Guo Haiying

Recently, Waterdrop issued a statement saying that the company and its Waterdrop Chip have repeatedly encountered organized online trolls, and "these malicious incitement and slanderous remarks have affected the public's enthusiasm for helping disadvantaged groups." The statement said that Waterdrop Chip has never been profitable since its launch in July 2016, and there is still a considerable loss gap, and it will continue to improve around "true and transparent case information, safe and transparent capital destination, and reasonable and transparent platform rules".

According to media reports and evidence collected by Waterdrop, the company may have suffered a more serious "cyber troll" attack in the near future. An online article said, "Waterdrop Chip is crowdfunded and promoted in the name of public welfare, and the income is three or seven points." Patients waiting for life-saving money only take 30%, and the water drop chip platform actually takes 70%, and the dedication and love are harvested. "As a leading Internet serious illness help platform, if the water drop chip is really as the online article says, it is directly taken away from 70% of the life-saving money raised by the patient through the platform, which is simply an open fire to grab money."

According to reports, Waterdrop Chip initially insisted on "0 handling fee", and with the sharp rise in operating cost pressure, from April 2022, a fundraising service fee of 4% will be charged with reference to industry practice, and the service fee of a single fundraising project will be capped at 3,5000 yuan, while continuing to subsidize the loss gap through other businesses under the company. In this way, compared with the so-called "three or seven points" of the relevant online article, we can see how absurd the rumors and slander of the online troll army are.

Relevant enterprises, including platform enterprises, encounter organized and purposeful attacks by online trolls, and typical cases in this regard are not uncommon. Internet trolls do their utmost to slander and slander and spread rumors, which will not only interfere with the normal production and operation activities of enterprises, seriously damage the business reputation and social image of enterprises, but also destroy the business environment of relevant places and industries, and hinder the integrated development and high-quality development of the platform economy and the real economy. It is urgent to crack down on "cyber trolls" involving enterprises in accordance with laws and regulations in order to curb the growth and spread of online rumors, online violence, and online gray and black industries.

In recent years, relevant laws, regulations and policies have been promulgated successively, providing a strong guarantee for cracking down on enterprise-related "network trolls" in accordance with the law. On this basis, on April 4, the Supreme People's Procuratorate issued the "Opinions on Strengthening the Work of Procuratorial Organs on the Rule of Law on the Internet in the New Era", calling for increasing the punishment of crimes such as using the Internet to publish false information to slander the business reputation of enterprises, severely crack down on the crimes suspected of "online trolls" such as rumor-mongering and drainage, public opinion blackmail, brushing quantitative control evaluations, and paid deletion of posts, and coordinate to rectify prominent problems such as rumor-mongering, counterfeiting, and illegal profit-making by "self-media".

On June 6, the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, and the Ministry of Public Security issued the Guiding Opinions on Lawfully Punishing Online Violence Crimes, requiring that strict law enforcement and justice be adhered to, and that online violence and crimes should be seriously investigated in accordance with the law, and that the erroneous tendency of "the law does not blame the public" should be effectively corrected; It is necessary to focus on cracking down on malicious initiators and organizers, and severely punish those who organize "water armies" and "thugs" to commit illegal crimes of online violence.

On July 7, the Cyberspace Administration of China issued the Notice on Strengthening the Management of "Self-Media", requiring that "self-media" must not publish information out of thin air, take words out of context, or distort facts, and that all "self-media" that produce and publish rumors, speculate on social hot events, or publish and disseminate illegal and bad information in a matrix manner that has a bad impact will be closed, included in the platform blacklist account database, and reported to the internet information department.

Similar to the online trolls attacked by Waterdrop, which use the network to publish false information to slander the business reputation of enterprises, organize "trolls" and "thugs" to carry out online violent crimes, and publish and disseminate illegal and negative information to cause bad impact, etc., they are the targets of the above-mentioned special governance actions to be severely cracked down on and severely punished in accordance with law. Relevant enterprises should bravely take up legal weapons, resolutely fight against "cyber trolls attack", and use practical actions to strictly regulate operations, actively exercise rights, and protect rights and interests in accordance with the law, and make a contribution to punishing online violence and crimes in accordance with the law, creating a clean and positive online legal environment, and promoting high-quality economic and social development. (Source: Beijing Youth Daily)