Carlos Alsina, in charge every morning of the Onda Cero program Más de uno, has won the XL edition of the Francisco Cerecedo Journalism Prize awarded by the Association of European Journalists.

The jury has highlighted "his lucid, rigorous and plural look at current affairs, with an outstanding mention to his talent as an interviewer". In addition, the jury notes "his acuity in political analysis has made him one of the most influential voices in contemporary Spanish journalism."

The jury has been chaired by the writer and journalist Marcos Giralt Torrente and integrated by Ángeles Blanco, editor and presenter of the weekend news of Tele 5; Diego Carcedo, president of the Association of European Journalists; Alejandra Clements, editor-in-chief of politics at La Razón; Montserrat Domínguez, content director of Cadena SER; Carlos Franganillo, director of TVE's Informativo 2; Marta García Aller, columnist for El Confidencial; Javier García Vila, director of Europa Press; Joaquín Manso, director of El Mundo; Álvaro Nieto, director of The Objective; Nativel Preciado, awarded with the Cerecedo in 1985; Karina Sainz Borgo, writer and journalist for ABC; Encarna Samitier, 20-minute director; Paul G. Tobin, Director of Communications at BBVA; Vicente Vallés, Director of the news program 2 of Antena 3; and Pilar Velasco, director of Demócrata and columnist for Infolibre. Miguel Ángel Aguilar, Secretary General of the APE, acted as secretary without vote.

"He is also an innovator in the creation and reinvention of radio formats, such as sound fictions and spaces for cultural dissemination. His gaze not only brings listeners closer to the Spanish reality, it is a window to Europe and the rest of the world," says the jury.

The Francisco Cerecedo Journalism Award is awarded annually by the Association of European Journalists under the sponsorship of BBVA. It is endowed with 24,000 euros and a medal designed by the sculptor Julio López Hernández.

King Felipe VI, Honorary President of the APE, will preside over the award ceremony on a date to be announced later.

Carlos Alsina joins a list of winners made up of Pilar Bonet, Anne Applebaum, Vicente Vallés, Javier Cercas, Rubén Amón, Florencio Domínguez or Claudio Magris, among many other prominent names

Carlos Alsina has been director of Más de uno since April 2015 and was previously in charge of La Brújula. He debuted on the radio in 1990, coinciding with the birth of Onda Cero, and was part of the first newsroom of the chain. After his time at Antena 3 Radio in 1993, where he was deputy director of the nightly news program Hora Cero, and Radio Voz, where he hosted the main morning program, he returned to Onda Cero as director of the morning show Al día.

Later, he took charge of the informative section of Protagonistas and magazines such as Hoy empieza todo or Esta boca es mía. In 2002 he assumed the direction of Noticias Mediodía, combining this task with the direction of the News.

In September 2005 he took charge of La Brújula and obtained for the program the best audience data in its history. Alsina is also in charge of special programs on the occasion of electoral appointments and major news events.

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