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In Florida, a police check has escalated. As the Orlando police announced, a motorist is said to have been stopped around two o'clock in the morning with drugs on board his car. Because he did not respond to the orders of the forces and suddenly made a "rapid movement, as if to reach for a weapon," it came to the shots, said the police chief of Orlando, Eric Smith, at a press conference.

Smith stressed that the crime scene is a hotspot for criminal activity, where many weapons have been confiscated in recent months. "I know that drugs were seen and the officers stopped the man and carried out an identity check," Smith continued.

No weapons with me

However, no weapon was found in the suspect's car. The controlled man was pronounced dead shortly after the shooting in a nearby hospital.

According to the police chief, the footage from the body cameras of the police officers in action was analyzed. The video will be released within the next 30 days, Smith said.

The policeman who allegedly fired the fatal shots was temporarily suspended from duty.
