Ulanqab, 7 July -- One person and one vehicle guarding one side Rescuers walking on the Sino-Mongolian border highway

Author: Ollan

When driving on a deserted road for a long time, the car suddenly "breaks down", if you can successfully contact road assistance, then the panic can be calmed down.

On the border national highway G331, known by netizens as the "king of China's northern highways", there is such a road rescue guardian. He is a herdsman of Wang Qi, the fourth son of Ulanqab City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, and Gang Baolida.

Steel Baolida has a hearty personality, a big voice, and loves to laugh, and has been tanned by perennial outdoor work. Last week, he received an average of 2-3 rescue calls a day, the longest of which was more than <> kilometers away.

The picture shows the mobile tire repair car of Steel Baolistra. Photo by Ao Lan

The border national highway G331 has a total length of more than 9000,180 kilometers. Among them, the section from Erennuer Sumu to Mandura Town in Baotou City is <> kilometers long from the Sunit Right Banner of the Xilin Gol League in Inner Mongolia to Mandura Town in Baotou City, which is built along the border between China and Mongolia, and the Gobi grassland is almost uninhabited as far as the eye can see. But at every distance you can see the roadside assistance sign, and the phone is from Steel Polyrex.

(Data map) The picture shows Steel Baoliks carrying out roadside assistance at night. Photo courtesy of Steel Polyrex

In 2021, Gangbaolida left the town of Wulanhua, the fourth son Wang Qi, who had been working hard for many years, returned to his hometown of Sumuweijing Gacha on the riverbank to graze cattle, and opened a car repair shop on his own pasture. In the same year, he put up a roadside assistance sign on the G331.

Steel Baolida told reporters that the local auto repair shop does not provide "door-to-door service", and those who can provide road assistance are tens of kilometers or hundreds of kilometers away. "I am familiar with the terrain and have good repair skills. Home is only a few kilometers away from G331, so it's too appropriate to do this. ”

Steel Baoliks bought a used pickup truck and converted it into a mobile tire repair truck. The back seat and cargo box were piled with tools such as tire repair machines, air pump generators, jacks and more.

The picture shows the carriage of the mobile tire repair truck full of tools and equipment. Photo by Ao Lan

Roadside assistance is much more dangerous than repairing a car in a repair shop. Needless to say, outdoor harsh working environments such as sand, dust, high temperature, and night, when repairing the car, the car will always be shaken by the passing vehicles. When repairing, it is often necessary to drill under the car, and the load-bearing can only rely on the jack. Many times the rescue is at night, and the risk factor is higher.

As the temperature rises, roadside assistance has ushered in a small peak these days. The surface temperature is high, and large trucks are prone to problems such as flat tires and inability to start due to high temperature; Trucks carrying livestock and pulling grass for herders also break down halfway; No oil, short circuits in wires, leaks of antifreeze ... There are also many problems with private cars.

(Infographic) The picture shows Gangbaolik Reta in roadside assistance. Photo courtesy of Steel Polyrex

Two days ago, a grass puller had a flat tire, and Steel Baolida received a call at 3 p.m., and it was already past 11 p.m. after the busy work. "This year's drought, herders are waiting for pasture to feed their livestock. You can't delay for a moment. ”

Because of the long distance and complicated situation, the rescue time often takes several hours or even ten hours, and he has long been accustomed to bringing himself water and food when he goes out.

Every time the car is repaired, Gangbaolida must also move all the waste and garbage to the car and confirm that there are no safety hazards on the road before leaving. When he sees garbage on the road, he also has to get out of the car to clean it up. "There are very few people living near this road, and we need to maintain road safety and protect the local ecology."

(Infographic) shows that after the implementation of roadside assistance, mobile tire repair trucks are filled with garbage and waste products. Photo courtesy of Steel Polyrex

In addition to daily roadside assistance and grazing, Gangbaolida also organized 5 herdsmen to set up a volunteer service team. These days, service teams pick up trash on G331 highway. Every time you make a sortie, you must always "return with a full load".

Because of its warm-heartedness and excellent technology, Gangbaolik is well-known in the local area. From high-voltage electricity problems, agricultural machinery failures, to rice cookers not working, doors and windows not closing, herders will call Gangbaolida for help.

The picture shows Steel Baolida calling at home to contact auto repair parts. Photo by Ao Lan

In the more than two years since the rescue, Steel Baolida has also had troubles. Second-hand tire repair cars are now broken on the road from time to time due to their age, which is very delayed. But the new car costs more than 7,<>, and he can't scrape together so much money. "This year's drought, the money I earn has to buy grass to feed the sheep, and life is a bit tight."

"I grew up on this land. I can't do without here, and I want more people to like it. "The story of 3000,<> orphans entering Inner Mongolia has touched many people. Gangbaolida's parents are both "children of the country" in the story, and when they grow up, they choose to stay in Inner Mongolia and become herders in the border area. Steel Baolida said that he also wants to stay on this grassland like his parents. (End)