Beijing, July 7 (Zhongxin Net) -- A few days ago, the fantasy-themed drama "Snow Eagle Lord" adapted from the novel of the same name is coming to an end. "Kong Youyue", who has a bumpy life and is soft on the outside and rigid on the inside, made many audiences shine, and Lu Tingyu, who played "Kong Youyue", also showed everyone more possibilities as an actor.

"Snow Eagle Lord" stills

Heaven's chosen "rich girl" Kong Youyue

"Snow Eagle Lord" tells the story of Dongbo Xueying, a young man with ancient blood, Yu Jingqiu, a woman descendant of the Divine Clan, Kong Youyue, a generation of "rich girls" and others, who overcome difficulties all the way to protect the peace of the Three Realms.

In the protagonist group, Kong Youyue was an innocent and carefree "chosen rich girl" in the early stage, and after the family encountered changes in the later stage, she gradually transformed into a tough girl with the responsibility of defending the way of eliminating demons.

"Kong Youyue was a character with little social experience in the early stage. Their family is a large Kong family doing business. If she wants to inherit the family business and do business, she has the ability to settle accounts, she is first and foremost smart in this regard, and I think she is a chosen 'wealth' woman. Lu Tingyu said: "In this story, she and her friends are in a team combat relationship. ”

"Snow Eagle Lord" stills

In Lu Tingyu's view, "Kong Youyue" is a character who bravely pursues love and has a bumpy life. In "Snow Eagle Lord", Kong Youyue secretly promised Dongbo Xueying, but unfortunately, Dongbo Xueying had already liked Yu Jingqiu, and Kong Youyue finally chose to complete. With the development of the plot, Kong Youyue's father and younger brother were killed by the demon clan, but she discovered more conspiracies with a deep blood hatred...

To be fair, "Kong Youyue" is far away from Lu Tingyu herself. However, the performance pursues not the true color of acting, but by reading the background color of the character, understanding the behavior of the character to substitute for himself, experience the joy, anger and sorrow of the character, and achieve the resonance of the soul and even empathy. As Lu Tingyu said: "Try to perfect this character, the fuller the character, the deeper my feelings for the character." Convince yourself that you understand her love! ”

"When I was playing Kong Youyue, I often felt sorry for her. I want to give her the word 'repentance'. I sometimes wonder, why did her life become like this? Lu Tingyu couldn't help but empathize with this role: "In her life, there is a small love of a person and a great love for the whole world. If I were her, I would actually regret it. ”

Kong Youyue's "repentance", the audience has their own understanding. But what everyone agrees is that as the plot develops, the tone of the story changes from cheerful to heavy, and an eccentric girl gradually becomes preoccupied. Fortunately, Lu Tingyu said with a smile that the main creators' mode of getting along was very pleasant from beginning to end, and the sweetness outside the play made up for the bitterness in the play.

"Snow Eagle Lord" crew finishing photo

"Our crew is mainly happy. Because we often had dinner together, it was winter, and I remember we had a few festivals together. Anyway, during the festival, everyone eats together, and they have bought cakes or something, so they feel very happy. ”

Partnering with Gu Li Naza and Xu Kai for the first time, Lu Tingyu had a different impression of them: "Because I haven't been in contact with them before, my impression of them is that they are handsome guys and beauties, and after contacting me, I found that everyone has a very lively and happy side." Everyone will chat on the set, which will be a little more funny than expected. ”

"We are often quite happy, and when everyone laughs wildly together, Brother Xu Kai will pat his thighs. He slapped his thighs because he was about to enter the play and he couldn't laugh anymore. He is quite lively, the people are very good, everyone is very good! ”

First appearance in a fairy tale drama Pass the difficult pass

"Snow Eagle Lord" is not Lu Tingyu's first time playing this type of drama, and she also has a good performance in the fairy drama "Hua Rong" that just ended some time ago.

"A naïve, simple and honest little cook lady who was forced to grow up." Lu Tingyu used three words to outline the background of the character of the Middle Eastern chef Yier in "Hua Rong".

