bridges, dug pits and blasted them.

Chen Kaige revealed that "Volunteers: Heroic Attack" was filmed for more than 280 days, spanning all seasons, not only with wonderful war scenes, but also with delicate portrayals of characters, which is a film with "both culture and military". According to reports, the crew filmed the snowfield battlefield in the unattainable natural drifting snow, and left a shocking image of the volunteer army's ice march on the frozen reservoir.

TV series

"Scouting Heroes": A new perspective to shoot the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea

After more than 4 months of filming, "Scouting Heroes" was officially completed in Chengde City, Hebei Province on July 7, and is expected to meet the audience in October.

"Reconnaissance Heroes" is directed by Zheng Xiaolong and An Zhanjun, written by Liu Gejian, Cao Ping as the chief producer, and starring Luo Jin and Ma Sichun. The film selects the perspective as the special branch of the scout, focusing on reconnaissance, rescue, surprise attacks and other combat tasks, mainly tells the story of a reconnaissance unit of a division of the Chinese Volunteers, led by Liang Chen, chief of the reconnaissance section, under the leadership of Liang Chen, chief of the reconnaissance section, and successfully completed the arduous tasks assigned by its superiors many times.

"Reconnaissance Hero" is Ma Sichun's first interpretation of the image of a soldier, and he plays Wen Jie, a soldier of the literary team who devotes himself to the battlefield to resist US aggression and aid Korea with ideals. With a fluent English, after being injured, she transferred to work at the radio station of the enemy team, using radio propaganda to break the enemy's fighting spirit, and was the embodiment of the fearless and dangerous strength on the battlefield - this is also the first time that the enemy's engineering work is presented in domestic film and television dramas of the same theme.

In order to present the real scene of the battlefield of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the crew went deep into the mountainous area of Chengde, Hebei Province for real-life shooting; In order to reflect the combat ability of volunteer scouts to infiltrate reconnaissance across day and night, there are a large number of night scenes and exterior scenes in the storyline. The temperature in the mountainous area where the film was located was low, and the shooting scene at night was very cold, but all the cast and crew were very dedicated and did their best to complete the shooting requirements and tasks. In order to ensure the authenticity of the details, the crew invited military history consultants to check the script, and arranged three military directors to follow the group to strictly control the shooting details and content quality.

"Shangganling": Focuses on 43 days of fierce battle

The TV series "Shangganling" takes the 15th Company of the 45th Regiment of the 134th Division of the 8th Army as the main line and the commanders and fighters of the 12th Army as the secondary line, focusing on the 43-day fierce battle in Shangganling, telling the story of the Chinese Volunteers relying on the fortifications of the tunnels, fighting hard and extremely hard, and turning the tide of the Korean War. The play was completed on June 6 and is expected to be launched within this year.

This TV series is directed by Liu Weiqiang, who directed works such as "Army Building", "Chinese Captain" and "Chinese Doctor". Producer and chief producer Yu Dong said that director Liu Weiqiang has very rich experience and bold attempts on war-themed films, and has previously invited Director Liu to participate in the first phase of filming preparations for "Changjin Lake", and Director Liu has also done a lot of homework for this, but in the end unfortunately failed to cooperate due to the epidemic. "When Bona decided to start the filming of the drama "Shangganling", the first thing that came to my mind was director Liu Weiqiang, and I believe he can make this drama well."

In the play, Huang Xuan plays Duan Xianfeng, the soul character throughout the story, from a military staff officer to a company commander, who played an important role in the Battle of Shangganling. Wang Lei, who has won the Feitian Award and the Golden Eagle Award, played Qin Jiwei, commander of the 15th Army, Du Jiang played Li Desheng, deputy commander of the 12th Army, Yuan Wenkang played Feng Baisheng, commander of the 8th Company, Pan Binlong played the down-to-earth instructor Hu Mancang, and Feng Shaofeng played Mo Yuan, a negotiation translator with a refined temperament. In addition, Liu Haocun, Li Chen, Zhu Yawen, Ou Hao, Yin Xiaotian, Shi Xiaolong, etc. participated in the performance, and invited Tang Guoqiang, Lu Qi, Liu Jin, Zhou Xiaobin and other old drama bones to play Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Zhou Enlai, Peng Dehuai and other important historical figures.

Yu Dong introduced that the TV series "Shangganling" is characterized by "strong plot and fast pace", and there are more than 160 characters with names and surnames in the play.

"Winter and the Lion": Recreating the Battle of Changjin Lake

"Winter and Lion" unfolds against the background of the Battle of Changjin Lake in 1950, telling the story of the predecessor of the "Seventh Company of Steel" to resist US aggression and aid Korea. The hit movie "Changjin Lake" is adapted from the novel "Winter and the Lion", so many audiences are already familiar with this story. In the TV series, Du Chun will play Wu Qianli, and young actor Wang Ziqi will play Wu Wanli.

Text/Reporter Yang Wenjie Xiao Yang (Source: Beijing Youth Daily)