Julien Moreau / Photo credits: Frédéric Cirou / AltoPress / PhotoAlto via AFP 17:54 pm, May 04, 2023

According to a popular myth, it would be enough to simply do a lot of sports to have a flat stomach. William Berrebi, author of the book "Mission Ventre plat", delivers during the show "Bienfait pour vous", advice to achieve it without necessarily becoming a regular in the weight room.

Having a flat stomach, everyone's dream, especially when summer is getting closer. To lose weight, the first reflex to adopt is the practice of sport. It is not necessary to do it intensively: indeed, walking can push your body to burn calories and convert carbohydrates, fats and proteins into energy. Walking after the meal also stimulates the muscles, the intestine and allows the stool to be conveyed in a more efficient way.

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Taking specific strains

Of course, sport is not the only solution to lose belly. Bloating, food intolerance, irritable bowel syndrome: the causes of a swollen belly are multiple, and often related to diet, microbiotic health and muscle tone. Dr. William Berrebi, author of the book Mission Flat Belly, reveals during the show Bienfait pour vous, tips for having a flat stomach.

The doctor advises at first to take specific strains such as probiotics in capsules. The Hafnia Alvei 4597 strain is highly recommended by physician William Berrebi. These are capsules that make you lose weight, provided you take them for 12 weeks to be able to evaluate the results. "We lose weight after 12 weeks, on average, patients lose 5 to 6 kilos," explains the doctor at the microphone of Europe 1.

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Change your diet

William Berrebi recommends that his patients change their diet. "I recommend the holistic method. On the side, you have to eat a lot of fiber, vegetables, legumes, whole grains and ban ultra-processed foods. I also advise you to take probiotics. You will feel satiety, you will not even want to use sugar excessively, "says William Berrebi during the show Bienfait pour vous.

Respect a three-hour deadline without eating between dinner and bedtime

To avoid being bloated, you should also avoid greasy things, such as frying, dishes in sauce, alcohol, and then respect a three-hour period without eating between dinner and bedtime. This delay will allow the work of digestion to be done. That's why you will ferment less, so have less bloating.

No more than two glasses of water during the meal

William Berrebi's last piece of advice, and perhaps the most surprising, is the need to drink no more than two glasses of water during the meal. "Water is two glasses maximum, contrary to what we can sometimes read, since it dilutes digestive enzymes and prevents the work of digestion," concludes the doctor.