Physiological changes, the rush of hormones, and eating for two in pregnancy affect soon-to-be mommies differently. However, what’s certain is that their bodies will never be the same, which usually tones down physical activities.

While pregnant women suffer from several physical limitations, they still need money, especially now that they must start spending for two (or more if twins). The good news is that they don’t have to stay working 9-5 just to keep their finances afloat. 

Here are pregnant-friendly business ideas to try right from the comfort of your home.  

Be A Freelancer

It’ll be rewarding for pregnant women to pick a niche market in the freelance world due to its current increasing demand. This work setup provides autonomy over work, flexibility, and remote work. On top of all, it pays well. 

Take time to determine your forte and ensure you’ll enjoy it the most. For example, if digital marketing is your strong suit, you can offer your skills to several social media influencers or companies full-time or in exchange for some commissions. 

Home-based independent work is another typical yet richly rewarding freelance job for pregnant women. Take search engine optimization (SEO) copywriters as an example. With several websites cropping up in a day, the need for SEO articles to increase traffic is about in an all-time large. 


Babysitting is a good way to prepare yourself how to be the perfect mommy for your baby and, at the same time, earn money. Like freelance work, it’s very flexible and pays well, around $10–$25 per hour, depending on location and the clients.

For first-time babysitters, here are some tips to ensure the family will ask for your service again: 

  1. Leave the house clean;
  2. Be affectionate yet firm with kids;
  3. Be creative for kids to have fun; and 
  4. Stay respectful. 

Leaving a good impression on the family who you’re working with isn’t only so you can get asked to return. It’s another way to broaden your network. If the current family likes your service, they may recommend you to the people they know.

Housesitting is another excellent option! It’s similar to a staycation with a few important chores to do. These include taking care of your client’s pets, checking their mail, and watering their plants. The pay is also great, usually around $25–$45 daily. 

Develop Baby Products and Services 

Another way to earn money and improve yourself as an expecting mom is to run a baby product development business. Tap into your current or previous pregnancy to brainstorm things you want to improve in this market. 

For example, you may want to make more natural and safer baby products. Another is to develop products that can make a pregnant or nursing mom’s life so much easier. You may also reproduce long-stand baby products, making them more cost-effective yet safe.

Launching a baby product development business requires huge capital. Without enough funds, you may likely take out loans. However, being in debt isn’t always bad. Regardless of your condition,  you can always overcome it with sound business strategies. 

If you can’t generate a sound business foundation and define your business model and value proposition, it’s best to take your time and focus on giving birth and recovery first. Don’t be hasty, and make sure to make informed decisions. 

Offer Personal Skills Development Service

If you’re a pregnant woman juggling one task with another, you most likely have extensive personal skills. These may include managing your family’s personal schedules, doing household chores such as cleaning and cooking, and running errands. 

These self-taught skills can be leveraged to start a skill development business, which usually doesn’t require a lot of money. All you have to do is list all the development services you can offer or teach others. Post them on a website or social media platform. 

Then, start networking and set a target audience. For example, reach out to other pregnant women, parents, or guardians who hire nannies but also want their kids to learn those essential life skills that aren’t usually taught in schools. 

Provide Information Services and Online Courses

Another capital-free to low-cost business is offering information and educational services. This is recommended for pregnant women who are knowledgeable on certain topics and have teaching experiences. 

For example, you can be a content creator and post informational resource blogs or videos on social media platforms. Say, if you post them on YouTube, you’ll likely earn around $0.018 per view or $18 for every 1,000 views. 

If you’re adept at and passionate about specific learning areas but don’t have a full-blown career to be credible, you still have options. For example, consider signing up for a massive online education community or information-sharing sites. They usually take a small percentage of your profits on their platforms. 

Final Thoughts

Gone are the days when pregnancy was a hindrance to earning money. Nowadays, there are a plethora of side gigs to take advantage of, regardless of your physical condition. That’s why don’t hesitate and do your research. Eventually, you can find the perfect business idea that suits your interests and your pregnancy.