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Sebastião Salgado, photographer of the most beautiful water

Portrait of the Brazilian photographer Sebastião Salgado who presents his exhibition "Aqua Mater to visit at the monumental bamboo pavilion designed by the Colombian architect Simon Velez installed on the forecourt of Paris La Defense. © Renato Amoroso

By: Jean-François Cadet Follow

2 mins

Sebastião Salgado presents an exhibition entitled “Aqua Mater”.

Presented on the forecourt of Paris-La Défense in a monumental bamboo pavilion designed by the Colombian architect Simon Velez, the Brazilian photographer questions through a series of black and white shots the state of the planet. and on the fragility of an essential resource for the planet: water.


Today, 1 in 3 people – in other words more than 2 billion human beings – do not have access to safe water, and by 2050 the consumption of fresh water could increase by 50%.

Undoubtedly, water is the most important common good of humanity, it is also undoubtedly the most threatened.

It is from this reflection and concerns about the state of the planet that the exhibition that

Sebastião Salgado

comes to present to us today was conceived.

World star of black and white photography, the Brazilian photographer - member of the Academy of Fine Arts - presents - in the wake of World Water Day - 42 photographs that bear witness to the beauty of water, the fragility of the resource also all around the planet.

A strong exhibition, which combines photography, architecture and music, and which constitutes a true manifesto for the planet.

The "Aqua Mater" exhibition is to be discovered on the forecourt of Paris-La Défense from this Friday, April 1 and until September 22.


 For a little over a month now, with the start of the war in Ukraine, a subject has moved to the background of the news: the dramas that are being played out in the Mediterranean, for those who decide to cross it at risk of their lives, often going through the hell of the Libyan camps.

The theater of Aubervilliers, in the Paris region, is currently hosting a documentary piece devoted to the subject.

Its title: "In real life", 

Fanny Bleichner

went to see her for VMDN.


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