Palestinian writer and political analyst Nawaf al-Amer said that the Israeli occupation always relies on the positions of successive US administrations to provide political and diplomatic cover for its successive crimes against the Palestinian people, the latest of which is the military operation it has been carrying out in Jenin and its camp in the West Bank since dawn on Monday.

Speaking to the episode of the program "Beyond the News" (2023/7/3), he noted what Hebrew Radio reported that the news presenter on the American network "CNN" used terms that he was asked to adopt that what is happening in Jenin is just a military activity and not an invasion or aggression, which reveals the American cover for Israel's violations and attacks on Palestinians in Jenin.

This comes against the backdrop of what Israeli media reported that its Defense Minister Yoav Galant met with US Ambassador to Israel Thomas Nides, and briefed him on the progress of the ongoing Israeli military operation in the Jenin camp, adding that this operation was planned a year ago and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu agreed to implement it 10 days ago.

According to Israeli media, the Americans were informed of the military operation - which is still ongoing in Jenin and has caused 10 Palestinian deaths and dozens of injuries as of this evening - at the highest level without specifying a date, while Netanyahu expressed in a televised speech that coincided with the episode behind the news his gratitude for the continued American support for Israel.

Old Support

Speaking beyond the news, Al-Amer pointed out that the costs of US support for the occupation from 1948 until the middle of last year exceeded $ 130 billion, and that Washington was the most major country in using the veto power in the Security Council, as it used it 83 times, half of which was against the Palestinian cause.

He believed that there is no difference in expressing absolute support for the Israeli occupation between Republicans and Democrats, and that despite the declared differences between Netanyahu and the administration of Democratic US President Joe Biden, this does not limit this support, as these positions are governed by various state institutions.

He argued that Israel has not faced any international pressure so far in the face of its ongoing military operation in Jenin, and that the US administration prefers that the operation be carried out quickly without extending to the rest of the West Bank, or exceeding it geographically to farther areas such as the Gaza Strip.

In this context, the Palestinian presidency said that it decided to stop all contacts and meetings with the Israeli side and continue to stop security coordination, as well as decided to "legalize the relationship with the US administration," calling on the International Criminal Court to expedite the decision on cases referred to it.

Meanwhile, the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) said that the American talk of supporting the "Zionist aggression" on the Jenin camp "represents aggression against our people and the participation of the occupation in its war," noting that the American position in support of the aggression on Jenin "is an encouragement for the occupation to escalate its violations against everything that is Palestinian."

Strong relationships

Dr. Edward Joseph, professor of international relations at Johns Hopkins University, said that the Israeli side, by trying to emphasize that it informed Washington of the process and its details, would like to put the matter in the context of the strong relations between the two countries, and that it has American support.

But he stressed in his speech behind the news that the Biden administration is doing everything it can do, in order for such operations to take place with the least possible losses from both sides, as it does not want escalation and confrontations, considering that the indicators on the ground indicate that Israel is trying to complete its operation quickly.

He added that so far there is no confirmation that the United States approved the operation, and that if it gives that approval, it is linked to the arrival of a perception of the operation, clarifying its nature and what will be used in it, stressing his conviction that the United States will not agree unless it feels through this information that it received, that the operation is justified, such as targeting weapons manufacturing facilities for "terrorist organizations."

In response to a question about the lack of any move by Washington to end the operation, Joseph recalled a statement by the Islamic Jihad movement, in which it talked about its action if the Israeli operation does not stop, considering its lack of quick response reflects an admission that the operation is justified, but must be ended quickly.