"I'm a little bit like Yi'er, I'm also a foodie. It's not quite like it in other ways, because Yi'er is very lively and jumpy, bouncing here and there, but I myself am actually a bit of an introvert. ”

A still from "Hua Rong". Photo courtesy of interviewee

"This play is my first fairy drama, and I haven't made a fairy drama before. So before filming this show, I made some preparations. Lu Tingyu revealed that she prepared a rich and detailed character biography for Yi'er: "First, enrich her from imagination, and then let yourself understand her." Yi'er's growth line may not be obvious in the play, and I myself will make up for the character's brain. ”

"Usually before I start shooting, I think about things that are not in the script. For example, adding her upbringing to the character makes it easier for me to understand the role. ”

Lu Tingyu said with a smile that in addition to understanding the role, what she will do in each play is to control her weight, especially the fairy drama based on "fairy qi fluttering", and it requires the actor's posture to be "light and flowing".

"Because it's so hot in summer, I always want to eat, Hengdian is at least 36 degrees in summer, and I wear a lot, especially when we shoot 12 to 13 hours a day, and we can't keep up without physical strength." There is no way, I get fat while eating, so I was losing weight for a month before filming. ”

A still from "Hua Rong". Photo courtesy of interviewee

Lu Tingyu shared her weight loss tips: "Eating two kiwis a day can control weight, and also supplement vitamins, which works well for me and can be recommended to everyone." ”

Appearing in a fairy tale drama for the first time, Lu Tingyu's challenges are more than that. "The biggest challenge was the emotional drama part, because I hadn't acted in a very strong emotional drama before. And other themes do not need a green screen, and probably the entire plot of the demon world and the heavenly world in our play is filmed in the studio, surrounded by blue and blue, and nothing can be seen, all rely on imagination. ”

This time of updating her performance experience and trying to accumulate energy is very meaningful to Lu Tingyu. "East Chef Si Mei Yier" let more audiences know her, and also gave her a deeper understanding of her identity as an actor.

"Before "Hua Rong", I didn't shoot any longer scenes, and this is the first time I have received more guidance from the director. When the film is finished, the director will tell me about the play, and I will feel that I have improved. ”

As an actor, I can't just be "Lu Tingyu"

It is not difficult to find that Lu Tingyu's personality is similar to "Yi'er" directness and sincerity: "When I used to stay by myself, I liked to watch anime, read novels, and sometimes play games. But I haven't played a game in three months recently. ”

She has been debuting for many years, and now she has just stepped into the entertainment industry: "Before this, I had no concept of makeup. You put on whatever makeup you put on me, whatever hair you get me, and now I know what suits me better. ”

"In the process of following the drama with everyone, I will also pay attention to some comments on Weibo. I also heard some suggestions from friends and staff around me. ”

Speaking of external evaluation, Lu Tingyu said bluntly: "Because I need encouragement, I will be grateful to hear positive comments." I feel sad to hear negative reviews, but not for the evaluation itself, but for not doing a good job. I will remind myself that next time I must pay attention, to improve, to improve. ”

Not only that, compared to the controversy she received, Lu Tingyu pinched a sweat for fans: "I will also worry about people who like me." Because I face negative evaluations, I will try to improve and strive for recognition. But I'm worried that people who like me will not be hurt when they see these negative reviews. ”

Lu Tingyu's personal photo. Photo courtesy of interviewee

Worrying about being ashamed of fans and choosing to work hard is also one of the driving forces for Lu Tingyu to move forward. As for her acting path, she also has a sincere attitude: "I really like this career, I like it from the bottom of my heart." In the process of persistence, you will also encounter a lot of setbacks, and you will accumulate sadness and disappointment, but because of love, you will still choose to persevere. ”

Finally, she made a simple and simple wish with a smile: "I want to play more roles, I hope to try more different types of roles, I love acting." Because every time I play a role, I feel like I can experience a new life. ”

"If I only be myself and be 'Lu Tingyu', maybe I won't have so much experience in my life." (End)