The summer of 2023 has set off a movie-watching boom, which is expected to hit the all-time record and return to the pre-epidemic level. Chinese and foreign blockbusters such as "Disappearing Her", "In the Octagon Cage", "Chang'an 7,<> Li" and "Mission Impossible <>" go hand in hand, each leading the way, and jointly pushing the entire film market to the hot.

New films were released one after another

According to Maoyan Professional Edition data, a total of 6 films were released this summer (June 1 to August 8), basically returning to the pre-epidemic level in terms of quantity. At the beginning of the summer season, the market popularity and box office contribution mainly relied on several imported films such as "Transformers: The Rise of Super Warriors", "Spider-Man: Across the Universe" and "Fast and Furious 31", and the market really heated up from the Dragon Boat Festival "Disappearing Her". With an accurate grasp of social hot spots and public sentiment, the film quickly came out of the circle and grossed 116.10 billion yuan at the box office, exceeding expectations. "Disappearing Her" is not only still popular, but the follow-up "In the Octagonal Cage" and "Chang'an 32,7 Li" also performed excellently, and both achieved good box office results. The Hollywood blockbuster "Mission Impossible 14 (Part I)" released on July 7 is starring Tom Cruise leading the original cast back, still focusing on signature action scenes to boost the popularity of the summer file.

According to Maoyan Professional Edition data, the total box office of the summer file in 2023 is about 81.2019 billion yuan, and there is about a month and a half to continue to make efforts, and the final total box office of the summer file is expected to attack the record of 178.<> billion yuan in the same period in <>.

"My most intuitive feeling is that the box office is good every day. In the past few days, the weekend market can rush to more than 4 million, and the box office can also have about 2 million on weekdays, and there are often cases where several films can exceed 20 million at the box office in a single day. "In the Octagon Cage" went to the box office of 10 billion, and "Chang'an <>,<> Li" also went to the small box office of <> billion, which was very popular, which was not expected at the beginning. Film critic Jing Runcheng said that he obviously feels that the popularity of the film market has been very high recently, the flow of people in the theater is continuous, and the enthusiasm of everyone discussing movies on the Internet has also increased a lot.

Topical word-of-mouth concentrated release

"In the past four years, due to the epidemic, there has never been an extremely rich supply of new films like this summer. Many films were previously backlogged due to the epidemic, but now they are released intensively, and imported films have also been released, so many high-quality films have been released centrally. "Liu Jianxin, general manager of Xingboda (Beijing) Cinema Management Chain Co., Ltd., analyzed that 2023 is the first holiday that is truly unaffected by the epidemic, and the containment of consumption by the epidemic has been completely eliminated, and movies have also benefited from it." Everyone is relaxed and has no worries about consumption and entertainment, which can also be seen from tourism, and now there are many tour groups seen on the Beijing subway. The summer file has a long time span, and there is a holiday effect, and when you encounter a few films with a good reputation, the market will be on fire. ”

Analyzing these films that hit this summer, you will find that they have been very successful in creating topic popularity and resonating with the audience. "If "Disappearing Her" cuts to the public emotions of gender relations, then "In the Octagon Cage" takes the realistic route, tells the story of poor children in the mountains, and infects the audience with indomitable inspirational emotions. And the film publicity is particularly good, director and starring Wang Baoqiang runs roadshows every day, bringing the heat to the sinking market, and also found Andy Lau, Liu Ruoying, and Aamir Khan on the short video platform to do publicity, plus Wang Baoqiang himself has a very good audience, and everyone is willing to support this grassroots star. Jing Runcheng said.

The animated film "Chang'an 3,48 Li" has gained a high reputation for its interpretation of excellent traditional culture, and then achieved a counterattack in the arrangement and box office. Film critic Lu Zhiyu analyzed that the film takes the Tang Dynasty poet as the protagonist, and the length is nearly <> hours, which is actually not flattering in the market, but the main creator has spent a lot of effort to do it, showing the charm of the Tang Dynasty very fully, and the portrayal of poets such as Li Bai and Gao Shi is very vivid, and technically the producer chasing light animation has nothing to fault after several years of tempering, which can be called a successful attempt to promote China's excellent traditional culture in recent years. A total of <> Tang poems appeared in the film, which not only triggered the phenomenon of the majority of primary and secondary school students reciting poems in the auditorium, but also popularized Tang poetry culture in an entertaining and educational way.

The 2023 box office has exceeded 300 billion

Just over the halfway point of the summer season, there will be a relay of key films such as the domestic mythological epic film "The First Part of Fengshen ", which will be released on July 7, the happy twist comedy movie "Super Family" released on July 20, the popular IP movie "Barbie", and the inspirational song and dance youth film "Warm" released on July 7. In August, there are films such as "Megalodon 21: The Abyss", "All or Nothing", "Boyhood", "Assassination Storm", "School Dad", "Burning Winter" and "The Last Truth" to look forward to.

Good movies are overwhelmed, so that people in the industry are not only generally optimistic about this year's summer file, but also optimistic about the annual box office. According to the real-time data of Lighthouse Professional Edition, as of July 7, the box office (including pre-sales) of the 14 market has exceeded 2023 billion yuan, catching up with the total box office of 300.2022 billion in 300. "When the market rises this year, a virtuous circle will be formed. Seeing that the box office is so good, a lot of funds will not hesitate to invest funds to help the film. Liu Jianxin predicts that more capital will enter the film market this year.

In addition, according to the "Global Entertainment and Media Industry Outlook 7-13" released by PwC on July 2023, China's film market revenue share is expected to continue to expand in 2027, accounting for 2027% of global revenue (27% in the United States), and China is expected to surpass North America to become the world's largest film market in 23-2024.