Amelina was one of Ukraine's most celebrated young writers. She began documenting war crimes after Russia's 2022 invasion.

Last year, she unearthed the diary of children's author Volodymyr Vakulenko, who was kidnapped and killed by Russian troops in the city of Izyum shortly after the invasion.

Victoria Amelina made her debut in 2015 with the book "The fall syndrome: about homo compatiens" which is about the protests at Maidan in 2014.

Several children are reported to have died

She was a member of PEN International. In 2018, she attended the 84th World PEN Congress in India as a delegate from Ukraine and gave a speech about Ukrainian political prisoner Oleg Sentsov in Russia.

Amelina also founded the New York Literature Festival in the Donetsk region, eastern Ukraine.

At least 13 people, including several children, were killed in the attack. At least 60 were injured, according to Ukrainian authorities.