Beijing, 7 Jul (Zhongxin Net) -- In the history of Tang Dynasty literature, there is a name that many people are familiar with: Liu Zongyuan. He is one of the "Eight Great Masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties", known as "Liu Hedong" and "Mr. Hedong", with extremely high literary achievements, and a song "Jiang Xue" is famous all over the world.

Chen Shangjun, dean of Fudan University's Ren Zhong College, explained that Liu Zongyuan's group of poets in the Middle and Tang Dynasties had a more obvious trend of individualization in their works, advocating that "everything can be included in poetry", with a very obvious creative style.

He said that Liu Zongyuan's poetry was well-known in the Tang Dynasty, but it was not very "fire"; Su Shi, a great literary scholar of the Song Dynasty, was not only a "fan" of Liu Zongyuan, but also had two extremely authoritative comments: "Hair fiber is in Jiangu, and sent to taste in indifference."

That is, extremely subtle and rich emotions, expressed in the most simple and quaint language, the deepest experience of life, written into peaceful and indifferent words, revealing the exquisite background of Liu Shi, is undoubtedly a confidant through time and space. With Su Shi's admiration, Liu Zongyuan's poetry became more and more famous.

Friendship between poets

There is the Tang generation, and the literary achievements of the two periods of the Sheng Tang and the Middle Tang are very high.

The style of Sheng Tang poetry actually expresses a kind of human love for nature, integrating personal emotions into the beautiful picture, and the aftertaste is timeless, which needs to be read slowly.

Liu Zongyuan's group of poets, on the other hand, has a more obvious trend of individualization in their works, breaking the gentle and generous poetry tradition since ancient China, advocating that "everything can be entered into poetry", with a very obvious creative style.

Yoo Jongwon has two good friends, one is Han Yu and the other is Liu Yuxi. According to Chen Shangjun's research, Liu Zongyuan and Han Yu probably formed a friendship when they were teenagers. Han Yue lived in Xuancheng for a long time in his early years, when Liu Zongyuan's father happened to be Xuancheng Ling.

The three people have different encounters, in the workplace, Han Yu's figure is softer than Liu Zongyuan, Liu Yuxi has a relatively strong personality, his likes and dislikes are very intense, and he is not ambitious in his early years, but the ending is not bad.

Liu Zongyuan did not have such good luck. When he died, he gave his anthology to Liu Yuxi to compile, and entrusted the future to Han Yu: that is, he hoped that Han Yu would write an epitaph for himself and summarize his life.

In the book "The Tang Dynasty Poets I Know", Chen Shangjun puts forward the idea that Liu Zongyuan and Han Yu have different opinions on many aspects, and friendship remains unchanged for life. It is a pity that the two wrote poems so well that they were curious and skillful, never connected sentences, and rarely sang harmony.

The esteem of literary heroes "fans"

Liu Zongyuan's poetry, prose, diction, etc. were all well written, but in the Tang Dynasty, he may not have been a famous poet at that time. Until the Song Dynasty, the great writer Su Shi appeared. His admiration for Liu Zongyuan influenced many people.

Chen Shangjun also holds a view, "Liu Zongyuan's poetry was not so 'fire' in the Tang Dynasty, and it was particularly famous after the Song Dynasty." One of these people played a key role, that is, Su Shi. He is a fan of Yanagi Sogen and a confidant who travels through time and space. ”

Su Shi liked Liu Zongyuan's poetry very much, and commented on his works by "hair fiber in Jiangu, sent to taste in indifference". He believes that "those who are expensive and dry talk are said to be withered on the outside and anointed in the middle, as if they are light and beautiful, and the profound and thick are also." ”

That is to say, in Su Shi's eyes, Liu Zongyuan's poems express the strongest charm in light words, which may be relatively peaceful in form, but in fact they have rich connotations. From a literary point of view, this is a high rating.

In stark contrast is Su Shi's evaluation of Mengjiao's poetry. Su Shi believes that reading Meng Jiao's poem, "At the beginning, like eating small fish, the income is not paid." It is also like boiling a cockroach, but it holds the empty claw every day", which seems to be somewhat tasteless.

The reason, Chen Shangjun said, is that Su Shi, like Liu Zongyuan, has had the same experience of being degraded, and when life encounters are similar, he is more likely to resonate with his poetry.

Write down famous passages through the ages

Although he came from a good background and hoped that he could do something, Liu Zongyuan's career was not very satisfactory, and he was belittled many times. While in Yongzhou, he wrote many articles, including the famous ancient "Jiang Xue".

Chen Shangjun read Liu Zongyuan's poems very early. He believes that "Jiang Xue" is a freehand poem, and the description is not necessarily the scene of reality. Liu Zongyuan imagined a cold and freezing environment, the weather is bad, but the fisherman always fishes here, in fact, he pinned on his life feelings that transcended the world.

In another song "The Fisherman", Liu Zongyuan expresses another detached state of mind, in the mesmerizing morning scenery of the landscape, the fisherman shakes the boat out, looks back at the place where he stayed last night, transcends the distant view, is not restrained, and the mind is suddenly relaxed.

What is embarrassing is that Liu Zongyuan has experienced the trough of life several times, but it seems that he has never really let go, and passed away at the age of 47. Chen Shangjun said that such an early death had a lot to do with Liu Zongyuan's bad mood.

But from another point of view, the experience of traveling to various places provides more possibilities for Liu Zongyuan's creation. After being demoted, he wrote many articles, such as seeing the local landscape and beauty in Yongzhou, and then wrote the "Eight Records of Yongzhou", which was passed down to the world.

"Whether a person is complete and happy in this life is related to personal encounters, personal feelings and cognition." Chen Shangjun believes that in literature, Liu Zongyuan is indeed a well-deserved master. (End)