【Commentary】In the summer, the "little fat dun" began to lose weight, and the obesity clinic of Nanjing Children's Hospital was crowded with small patients. Doctors remind that childhood obesity needs early intervention, but often when parents realize the problem, the child has reached puberty, and it is difficult to lose weight at this time. On July 7, a reporter from China News Service visited Nanjing Children's Hospital, where Li Xiaonan, chief physician of the hospital's child health care department, answered questions.


(The child) also has an advanced bone age, because he grows faster in front, and the percentage of body fat of a normal child, boys should be below 20%.

【During the same period】Li Xiaonan, chief physician of the Department of Child Health Care of Nanjing Children's Hospital

After the holiday, our outpatient clinic ushered in a wave of climax, most of these children are of school age, and some children who have entered adolescence, usually because of the tension of study, and rarely have time to come to the hospital, so the holiday hopes to let the doctor help reduce the child's weight at this stage.

【Commentary】Due to obesity and other reasons, many children's necks have developed black acanthosis. Li Xiaonan, chief physician of the Department of Child Health Care of Nanjing Children's Hospital, told reporters that high insulin levels will lead to such changes in the skin, and doctors recommend that parents intervene as soon as possible.

【During the same period】Li Xiaonan, chief physician of the Department of Child Health Care of Nanjing Children's Hospital

Obese children may have some metabolic disorders, including high blood lipids, high blood pressure, fatty liver, and some children do OGTT test, we will find that some children with severe obesity have hyperinsulinemia, and even some have impaired glucose tolerance, it can be said that most of these complications and metabolic disorders are associated with obesity.

【Commentary】The doctor introduced that the intervention of childhood obesity is first a comprehensive assessment, and then adjusts the child's lifestyle according to the assessment results, including personalized diet adjustment, exercise guidance and psychological support.

【During the same period】Li Xiaonan, chief physician of the Department of Child Health Care of Nanjing Children's Hospital

We will find that these obese children have a common feature, that is, appetite is particularly good, like to eat staple food, like to eat meat, do not like to eat vegetarian dishes, like to eat sweet drinks, sweet cakes, long-term excess energy, will lead to more and more fat accumulation in the body, for such children, his weight loss first of all from lifestyle management, change the past behavior of eating more and moving less.

Children and adolescents are in the growth and development period, weight control is very different from adults, can not blindly follow the popular light fasting, ketogenic weight loss method and other ways on the Internet, nor can they exercise blindly, so as not to cause sports injuries.

【During the same period】Nanjing citizen Ms. Gu

I brought my daughter here to hear the doctor's more professional advice and whether the balance of nutrition can be improved.

【During the same period】Li Xiaonan, chief physician of the Department of Child Health Care of Nanjing Children's Hospital

Some parents very much hope to be able to quickly (lose weight for children), like adults to use medicine, we say no, because children are in the growth and development period, diet to meet the normal growth and development needs of (the body), can not like adults to diet, do not eat (etc.) hunger therapy, are opposed. At the same time, parents should also set an example, do not lose weight (time), let the child eat less, change this lifestyle with the child, accompany the child to exercise, let the child lose weight in a good family atmosphere, and gradually restore his healthy weight.

Reporting by reporter Ge Yong from Nanjing, Jiangsu

Responsible Editor: [Lu Yan]