In an interview with, Galina Kozlova remembered the Orenburg woman as a very well-mannered, tactful and intelligent girl.

According to her, Anna has been working at a local modeling agency since she was 16 years old.

“When Anya was in the tenth grade, my mother came to me alarmed - my daughter was invited to China to work, to shoot, what should I do?

Of course, it’s scary to let a child go alone to an unfamiliar country, and even the graduating class is ahead.

But we thought that suddenly it was fate.

Why prevent a girl from developing and moving towards her goal?

the teacher remembered.

A few months later, Anna returned from China and successfully passed the exam.

“She always studied well, thoughtfully, consciously.

We are not surprised that she conquered the jury of the All-Russian competition precisely with her erudition and erudition.

I coped well with mathematics and read a lot, ”shared Galina Ivanovna.

Earlier it was reported that the status of "Miss Russia - 2022" was received by a native of Orenburg Anna Linnikova, in total 25 girls went to the final of the competition.